UTI with Antibiotic Sensitivity Makayla Henderson shadow health Transcript

UTI with Antibiotic Sensitivity Makayla Henderson shadow health Transcript

Started: Mar 30, 2020 | Total Time:66 min

Hi Miss Henderson, My name is danielle, I will be your provider today


03/30/20 9:47 PM CDT


What brings you in today?


03/30/20 9:47 PM CDT

I’ve had to pee a lot lately. It burns when I pee, and it looks weird. I thought it would go away on its own, but it hasn’t. So I was like, fine, I need to see someone. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

I’m sorry that you’re experiencing pain and burning during urination. I’ll try to find a medication that will help alleviate these symptoms.


03/30/20 9:49 PM CDT


How long have you had these symptoms?


03/30/20 9:50 PM CDT

Three days ago, I started feeling pretty bad. I kept having to pee, and each time I did, it burned. It was gross, too. The pee looked different. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

any other symptoms?


03/30/20 9:51 PM CDT

Other than the pain and burning, I have a little bit of cramping in my lower abdomen. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

where is the pain?


03/30/20 9:52 PM CDT

It hurts the most when I pee, right where it comes out. It’s this burning, stinging feeling.

do the urine have an odor?


03/30/20 9:52 PM CDT

It smells really strong. It’s basically rank. It’s also, like, dark . . . cloudy.

how bad does it hurt (Clarified to How painful is urinating?.)


03/30/20 9:53 PM CDT

It burns every time I pee and I am really not OK with how much pain I’m in. I’d call it a 7 out of 10. (Clarified to how painful urinating is.)

any factors that make it worse? (Clarified to What aggravates the pain?.)


03/30/20 9:54 PM CDT

Well, it burns every time I pee, so peeing makes the pain worse, I guess. (Clarified to what makes my pain worse.)

what do you do to relieve the pain?


03/30/20 9:54 PM CDT

Since it only burns and stings when I pee, I thought maybe it would hurt less if I didn’t pee so much. I tried drinking less water, but I’m not sure how much good it’s doing.

I know that you tried to alleviate your symptoms by not drinking fluids; you should try to stay hydrated by drinking more water and avoiding drinks that irritate the bladder such as soda coffee or alcohol


03/30/20 9:59 PM CDT

Yeah, OK.

When was the last date of intercourse (Clarified to When did you last have sex?.)


03/30/20 10:03 PM CDT

I had sex with this guy like four days ago. We’ve had a pretty regular thing for a couple of months. (Clarified to when my last sexual encounter was.)

do you urinate after sex?


03/30/20 10:03 PM CDT

Oh . . . I guess I didn’t know you were supposed to.

Urinating after sex helps lower the risk of UTIs by clearing the urinary tract of any bacteria. Making this a regular habit might decrease your chances of getting a UTI again in the future


03/30/20 10:05 PM CDT

Hm. Alright.

Any past medical condition?


03/30/20 10:07 PM CDT

Besides what I’m here for now, I’m pretty healthy, honestly.

do you have any allergies?


03/30/20 10:08 PM CDT

I have seasonal allergies in spring and summer. I don’t know to what exactly, but my eyes itch, my throat gets scratchy, I get a stuffy nose, and all that fun stuff.

do you take any for you allergies?


03/30/20 10:08 PM CDT

I just take these antihistamines ahead of time so I don’t get symptoms. It’s loratadine.

what dosage do you take? (Clarified to How much loratadine do you use at once?.)


03/30/20 10:09 PM CDT

It’s a pill that’s 10 milligrams a day. (Clarified to what dosage the loratadine is.)

do you miss doses


03/30/20 10:09 PM CDT

I never miss doses. I just take all my pills in the morning together, and they’re all once a day, so it’s easy. And with my birth control, I can track it with the click pack.

do you take any other medications


03/30/20 10:10 PM CDT

I don’t know if it qualifies as medication, but I took some cranberry supplements cause apparently they help with UTIs, which I figured I had when my pee started burning.

do you cranberry pills help (Clarified to Are the cranberry pills effective?.)


03/30/20 10:10 PM CDT

I don’t know . . . I’ve heard you’re supposed to take them for UTIs, but it’s been three days and nothing’s gotten better. And I even took two at a time. I don’t know the dosage, but regardless, you’d think they’d be doing something. (Clarified to if the cranberry pills are effective.)

Cranberry pills aren’t an effective treatment against UTIs. In the future when you notice these symptoms contact a healthcare provider sooner so that you can receive medication that will be more effective treatment


03/30/20 10:13 PM CDT

Thank you. That makes sense.

any medication allergies?


03/30/20 10:13 PM CDT

Actually, now that you mention it, I’m hypersensitive to penicillin.

what is you reaction to penicillin (Clarified to What type of reaction do you have to penicillin?.)


03/30/20 10:14 PM CDT

My penicillin reaction is pretty bad. I get a red, itchy rash, and I get all sick to my stomach and throw up a lot. (Clarified to what my reaction to penicillin is.)

do you use any illicit substances


03/30/20 10:14 PM CDT

I tried weed at a party at my first semester here, but I just didn’t like it. I never bothered with it again after that. But before you say anything, no, I’ve never touched tobacco.

do you drink


03/30/20 10:15 PM CDT

I usually drink one or two nights a week, depending on if there’s good parties or not. But I never have more than a drink or two. Gotta keep my brain right so I can take over the world.

do you practice safe sex


03/30/20 10:16 PM CDT

Uh, I always use protection. I take birth control and I use those spermicidal condoms.

good, practice sex safe with partners of all genders in order to minimize the risk of STIs


03/30/20 10:17 PM CDT

Thanks for the info.

any family history of illness


03/30/20 10:20 PM CDT

My dad’s really healthy. My mom’s a breast cancer survivor. She’s fine now, though. Totally cancer free. My Nana — that’s my Mom’s mom — died of it, though.

I’m sorry that your mother had breast cancer. That must have been a difficult thing for your family to go through. I’m glad that she is OK and that you and your sister are are not at risk


03/30/20 10:23 PM CDT


when was your last period


03/30/20 10:23 PM CDT

My last period started two and a half weeks ago, so the last day was two weeks ago. [AUDIO COMING SOON]



03/30/20 10:32 PM CDT

Hey, sure thing. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

take the full course of medications


03/30/20 10:32 PM CDT

Ok – but what if I start feeling better?

even if you start feeling better


03/30/20 10:32 PM CDT

Oh, ok. That makes sense.

take with meal


03/30/20 10:33 PM CDT

Ok. Can do.

use backup contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy


03/30/20 10:33 PM CDT

Ok. Got it.

contact provider for reactions


03/30/20 10:34 PM CDT

I’ll look out for that.

take to relieve pain


03/30/20 10:34 PM CDT

Ok. Yeah, that’s pretty important. Will do.

continue this while on the antibiotic


03/30/20 10:34 PM CDT

Ok, I will.

urine will appear orange


03/30/20 10:35 PM CDT

Weird! Thanks for letting me know.

contact provider is you notice and rashes


03/30/20 10:35 PM CDT

Got it.

pee before and after sex


03/30/20 10:35 PM CDT

Oh, I didn’t know. I’ll be sure to do that. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

wear loose fitting cotton clothes


03/30/20 10:36 PM CDT

I’ll be sure they’re made from cotton. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

wipe front to back


03/30/20 10:36 PM CDT

Oookay. Gotcha. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

thank you


03/30/20 10:36 PM CDT

Ok. See you later.


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