NRS-425 – Community Teaching Project: Indirect Care Experience Hours

NRS-425 – Community Teaching Project: Indirect Care Experience Hours
NRS-425 – Community Teaching Project: Indirect Care Experience Hours
The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using both direct and indirect care experiences for practicing nurses. This course requires students to complete 25 hours of indirect care experiences involving the development and implementation of a teaching plan at a community/public health location in their local community.
Complete the table below by indicating the date each required activity was completed and submit it in the digital classroom in Topic 5.

Date Completed
Indirect Care Experiences and Activities

Selection, Research, and Assessment
·         Select a setting for a teaching presentation.
·         Perform needs assessment that includes assessment of environmental factors, socio-economic/cultural/political disparities, and health literacy.

Community Assessment
·         Perform a community assessment of your selected community using secondary sources and a physical appraisal.

Teaching Plan Development
·         Research evidence for the chosen teaching topic, including theories and techniques to promote health management.

Interview of Community Representative
·         Interview and provide teaching plan to the community representative.
·         Obtain feedback from the selected community site representative.
·         Complete the summary paper of the interview with the representative.
·         Obtain signature from community representative acknowledging interview was completed.

Revising the Teaching Plan
·         Revise teaching plan based on additional information gathered, instructor feedback, and community representative feedback.
·         Apply knowledge of social cultural factors of the population.

Finalizing Teaching Plan
·         Review feedback and adjust the teaching plan accordingly.
·         Develop and submit the presentation.

Community Teaching Presentation
·         Deliver presentation to the selected community.
·         Obtain signature from community representative acknowledging presentation was completed.

Community Teaching Experience Reflection
·         Evaluate teaching effectiveness and complete the teaching experience reflection.


I, _________________________, have completed the indirect care experience hours required to meet the learning objectives of the course.
Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________


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