Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment

Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment
Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment
Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives
The practicum experience allows you to develop and expand your advanced nursing knowledge and skills at the aggregate, organizational, or policy level. During week 1 you will submit two to three individual learning objectives that you wish to achieve during this practicum experience.  You should prepare a set of measurable learning objectives, using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Your practicum objectives should reflect your interest in expanding knowledge. They are not to include activities related to your DNP project. Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment. These objectives will be identified during your mentoring course (NURS 8700P, 8700, 8701).  Practice experiences should be designed achieve specific learning objectives related to the DNP Essentials and specialty competencies (AACN, 2006).
Your practicum objectives should include the following:

Two to three learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Description of how these objectives will expand your advanced nursing knowledge and skills at the aggregate, organizational, or policy level.
Relationship of the learning objectives to the DNP Essentials.
Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment

NOTE: Learning objectives must be submitted using APA style. Points may be deducted for lack of references, writing style, and APA format.
Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Nursing Learning Objectives
Learning objectives help nursing students to remain focused to the goals of their professional and academic careers Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment. The Bloom’s Taxonomy makes it easier for the students to identify the key competencies and fundamental purpose of general and specific objectives (Crowe, Dirks & Wenderoth, (2008). This paper outlines three learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy, linking the objectives to the DNP Essentials and specialty competencies.
Learning objectives with the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Su, et al., (2004) describe Bloom,s Taxonomy as a framework for classifying educational goals. The concept was first used in 1950s; however, there is a revised edition, which is a more dynamic framework of classification. Bloom’s Taxonomy entails: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating.
Learning Objective I: To Explicate the Significance of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment.
EBP is fundamental to the DNP scientific foundations of nursing. Hence, this objective with expand my understanding of nursing knowledge, both at the organizational and policy level (Yaeger et al., 2004).
Understanding of the objective using Bloom’s Taxonomy
This objective basically emphasizes on the concept of understanding. It is integral to understand the importance of EBP, which calls for investigation of the history of nursing practice (Su & Osisek, 2011).
Learning objective II: To Systematically Examine Team of Nurses
Leadership skills are integral to success in nursing. The DNP stresses on expanding and developing nursing leadership through education. Accordingly, this learning objective will enable me to execute the art of performance evaluation by practicing my leadership skills. Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment.
Understanding of the objective using Bloom’s Taxonomy
This learning objective essentially addresses the concept of evaluation as one of the elements and action words of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Learning objective III: to gain sound knowledge in healthcare policy for advocacy in the health care organizations. This objective can be understood through Bloom’s Taonomy because it addresses the concept of identification in education. I will engage actively in the healthcare policy, where I will learn to identify the problems in the healthcare system.
Su, W. M., Osisek, P. J., & Starnes, B. (2004). Applying the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy to a medical-surgical nursing lesson. Nurse Educator, 29(3), 116-120.
Su, W. M., & Osisek, P. J. (2011). The revised Bloom’s Taxonomy: Implications for educating nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(7), 321-327. Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment.
Crowe, A., Dirks, C., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2008). Biology in bloom: implementing Bloom’s taxonomy to enhance student learning in biology. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 7(4), 368-381.
Yaeger, K. A., Halamek, L. P., Coyle, M., Murphy, A., Anderson, J., Boyle, K., … & Smith, B. (2004). High-fidelity simulation-based training in neonatal nursing. Advances in Neonatal Care, 4(6), 326-331 Practicum: Planning Learning Objectives Essay Assignment.


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