NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper

NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper
NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper
The purpose of this paper is to describe the community health nursing role of the home health nursing in the community setting of your choice. Health promotion nursing interventions and a professional nursing organization related to this role will also be examined.
My community is Staten Island, NY. Although it’s part of NYC, it’s more or less a middle-income sleeper suburb.
This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. APA formatting helps you to organize your paper in a professional manner and provides consistent methods for citing your sources and completing your reference page. The role for this paper must be on Home Health Nursing (not including hospice). NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

Read the chapter of your textbook on the role and take notes based on the outline below.

The textbook chapter is:
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.

Chapter 34: Home Health and Hospice, pp. 674–689 (DO NOT INCLUDE HOSPICE IN THIS PAPER)

Locate and read at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is not assigned in the course related to a nurse’s role in health promotion in this setting. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper. Go to the Chamberlain library at http:/ to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article on this topic. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best).

Please use this article:
Dickson, C. A. W., McVittie, C., & Kapilashrami, A. (2018). Expertise in action: Insights into the dynamic nature of expertise in community-based nursing. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 27(3–4), e451–e462.

Thoroughly address the following categories.

Introduction (one paragraph):

The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
Introduce theassigned community health nurse role and a community setting where this nurse may work. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.
Introduce your community and where/how this CHN role is utilized in your community
Identify population(s) served by this role in your community
Include a purpose statement


Community Setting (two to three paragraphs)

Describe a practice setting for the assignedCHN role.
Describe the population(s) served in this setting.
Discuss three health services provided by the assignedCHN role in this setting.
You may use your textbook or an outside scholarly source to address these sub-points. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.


Health Promotion Nursing Intervention (two to three paragraphs) 

Describe in detail health promotion intervention(s) of the assigned CHN role specific to the community setting identified.
Identify people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.
Include one peer-reviewed journal article discussed that clearly relates to nursing health promotion intervention. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

Professional Nursing Organization (two paragraphs)

Provide a detailed description of a professional nursing organization that supports nurses in this role in your own words. Search the text, your article, or the Internet for one professional organization that supports nurses in this role. If you can’t find an organization specific to this group, search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for information on this role. Cite the organization in the body of the text with (organization name, year), and include a complete reference on the reference page.
Discuss one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to this CHN role.

Summary (one paragraph)

The summary reiterates key points about:

The CHN role and community setting
Health promotion intervention
Professional organization
Includes a concluding statement.

Reference Page: The reference page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (author or organization, year), and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A URL link alone is not an adequate reference. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

The setting for this paper must be on Home Health Nursing (Not including hospice).

Scholarly Writing: APA format is required. Review APA documents Course Resources, and use the free resources of for writing tutors.
Length: This paper is expected to be no more than 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference list).
Quotations should be minimal—please paraphrase your sources. A maximum of one quotation should be used for this paper.

Instructions: Copy of Guideline to follow, Copy of Milestone 2 included for reference, Copy of Wind Shield Survey included for reference, Nursing Components of the nursing process included: such as Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation. Refer to Nies,& McEwen pg14,figure 1-3 Public Health Wheel. Also included is a helpful tool for Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of evaluation. My school use Turnitin for grading paper. Thank you

For the final assignment in NR 443: Community Health Nursing, you will need to utilize a qualitative or

quantitative evaluation method to evaluate your proposed intervention.

Qualitative evaluation techniques generally are subjective data and can include methods such as:

• observation methods. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

• interviews

• focus groups

• other non-statistical data


If your proposed intervention is related to childhood obesity, you may want to interview the children

pre and post intervention to see if their attitude about food and health has changed. This would be a

qualitative evaluation method.


For the same intervention, you want to have a focus group with pre and post intervention with parents

to see if their children’s attitudes about food have changed. This would be a qualitative evaluation

method. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

Quantitative evaluation techniques generally are objective data and can include methods such as:

• surveys/questionnaires

• pre/posttests

• physiologic data

• statistical analysis


Your proposed intervention is the same as the example above, but instead of an interview, you would

like to measure the children’s weight pre and post your intervention. This would be a quantitative

evaluation method.


Another example of a quantitative evaluation method would be having a pre and posttest on healthy

foods and importance of exercise. You would compare the pre intervention test results with the post to

measure if your intervention was effective.
Fall Creek Community Windshield Survey

Name:     Date:

Instructor’s Name:

Criteria    Your response

1. Community Introduction:

Identify the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting.    The Fall Creek community is the one I chose for the Community Windshield Survey in which I have lived for the past six years. It is a US community that is master-planned in the unincorporated Harris County of Texas. Ralph (2004) reported that the 1300 acre community is about 3 miles from the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston and is in the north of Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.
2. Windshield survey

a. Vitality    This community is a transitional state in that it has beautiful, newly built homes with an architectural style similar to that of the 1930s. The houses are same to some of the historic ones within the community. Definite delineation is evident between the sections that aren’t updated and the restored section. The evidence of this comes from the condition of the residences as well as the maintenance of infrastructures like street lighting, sidewalks, and environmental sanitation.

b. Indicators of social and economic conditions    There are many small restaurants and shops in the community’s residential areas. On the main thoroughfare bordering the community’s western edge, there are three fast-food chain restaurants. The city bus stops, which are marked well. The developed area has Pilates studio, yoga, high-end salon and butcher among many others. The three public designated parks have an open green space with limited playground equipment. Fall Creek appears to be dominated by the blacks in the older sections while the whites dominate the redeveloped ones. At any given time, the police appeared equal in all places. The community’s resource centers are many, same to the youth and senior centers.

c. Health Resources    There is proximal to a large hospital with outpatient, inpatient, and emergency departments. The hospital campus is about one mile from the community’s age, and it doesn’t have a community clinic. There are two national chain drugstores proximal to the hospital with a staff nurse practitioner at daytime.

d. Environmental conditions related to health    The community has a clean environment with fresh air in most places NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper. However, the black dominated areas are somehow dirty with conspicuous dumping sites. Some sewerage systems are ineffective in that there are some places with leakages.

e. Social functioning    The community has two high schools as well as two great schools with both lying opposite the community edges. Churches are many taking up business spaces or the long abandoned buildings. Only the community churches have community gatherings. Most students walk to and from school, and before and after classes, the streets are full of them.

f. Attitude toward health care    The attitude towards health care varies between the white and black dominated areas. Most of the whites dominate the hospital while trying to receive care while the blacks are few.

3. Conclusion:

Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify?    The community has new buildings in most places with architectural designs similar to those of the 1930s. Black dominated areas are less developed than the white dominated ones. There are several social, health and economic facilities. However, the health and recreational facilities and schools are inadequate for the community since there is no community clinic in addition to a few schools.  It’s hard to pass health information to the community at a faster rate because of this in addition to the findings that only churches are responsible for social gatherings. Waste disposal and the sewerage system pose a great danger to the health of the people in the community. Furthermore, most blacks don’t seek health care services compared to their white colleagues, which is a challenge in ensuring a healthy community NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.  Therefore, the community has a lot to do so as to upgrade the living standards and health of its people.

4. References:

OPTIONAL: List any references that you cited.    Ralph, B.(2004). Fall Creek is ripe territory for Fein apartment project. Texas: Houston Chronicle.
NR443 Guidelines for Caring for Populations

Milestone 3: Intervention and Evaluation


The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide an opportunity to develop a community health nursing intervention and evaluation tool for your identified community health problem (described in Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis) and identify the components of the nursing process as it applies to a community or population. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO #2. Integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of the nursing process through analysis of community health nursing practice. (PO #4)

CO #6. Recognize effective nursing skills and collaborative techniques used with consumers and other healthcare providers within all levels of healthcare. (PO #2)

CO #8. Incorporate evidence-based practice in the planning of professional nursing care to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #8)


You are a Community/Public Health Nurse (C/PHN) working in your setting of choice. You have identified a community health problem and have analyzed the data collected from your windshield survey and assessment & diagnosis assignments (the first two milestones).  You have decided on one nursing intervention and need your organization’s approval for funding of this intervention. Your leadership team has agreed to listen to your proposal. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.


•    Choose a community health nurse setting. Some examples of settings are school nurse, parish nurse, home health nurse, nurse working in the health department (be specific to what area in the health department, e.g., WIC, STD clinic, health promotion, maternal-child health, etc.)

•    Introduction: Introduce the identified problem, the purpose of the presentation, and reiterate at least one or two important findings that demonstrate this problem in your community (average of 1–2 slides)

•    Proposed Intervention: Propose one community health nursing intervention that would address one or more of the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to the problem. Keep in mind the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, p. 14, figure 1-3) as your framework (average of 3-4 slides). Your intervention needs to be specific:

o    Who is your target population?

o    Where is this intervention taking place?

o    Will it take place one time or multiple times?

o    How will you reach out to your target population?

?    How will you get your target population involved?

o    What is the CH Nurses role in this intervention?

o    Will you collaborate with anyone (e.g., physician’s office, church, local resources, etc.?)

o    Is anyone else involved besides yourself (C/PHN)?

?    If yes, are they paid or volunteers?

o    What level(s) of prevention is your intervention addressing (primary, secondary and/or tertiary prevention)? NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper

•    Intervention Justification: Justify why the problem and your nursing interventions should be a priority.

o    Based on what you have found in the literature, discuss why these interventions are expected to be effective. Include summarized information from at least two professional scholarly sources related to your interventions (average of 2-3 slides).

•    Proposed Evaluation: Your presentation must include at least one proposed quantitative or qualitative evaluation method that you would use to determine whether your intervention is effective. It should include the method you would use along with desired outcomes. Outcome measurement is a crucial piece when implementing interventions NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper. There is a helpful tool in Doc Sharing to assist you with understanding qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation. (average of 2-3 slides)

o    Include discussion about the long-term and short-term impact on your community if the intervention is successful. Keep in mind your desired outcomes when analyzing the evaluation.

•    Summary: The summary should reiterate the main points of the presentation and conclude with what you are asking to be accomplished, e.g., “Based on ABC, it is imperative our community has XYZ. Thank you for your consideration.”

•    In addition to the slides described above, your presentation should include a title slide, and reference slide. Remember, you are presenting to your leadership team, so the slides should include the most important elements for them to know in short bullet pointed phrases. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor.


•    Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.

•    Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).


The following are best practices in preparing this project:

•    Be creative, but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.

•    Incorporate graphics, clip art or photographs to increase interest.

•    Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

•    Review directions thoroughly.

•    Cite all sources within the slide show as well as on the reference page.

•    Proofread prior to final submission.

•    Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

•    Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy.

Grading Rubric: Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation
Problem identification

Presentation includes at least one slide that introduces the problem and significant findings in       the community

Problem is introduced but lacks support with findings

Supportive findings discussed but problem identification not clear.

Problem is not introduced and does not have significant community findings

Proposed intervention

One community health nursing intervention is proposed that would address one or more of the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to the problem. Intervention includes specifics:

*Where is this intervention taking place?” NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.

*Will it take place one time or multiple times?

*How will you reach your target population?

*How will you involve your target population? Will you collaborate with anyone (e.g., physician’s office, church, local resources, etc.)

CHN role? Is anyone else involved besides yourself (C/PHN)?

*What level(s) of prevention are you addressing?

*Community setting is clear.

One intervention is proposed but is missing one or two specific details.

Intervention is missing more than two specific details.

Intervention is not proposed or insufficient.

Intervention justification and application of evidence-based literature

Includes at least one slide that discusses why this intervention should be a priority based on two scholarly findings. Two or more quality references from professional literature are cited that clearly support your rationale.

Includes slide stating why the intervention should be a priority. Two references cited but information in the reference may be biased or not directly relevant to your rationale.

Intervention justification inadequate or fewer than two references cited.

Lacks slide on intervention justification. No references cited. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.


Presentation includes at least one proposed quantitative or qualitative evaluation method and desired outcomes. Long-term and short-term impact on your community if the intervention is “successful” discussed.

At least one evaluation method described but lacks discussion on long and short-term impact on community

Long and short term impact on community discussed, but evaluation method unclear.

Presentation lacks clear evaluation method and future impact.


Includes at least one summary slide that reiterates the problem and purpose of the presentation.

Summary does not clearly reiterate the problem OR purpose.

Lacks reiteration of problem AND purpose.

Summary slide not present.

Overall presentation

Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read.

Presentation is accurate and covers most elements but lacks creativity.

Presentation lacks flow and creativity or is difficult to follow. (7 points)    Presentation lacks any attempt at organization and comes across as chaotic. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.


Includes title slide (1)

Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. (3)

References properly cited within the paper (2)

Reference page includes all citations. (2)

Evidence of spell and grammar check. (2)

Title slide incomplete

Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation and/or sentence structure noted

Citations are present but not in correct format

References are present, with minimal errors in format

Missing title slide

Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted

Title slide and citations are missing

References are missing or incomplete

No evidence of proof-reading prior to submitting paper
 NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles

NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
Well-composed introduction which: Catches the reader’s attention–introduces the assigned community health nurse role and a community setting where this nurse may work–introduces community and where/how this CHN role is utilized in your community–identifies population(s) served by this role in your community–includes a purpose statement.

30.0 pts
Well-composed introduction which: Catches the reader’s attention–introduces the assigned community health nurse role and a community setting where this nurse may work-introduces community and where/how this CHN role is utilized in your community–identifies population(s) served by this role in your community–includes a purpose statement.
26.0 pts
The introduction is missing one of the elements listed in the first column.
24.0 pts
The introduction is missing two elements listed in the first column.
11.0 pts
The introduction is missing three elements listed in the first column
0.0 pts
No introduction present.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunity Settings
Community setting includes: a description of a practice setting for the assigned CHN role. Description of the population(s) served in this setting. Discussion of three health services provided by the assigned CHN role in this setting. Support with textbook or scholarly source.

30.0 pts
Community setting includes: – description of a practice setting for the assigned CHN role. Description of the population(s) served in this setting. Discussion of three health services provided by the assigned CHN role in this setting. Support from textbook or scholarly source is present.
26.0 pts
The community setting is missing one of the elements listed in the first column
24.0 pts
The community setting is missing two of the elements listed in the first column.
12.0 pts
The community setting is missing three of the elements listed in the first column.
0.0 pts
The community setting description is missing OR is not on the assigned topic.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth Promotion Nursing Intervention
Detailed description of health promotion intervention(s) of the assigned CHN role specific to the community setting identified. Identification of people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.

30.0 pts
Detailed description of health promotion intervention(s) of the assigned CHN role specific to the community setting identified. Identification of people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.
NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper
26.0 pts
Adequate description of health promotion intervention(s) of the assigned CHN role specific to the community setting identified.. Identification of people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.
24.0 pts
Brief description of health promotion intervention(s) but may not be a nursing intervention. Collaborators identified.
11.0 pts
Missing a health promotion intervention or does not identify collaborators.
0.0 pts
No health promotion intervention and does not identify collaborators.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of peer review article
One peer reviewed journal article discussed that clearly relates to nursing health promotion intervention.

20.0 pts
One peer reviewed journal article discussed that clearly relates to nursing health promotion intervention.
18.0 pts
One peer reviewed article about vulnerable group discussed briefly or is slightly off topic.
16.0 pts
One article discussed but it is not a peer-reviewed article or does not clearly relate to the health promotion intervention
8.0 pts
One source is discussed but it is not peer reviewed and article has little to no relevance health promotion intervention.
0.0 pts
No source is discussed.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Nursing Organization
Thoroughly describes a professional nursing organization that supports nurses in this role. Discusses one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to this CHN role.

30.0 pts
Thoroughly describes a professional nursing organization that supports nurses in this role. Discusses one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to this CHN role.
26.0 pts
Adequately describes organization and professional issue.
24.0 pts
Adequately describes organization but professional issue is missing.
12.0 pts
Describes an organization but organization is not relevant to the setting of the assignment or is not a professional organization
0.0 pts
No discussion of professional organization or professional issue.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary
The summary reiterates key points about The CHN role and community setting, health promotion intervention, and professional organization. Includes a concluding statement.

20.0 pts
The summary reiterates key points about The CHN role and community setting, health promotion intervention, and professional organization. Includes a concluding statement.
18.0 pts
The summary is missing one of the elements in the first column.
16.0 pts
The summary is missing two of the elements in the first column.
8.0 pts
The summary is missing three of the elements in the first column.
0.0 pts
Summary not completed.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and organization
Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following: – well organized and logical, – correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, – professional wording is used, – uses complete sentences, – paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas expressed clearly.

20.0 pts
Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following: – well organized and logical, – correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, – professional wording is used, – uses complete sentences, – paragraphs are linked together logically, and – main ideas expressed clearly.
18.0 pts
Good mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column.
16.0 pts
Fair mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column.
8.0 pts
Poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column.
0.0 pts
Very poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA
Excellent APA formatting with minimal errors of the following: – all sources cited in the text, – all references listed on the reference page using the basics of APA format, – title page in general APA format, – headings present and in APA format, – 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins, paragraphs indented, – no more than one short quotation, and – length four pages or less

20.0 pts
Excellent APA formatting with minimal errors of the following: – all sources cited in the text, – all references listed on the reference page using the basics of APA format, – title page in general APA format, – headings present and in APA format, – 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins, paragraphs indented, – no more than one short quotation, and – length four pages or less
18.0 pts
Good APA formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
16.0 pts
Fair APA formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
8.0 pts
Poor APA formatting considering the elements listed in the first column.
0.0 pts
Very poor APA formatting such that paper is difficult to read.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0 NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper

Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Guidelines Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to describe a community health setting and analyze the role of a community health nurse in health promotion in that setting. A professional nursing organization related to that setting will also be examined.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO5: Analyze the nursing roles in providing comprehensive care in a variety of community health settings. (PO 1) NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper
CO6: Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (PO 2)

Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Directions
Watch the tutorial on tips for completing the NR443 Community Settings assignment.
This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. Please use the recommended APA Template linked below, which incorporates the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. APA formatting helps you to organize your paper in a professional manner and provides consistent methods for citing your sources and completing your reference page. See the documents in the APA category in Course Resources for assistance with APA formatting. The Student Success Strategies resource has great sections on writing scholarly papers and APA formatting.

The setting for this paper must be on school nursing.
Click to view and download the NR443 Community Settings APA Template(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to complete your paper. The template is formatted with the appropriate running head, title page, page numbers, paragraph formatting, and most of the headings. Please edit the headers and title page with your specific information. You are also encouraged to view the Week 4 assignment tutorial found at the end of the Academic Integrity Reminder. NR443 Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles Essay Assignment paper.
Read the chapter of your textbook on the role and take notes based on the outline below.
Locate and read at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is not assigned in the course related to a nurse’s role in health promotion in this setting. Go to the Chamberlain library at http:/ to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article on this topic. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best).
Thoroughly address the following categories using the APA Template that is provided.

Introduction (one paragraph): The intr


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