Latest evidence-based practice nursing research topics

Latest evidence-based practice nursing research topics
The implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing is growing steadily across the world. This results in more research needs, making college and university professors assign students such papers to study. If you are stuck choosing a good topic, worry not, as this article provides the latest evidence-based practice nursing research topics.
What is evidence-based practice nursing?
According to the Journal of Clinical Administration, evidence-based practice in nursing is an approach to healthcare that incorporates the most recent research accessible in improving the health status and wellbeing of patients while minimizing total costs and diversity in health outcomes.
Evidence-based practice is now universally recognized as a critical component of promoting health quality of care and patient outcomes. Even though the goals of nursing research (generating new knowledge) and evidence-based nursing practice (using the best available evidence as to the foundation of nursing practice) appear to be unique, a rising number of research studies are being conducted to interpret the best available evidence successfully. To produce meaningful benefits, research evidence (successful innovation) must complement better execution and an enabling setting.
How to choose evidence-based practice nursing research topics

Ensure the topic meets the requirements of the assignment

Before selecting evidence-based practice nursing research topics, consider whether your instructor has already provided a topic or not. If not, check whether there are some restricted areas to select your topics. This is a very crucial stage. If you choose a topic from a restricted area, you are likely to score a zero in your research project.

Choose interesting evidence-based practice nursing research topics

Though it might look obvious, choosing an interesting topic will make your project engaging and fun to read. If you select a boring subject, your instructor may not read the entire paper. Consider your area of interest before choosing an evidence-based nurse practitioner research topic.

Consider the depth of your topic

Do not choose a very broad or narrow topic. If your topic is very broad, it might be hard to cover all information necessary for your research. If the topic is too narrow, you will struggle to find information to reach the number of words required by your professor.

Conduct background research

Conduct background research to understand more about your subject of discussion. Feel free to modify your topic to a way you are comfortable researching. Ensure you write down the sources which you get information from.

Brainstorm different concepts for your evidence-based practice nursing research topics

After finding a topic you are interested in researching, brainstorm other topics related to your subject and write them down. For instance, if your topic is about polar bears, you can think of the following suggestions; diet, pollution, hunting, environmental icon, and climate exchange.
Brainstorming different evidence-based practice nursing examples opens your mind. You can change from one topic to another depending on the area you are more interested in. also, you come to understand different ideas from different authors.

Develop a research question

After brainstorming different topics, you may want to come up with a research question. It can be a question you are willing to answer in your evidence-based practice essay by conducting more research and writing about it.

Consider your general approach to the topic

Consider several general approaches to help you to improve your topic further: Consider a historical angle, which focuses on a specific period; a geographical angle, which focuses on a particular part of the world; or a sociological angle, which focuses on a specific group of people. Conduct in-depth research about the topic
Looking for nurse practitioner research topics can help you come up with a good thesis statement for your paper. You will also use the resources needed to look for a topic to gather more information about your research.
Where to get EBP project ideas
You can get evidence-based practice nursing research topic ideas from very many sources available at your disposal. The ideas include;

Course readings and class notes
Library resources
Research guide provided by your professor
Online references
Encyclopedias and nursing books

Nursing evidence-based practice topics you can use in your essay

Palliative care in inpatient and outpatient settings, a review of united states evidence-based practices in nursing
Investigate whether the quality of care in hospitals is improved through evidence-based practice nursing
Analyze the practical implications of the hypothetical foundations of evidence-based nursing
How to select the procedure of treatment through evidence-based analysis
What are the requirements for evidence-based support for professional development?
Conduct a primary investigation of senior health practitioners and their attitude towards applying evidence-based care solutions and practices
Conduct research about the relationship between professional excellence and nursing education
What are some evidence-based practices done for disabled people in hospital settings in the United States?
An evidence-based approach to nursing practitioners’ recruitment and screening
An explorative analysis of reasons why evidence-based care and nursing are highly recommended in hospitals
Trace the historical context of the evidence-based practices in the context of nursing
A review of focused, evidence-based nursing practices in the United States and unites kingdom
How to address the implementation gap between practice and knowledge in the nursing sector
What are the challenges of implementing evidence-based practices in health care centers?
The attitude of nursing staff towards the implementation of evidence-based practices in hospitals in the United Kingdom
How to use social media to provide evidence-based nursing education to nurse practitioners
Explain how practitioners evaluate evidence-based practices in nursing
What is the relevance of PICO guidelines in evaluating and practicing care solutions to evidence-based nursing?
Are there any programs for public health within the context of the guidelines related to evidence-based practices in nursing?
How do nurses interpret evidence-based practices in the health care sector?
Describe the evidence base for sexual abuse in both developed and developing countries
Explain how historical evidence efficacy opinion to evidence-based practice analysis
How to translate evidence-based research into actual practices
The implication of the leadership styles of nursing on the synthesis of evidence-based practices
Do evidence-based practices of the universe differ depending on the determinants correlated?
The best ways to write systematic reviews to maximize the efficiency of the evidence-based practices according to insights from the literature
Collective nursing department knowledge a per evidence-based practice
Are evidence-based nursing practices effective in educating nurses?
Analyze the educated guidelines or professional wisdom and the impact of evidence-based nursing practices
What is the effect of evidence-based practice in collaborative decision-making in intensive care units in hospitals?

Above are some good examples of evidence-based practice nursing topics you can use for your essay. Feel free to explore as you are not limited to only this one. Choose a topic that will attract the eyes of the reader to assign you good grades.
Importance of evidence-based practice in nursing
Now that you have the tips for selecting good evidence-based practice nursing research topics have different ideas for your evidence-based research paper in nursing, it is also essential to know the importance of the research. Every clinician, including nurses, should be familiar with evidence-based practice and its tenets, sometimes known as “levels of evidence.” EBP instructs caregivers and other practitioners on how much to rely on “a study, practice alert, report or clinical practice guideline in making decisions about a patient’s treatment.
The following are some of the advantages of EBP in nursing:

Providing scientific studies to nurses so they can develop well-informed judgments
Encourages nurses to provide personalized care to every patient
Optimizing time effectively in nursing by increasing efficiency
Assisting with the integration of new technologies into clinical practice
Assisting nurses in determining the most effective care delivery strategy
Assisting nurses in keeping up to date on new medical guidelines for patient care
Patients’ chances of recovery are improved when decisions are made based on documented interventions that match patient profiles
Providing nurses with the tools, they need to analyze research to understand better the risks and effectiveness of therapies and diagnostic tests
Improving patient outcomes might result in lower demand for healthcare services and lower costs

Steps of evidence-based practice in nursing
Evidence-based practice nursing is a lifelong learning strategy based on the principles below. When followed carefully and mindfully, these five actions can complete a circle to improve clinical practice and patient care.

Make a statement by asking a question

The impetus for EBP problem-solving is formulating a well-detailed, clearly articulated inquiry. It specifies the final objective. Perhaps the goal is to develop a procedure to aid patients suffering from a specific ailment. Because the essential phrases in the inquiry will assist clinicians in pinpointing a course of treatment, this stage is critical to the EBP process.
The more specific the inquiry, the better, as it will be easier and more likely to turn up in a medical database. Here’s an illustration of a question: What are the therapeutic choices and challenges for a COVID-19 patient suffering from Bell’s Palsy?

Collect the most convincing evidence

It’s critical to look for the finest available evidence across the board, including high-quality papers from reputable sources and additional supporting materials with the highest proof levels. When deciding between data from a published study and information from a high-quality literature review of prospective studies, always go with the latter.

Examine the proof

Now it’s time to examine all of the information obtained more closely to verify that it is of the highest possible quality. This step not only helps to determine if the data and information are relevant to the patient a caregiver is treating and/or the medical and health in which they work, but it also helps determine if the data and information are relevant to the patient a nurse is treating and/or the clinical setting wherein they work.
Estrogen blockers to cure metastatic melanoma have been reported in at least two sources. They both present new information but come to quite different results. In this instance, it would be advisable to use one’s clinical knowledge of these medications and ailments to determine which source to use for the next step.

Apply what you’ve learned in the lab to your clinical practice

It’s time to put the data into action now that it has been carefully acquired and extensively analyzed. This phase is all about integrating new knowledge with the nurse’s practical experience to draw judgments about how to apply the study findings to patients.
The clinician should be especially aware of the patient’s characteristics, preferences, and values at this point. Would such a person with liver cancer, for example, wish to pursue more intensive treatment like chemotherapy and surgeries depending on the investigation’s findings?

Examine the outcome

This final phase completes a cycle whose goal is to continuously improve patient care and practice quality. Let’s imagine a patient chose to pursue more severe liver cancer treatment, proving to be successful. This excellent conclusion, of course, raises other issues.
Should this EBP be used on other people with the same disease? Was the new knowledge or process put into practice successfully? And how does this result relate to the initial inquiry that sparked the journey to this point?
Levels of evidence in evidence-based practice in nursing
Together with the five steps, the EBP framework employs four evidence levels to ask for quality improvement in healthcare settings. 

Level A

Because data is obtained from randomized clinical trials, Level A is the most dependable level of assurance. For example, delivering postmortem plasma or placebo to COVID-19 people with acute pneumonia to see if the former is more beneficial.

Level B

Quality-designed, non-randomized control trials, clinical cohort studies, case-controlled studies, uncontrolled investigations, observational data, and observational methods are used to gather evidence. For instance, researchers are looking into the development of heart disease after ten years of secondhand smoking exposure or non-exposure.

Level C

Consensus viewpoints, expert opinion, and meta-synthesis are used to gather evidence. This term is commonly employed whenever there is a lack of quality and quantity data on a particular situation. Experts reach a consensus based on the scant facts provided. They consider deciding on treatments for a rare condition; there seems to be little information, but there have been so few cases.

Level ML (multilevel)

Evidence is collected from multiple levels of evidence as indicated by the rating system. The level is typically used in more complicated scenarios. For example, deciding that invasive surgery to remove a cancerous growth from an old patient’s liver would be exceedingly risky for the patient’s age and the mass’s peculiar location. While the danger of surgery in older people has been thoroughly examined (Level B), knowledge regarding a rare kind of pancreas tumor may be as scarce as cancer itself, necessitating heavy reliance on consensus viewpoints (Level C).
Examples of EBP in nursing

Control of infections

When a patient goes to the hospital to seek treatment, the last thing they want is a hospital-acquired infection. Nurses play an essential role in helping to reduce illness from occurring by following evidence-based infection-control initiatives. This includes cleaning the hospital environment, donning personal protective equipment, using barrier precautions, and handwashing properly. Even though nurses have a lot on their plates, the time it takes to manage infection is well worth it.

Use of oxygen for patients with COPD

When it comes to administering oxygen to COPD patients, a nurse must understand evidence-based practice in nursing for their patient’s health and safety. Although some people believe that giving oxygen to COPD patients can cause significant problems, including hypercarbia, acidosis, or even death, the evidence-based strategy is to provide them with oxygen.
This technique can aid in the prevention of hypoxia and organ failure. Giving COPD patients oxygen, which is the evidence-based treatment, can enhance their quality of life and help them live better.

Testing blood pressure noninvasively in children

Because accurate readings are a crucial aspect of effective treatment, nurses must take blood pressure as per the evidence-based practice. Blood pressure measurement in children differs from a blood pressure measurement in adults. The auscultation method is used to assess children’s blood pressure, which is then compared to data collected using the oscillometer approach.

Blood administration and intravenous catheter size

When utilizing intravenous catheters to deliver blood for packed red blood cell transfusions, caregivers should observe EBP (PRBC). According to the policy, nurses should use a relatively small catheter to maximize patient comfort.
You can look at any sample evidence-based practice paper online, to understand more about evidence-based cases and examples. This will give you an idea of where to start when assigned such a task.
To sum up
With this guide at your disposal, finding good evidence-based practice nursing research topics has been made easier. Analyze them and find a topic that interests you and grabs your reader’s attention. Do not be limited. You have the skills to find good research topics. You can go ahead and look for other exciting topics.
Brainstorm different topic ideas until you settle on the best. Ensure the topic you choose is debatable and not too broad or too narrow. Conduct background research about the topic and ensure you write down every source for proper referencing.
If you still need help selecting a good evidence-based practice nursing research topic, or writing a good research paper, worry not. We provide nursing essay writing services to all level students at affordable rates.


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