Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript

Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript
Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript



05/24/23 12:15 PM EDT


Why are you here today?


05/24/23 12:34 PM EDT

I’m here to follow up on my last visit, about my joint pain, and how tired I’ve been.

Sorry about that


05/24/23 12:34 PM EDT

Thank you.

How long have you had joint pain?


05/24/23 12:35 PM EDT

The joint pain started about 3 months ago, now.

Where is the joint point located? Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript


05/24/23 12:36 PM EDT

In my hands and wrists, mainly, but also I have this all-over sort of pain.

Is your pain like? (Clarified to Can you describe your pain?.)


05/24/23 12:38 PM EDT

I feel sort of stiff and achy all over. And my hands and wrists are stiff — there’s this dull, throbbing sort of pain. (Clarified to what the pain is like.) Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript

What worsens your pain?


05/24/23 12:38 PM EDT

Holding my coffee cup in the morning is tough on my hands and fingers, and my wrists. Also typing and holding my art tools hurts after a while.

What relieves your pain?


05/24/23 12:39 PM EDT

Long, hot showers can help a little. Also, the diclofenac has been helping some.

can you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to ten?


05/24/23 12:40 PM EDT

I still have pain, but since starting the diclofenac, maybe a 2 out of 10. Before it was a 3 or 4.

How long have you had fatigue


05/24/23 12:41 PM EDT

Going on 3 months now.

Is your fatigue constant?


05/24/23 12:41 PM EDT

Always, yeah.

Does your fatigue worsen?


05/24/23 12:42 PM EDT

Yeah, the fatigue feels worse as the day goes on.

What makes your fatigue worse?


05/24/23 12:44 PM EDT

Nothing, I don’t think . . . but I am pretty stressed regularly.

I am sorry about that


05/24/23 12:44 PM EDT

I appreciate that.

Are you able to do your daily activities?


05/24/23 12:45 PM EDT

I guess so, yeah. I can do everything I need to. I just take a little longer these days, ’cause I’m so tired. And I sometimes just feel drained after everything.

What causes your fatigue? Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript


05/24/23 12:45 PM EDT

I don’t know why I’m so tired. I haven’t noticed anything that makes me particularly tired. Maybe it’s hormones or something. Or stress, I’m very stressed these days.

Any allergies?



Any weight loss?


05/24/23 7:03 PM EDT

Yes, actually.

How much weight have you lost?


05/24/23 7:03 PM EDT

4 or 5 pounds.

How has loss of appetite affected your diet? (Clarified to How does your smaller appetite affect your diet?.)


05/24/23 7:07 PM EDT

I haven’t felt like eating much lately. I still eat regular meals, just smaller portions. (Clarified to how my lower appetite affects my diet.)

Any recent injury?


05/24/23 7:07 PM EDT

No, never been injured, really.

What are you anxious about?


05/24/23 7:08 PM EDT

I just worry about these symptoms I’ve been having. If they’re going to get worse, and if I’m going to have even more to deal with than I do now.

Am sorry about that


05/24/23 7:09 PM EDT

Thank you, that’s nice.

What are you sad about?


05/24/23 7:09 PM EDT

Well, I’m still feeling so fatigued and I’m just sad because I feel like it’s not getting any better . . . I just don’t want to feel like this anymore.

Am sorry about that


05/24/23 7:10 PM EDT


 Inspected both eyes: Normal. Her appearance has no visible abnormal findings, and the site for retractions has no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:27 PM EDT

 Inspected both eyes: Normal. Her appearance has no visible abnormal findings, and the site for retractions has no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:36 PM EDT

 Inspected mouth: Oral mucosa is moist and pink

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:36 PM EDT

 Inspected skin, hair, and nails: No abnormal findings.

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:37 PM EDT

 Inspected hands and wrists: No visible abnormal findings present

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:37 PM EDT

 Inspected lower extremities: No visible abnormal findings present Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:38 PM EDT

 Palpated thyroid: No nodules, not enlarged, no irregularities, no tenderness reported

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:38 PM EDT

 Palpated upper extremities: No abnormal findings present in left or right forearm or left or right upper arms

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:39 PM EDT

 Palpated lower extremities: No abnormal findings present in left or right calves, left or right ankles, or left or right feet

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:40 PM EDT

Put your arms out at chest level and keep your hands straight, palm down.


06/01/23 5:42 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Palpated finger and wrist joints: PIP joints are tender on palpation bilaterally. DIP joints are nontender.

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:42 PM EDT

Hold your right hand out palm up.


06/01/23 5:51 PM EDT

Sure, yeah.

 Palpated right radial pulse: Palpated radial pulse was 2+

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:51 PM EDT

Hold your left hand out palm up


06/01/23 5:51 PM EDT

Sure, yeah.

 Palpated left radial pulses: Palpated radial pulse was 2+

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:51 PM EDT

With your write hand make a fist with your thump inside and then bend your wrist towards your little finger.


06/01/23 5:53 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed Finklestein’s test for right hand: No pain elicited over the styloid process of the radius on exam

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:53 PM EDT

With your left hand make a fist with your thumb inside and then bend your wrist toward your little finger


06/01/23 5:55 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed Finklestein’s test for left hand: No pain elicited over the styloid process of the radius on exam

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:55 PM EDT

Hold your right hand out palm up


06/01/23 5:56 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed Tinel’s Test on right hand: No paresthesia is elicited into the thumb (1st metacarpal), index finger (2nd metacarpal), or middle/lateral half of the ring finger (4th metacarpal) on exam palpation.

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:56 PM EDT

Hold your left hand out palm up


06/01/23 5:58 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed Tinel’s Test on left hand: No paresthesia is elicited into the thumb (1st metacarpal), index finger (2nd metacarpal), or middle/lateral half of the ring finger (4th metacarpal) on exam palpation.

Exam Action

06/01/23 5:58 PM EDT

Press the back of your hands together with your fingers pointing down


06/01/23 6:02 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed Phalen’s Test: No pain or tingling sensation is elicited into the thumb (1st metacarpal), index finger (2nd metacarpal), or middle/lateral half of the ring finger (4th metacarpal) on exam flexion.

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:02 PM EDT

Touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb to make an OK sign with your right hand.


06/01/23 6:03 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed OK Sign Test on right hand: Patient is able to make a complete circle with thumb (1st metacarpal and index finger (2nd metacarpal) on exam.

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:04 PM EDT

Touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb to make an OK sign with your left hand


06/01/23 6:05 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed OK Sign Test on left hand: Patient is able to make a complete circle with thumb (1st metacarpal and index finger (2nd metacarpal) on exam.

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:05 PM EDT

Hold your hands out then bend your wrist side to side and up and down.


06/01/23 6:07 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Tested range of motion of wrists and fingers Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:07 PM EDT

Grasp my fingers and squeeze.


06/01/23 6:08 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed squeezing strength test: All fingers display active movement against full resistance

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:08 PM EDT

Place your palms to mine and push towards me.


06/01/23 6:09 PM EDT

I can do that.

 Performed pushing strength test: Performed pushing strength test. All fingers display active movement against full resistance

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:09 PM EDT

 Tested sensation in both hands: Expected sensation in left and right hand

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:11 PM EDT

 Tested sensation in both hands: Expected sensation in left and right hand

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:11 PM EDT

 Tested sensation in both hands: Expected sensation in left and right hand

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:15 PM EDT

 Tested sensation of both feet: Expected sensation in left and right foot Shoshanna Tillman Shadow Health Transcript

Exam Action

06/01/23 6:15 PM EDT


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