NURS 6630 MIDTERM & FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDES NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides

NURS 6630 MIDTERM & FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDES NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides

 Non-compliant patients

 Neurotransmitters

 Gene Expression

 Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System

 Pharmacokinetics

 Mechanisms of receptors including:

o G-Protein linked receptors
NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides
o nicotine cholinergic

o serotonin

o dopamine

o norepinephrine

o D2 receptors

o glycine receptors

o ionotropic receptors

 Medications classifications – Full agonists, antagonists, partial agonist, and inverse agonists

 Therapeutics, side effects, dosing, use, and special populations for medications to treat

o Psychosis and schizophrenia

o bipolar disorders

o depression

o mania

o paranoid psychosis

o panic disorders

o fibromyalgia

o smoking cessation

o Parkinson’s disease

o anxiety. 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

o stress


 How to identify improvement in a patient following administration of medication

 System-based approaches to treatment

 MAO inhibitors

Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology

Chapter 1 – Chemical Neurotransmission

 Anatomical versus chemical basis of neurotransmission
 Signal transduction cascades

 Epigenetics

Chapter 2 – Transporters, receptors, and enzymes as targets of psychopharmacological drug action

 Neurotransmitter transportation as targets of drug action

 G-protein-linked receptors

 Enzymes as targets of psychotropic drugs

 Cytochrome P450 drug metabolizing enzymes as targets of psychotropic drugs

Chapter 3 – Ion channels as targets of psychopharmacological drug action

 Ligand-gated ion channels as targets of psychopharmacological drug action

 Voltage-sensitive ion channels as targets of psychopharmacological drug action

 Ion channels and neurotransmission. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

Chapter 4 – Psychosis and schizophrenia

 Symptom dimensions in schizophrenia

 Neurotransmitters and circuits in schizophrenia

 Neurodevelopment and genetics in schizophrenia

 Neuroimaging circuits in schizophrenia

Chapter 5 – Antipsychotic agents

 Conventional antipsychotics

 Atypical antipsychotics

 Links between antipsychotic binding properties and chemical actions

 Pharmacologic properties of individual antipsychotics: the pines, the dones, two pips and a rip plus more

 Antipsychotics in clinical practice. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

 Future treatments for schizophrenia

Chapter 6 – Mood disorders

 Description of mood disorders

 The bipolar spectrum

 Can unipolar depression be distinguished from bipolar depression?

 Are mood disorders progressive?

 Neurotransmitters and circuits in mood disorders

 Stress and depression

 Symptoms and circuits in depression

 Symptoms and circuits in mania. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

 Neuroimaging and mood disorders
Chapter 7 – Antidepressants

 General principles of antidepressant action

 Antidepressant classes

 Augmenting antidepressants

 How to choose an antidepressant

 Future treatments for mood disorders

Stahl’s Illustrated Guide – Anxiety, Stress, and PTSD

Chapter 4 – First line medications for PTSD

 Pharmacological Treatments


Chapter 5 – Second-line, adjunct, and investigational medications for PTSD

 Second-line Medications

 Adjunct Medications. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

 Investigational Medications

 Therapeutics, side effects, dosing, use, and special populations for medications to treat

o psychotic aggression

o psychotic behaviors

o psychosis and aggression

o impulsive symptoms


o mood disorders

o fibromyalgia

o chronic pain

o migraines

o shingles

o Alzheimer’s disease

o dementia


o Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PDD)

o Irritable bowel syndrome

o diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain

o addictions

o smoking cessation

o Kleptomania. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

o Impulsive aggression

o Insomnia and sleep disorders


Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology

Chapter 10 – Chronic pain and its treatment

 What is pain?

 Neuropathic pain

 Descending spinal synapses in the dorsal horn and the treatment of chronic pain

 Targeting sensitized circuits in chronic pain conditions

 Targeting ancillary symptoms in fibromyalgia

Chapter 11 – Disorders of sleep and wakefulness and their treatment

 Neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness

 Insomnia and hypnotics. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

 Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia) and wake-promoting agents
Chapter 12 – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its treatment

 Symptoms and circuits: ADHD as a disorder of the prefrontal cortex

 ADHD as a disorder of inefficient “tuning” of the prefrontal cortex by dopamine and norepinephrine

 Neurodevelopment and ADHA

 Treatment

Chapter 13 – Dementia and its treatment

 Causes, pathology, and clinical features of dementia

 Three stages of Alzheimer’s disease. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

 Targeting amyloid as a future disease-modifying treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

 Targeting glutamate

 Treatments for psychiatric and behavioral symptoms in dementia

 Other proposed targets for dementia

Chapter 14 – Impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction

 Overview of impulsive-compulsive disorders

 Neurocircuitry and the impulsive-compulsive disorders

 Substance addictions

 Obesity as an impulsive-compulsive disorder

Stahl’s Illustrated Guide – Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Chapter 5 – Pain drugs. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.

Stahl’s Illustrated Guide – ADHA

Chapter 4 – ADHD treatments

Stahl’s Illustrated Guide – Substance Use and Impulsive Disorders

Chapter 10 – Disorders of impulsivity and compulsivity

Stahl’s Illustrated Guide – Violence

Chapter 3 – Treatment of violence and aggression

Pharmacological Interventions for ADHD

 Table B. KQ2: Long-term (>1 year) effectiveness of interventions for ADHD in people 6 years and older

 Pharmacological Interventions

Clancy, C.M., Change, S., Slutsky, J., & Fox, S. (2011). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Effectiveness of treatment in at-risk preschoolers; long-term effectiveness in all ages; and variability in prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment. Table B. KQ2: Long-term(>1 year) effectiveness of interventions for ADHD in people 6 years and older. NURS 6630 Midterm & Final Exam Study Guides.


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