NRS-425 – Topic 4: Indirect Care Experience Remediation

NRS-425 – Topic 4: Indirect Care Experience Remediation
NRS-425 – Topic 4: Indirect Care Experience Remediation
Student Name: __________________________________            Date: ____________
Instructor: ______________________________
If students earned a 76% or higher on the Topic 4 “Benchmark – Community Teaching Project – Part 5” assignment, they do not need to complete this remediation.
Students who fail to complete the Topic 4 “Benchmark – Community Teaching Project – Part 5” assignment with a score of 76% or higher must complete remediation.
Students who must remediate and fail to do so will not receive a passing grade in the course.

Remediation must be completed prior to the end date of Topic 5. The competency areas in need of remediation are:


My remediation plan (to be reviewed with faculty):


Title of Section
Information to Review
Remediation Assignment

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation
View the tutorial in the Writing Center for:
Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations in APA or MLA Style
Choose one of your identified Learning Objectives from your teaching plan. Provide 2 to 3 PowerPoint slides with detailed speaker notes for your chosen community audience on the identified learning objective. In your PowerPoint Presentation, include a title slide and a summary slide.

Content of the Presentation
View the Health Literacy Online resource from OASH, focusing on “Section 2: Write Actionable Content” and “Section 5: Engage Users”
Provide an outline of your teaching presentation. The outline should include all relevant content that will be taught.
In 250-words discuss the various communication tools and techniques that will be used to assist with your teaching.



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