Latest nursing project topics

Latest nursing project topics
Is it time for your nursing project topics? If yes, it means you have reached an exciting time. You are about to finish your education and take on a career path. Taking a project is mainly the most memorable part of studying. Projects are different from the regular class studying as your study in class is guided by a subject and the skills you get from each one.
A project is different as it encourages you to make decisions and choices about the direction you wish to take. A project is done independently, and that control aims to give you experience and introduce a different way to learn valuable skills. However, nursing project topics are not the easiest to come up with as it needs some getting used to.
Different kinds of projects
Projects take different forms depending on your level of education. You will probably do some projects as an assignment in a module. This maybe is individual or as a group. Other small projects are assigned to you at school.
Further on in your studies, you will have to do doctorate research, such as Ph.D. or EdD. Projects in these levels of education are large and take years to complete and perfect. At the end of your project, you are considered an expert in your specialty area.
In between these levels, you will take a project module during the final stages of an undergraduate degree. In some places, this is referred to as a final-year project. No matter the level of education, students find it rather challenging to develop a research project that has enough literature material and, most importantly, will see them succeed and proceed to graduate.
What is the importance of a project?
A project allows you to involve yourself more in learning through experience. You gain more exposure through planning, research, critical thinking, and reporting activities. While all these things seem far during coursework in school, they come to life in a project.
Planning, conducting, and reporting will assist you in gaining essential skills in planning and managing your project. These skills will come in handy later in your career as they can help you through any project. These skills will help you think systematically about how to actualize an idea into reality. Project planning and management have applications beyond your studies.
Further, a project shows cases your abilities. Since you do a project at the end of your course, you use the knowledge and skills learned in your project. Your paper shows that you can produce a successful paper through planning and acquired skills. A well-done project can make you stand out while looking for a job.
Although you take the lead in making critical choices while doing a project, you should be guided by your tutor. You should get feedback on whether your plans and ideas are appropriate in every step. The main focus should be to make follow-up grosses inquiries in each step to avoid being disqualified for writing a paper irrelevant to the subject matter.
Nursing research projects
Whether you are in clinical placement or not, you need to complete a nursing research project as part of a practicum. A nursing research project includes the following:

Educational evaluation
Patient safety
Evidence-based practice
Quality improvement

Nursing research topics in medical-surgical nursing
As a surgical nurse, you are involved in perioperative care, whereby you provide care to patients before, during, and after an operation. Four principles, namely guide you:


As a surgical nurse, you need to be versatile and flexible through obtaining comprehensive knowledge and competency. If this is your area of study, you will require in-depth research on nursing research topics in medical surgical nursing. A good topic goes to more extraordinary lengths to enable you to succeed in your academics.

Moral distress among surgical nurses
Burnout in surgical units
Role of nurses in surgical wards
Pain management and assessment in surgical nursing
Understanding medical surgical nursing
Post-surgery care
Patient’s satisfaction with the care provided pre and post-surgery by nurses in the surgical units
Critical thinking in patient care
Medical-surgical nurse’s leadership abilities in cases of patient deterioration care
Technology use in contemporary surgical nursing
Treating and managing wounds role of intensive care nurse
Comparing minor and major surgery
The importance of nurses in operating theaters
Details and complications of general anesthesia
Surgical sepsis
Treatment and care of diabetic foot

Midwifery research project topics
As a midwife, your specialty is childbirth and women’s reproductive health. Other than that, you have other roles during emergencies and pre and postnatal care. These roles and responsibilities open avenues for project research, and below are examples of topics you can explore:

Evaluating the impact of delayed cord clamping
Maternal and neonatal care in remote regions
Mental illness and postnatal period
Pregnancy and mental illness
Impact of HIV on pregnant women
Midwifery continued care
Obese women and risks in natural birth
Pros and cons of water birth
Impacts of hepatitis B in pregnant women
Advanced trends in obstetrics
Emerging trends n midwifery and gynecology
Nurse’s role in improving patient safety during childbirth
Perception of midwifery as a career path by adolescents
Factors contributing to malnutrition in children below five years
Factors associated with home birth with unskilled assistance
Obstetric and nutrition factors associated with anemia among pregnant women
Symptoms of neonatal sepsis among post-delivery mothers
Use of contraceptives among undergraduate students
Sexual and reproduction education among high school students
Preeclampsia and eclampsia knowledge and myths influence antenatal services

Evidence-based practice nursing project topics
The research used in evidence-based practice can be quantitative, qualitative, or both. These two types are further divided into several categories. Understanding how nursing research can be categorized will help you structure a winning paper.

Improved quality care through evidence-based nursing
Quality implications of theoretical foundations of evidence-based practice
Different treatment procedures through evidence-based practice
A review of evidence-based practice perspective on palliative care in an inpatient setting
Evidence-based practices for the disabled
Mental health nursing perspective on evidence-based based in the USA
Importance of evidence-based practice and why it is highly recommended
Evidence-based practice approach to recruitment of nursing staff
Nursing staff view on the implementation of evince-based practice in the USA
Use of social media in the application of evidence-based practice provision
A critical review of the challenges in the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing in the USA
An investigation of how practitioners evaluate evidence-based practice
What is the view of nursing students on evidence-based practice in nursing
How do nurses translate evidence-based practice into practice
Qualitative guidelines on whether an evidence-based practice has any effects on enhancing nurses’ critical thinking skills
How do nurses use evidence-based practice on themselves
Does evidence-based practice play in role in decision making in intensive care in the USA

Infection control project ideas
Infection control is an evidence-based approach to preventing infection in a healthcare setting. You may choose an infection control project topic as the subject matter for your research.

Ventilator-associated infections
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection
Multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens
Prevention of the spread of antibiotic-resistant organisms
Prevention of transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms and other infectious threats in healthcare
How can healthcare-associated infections be managed
Bacteriotherapy for wound healing
Ways of preventing oral infections among school-going children
Ideas on how to prevent and control infections in high school
A solution to antibiotic overuse
Adherence to hand hygiene guidelines
Antimicrobial resistance

Examples of nursing projects
Towards the end of your studies, you will be required to write a capstone project on the features of medical care. This project is necessary for you to get a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a master’s in nursing. This paper is almost similar to other academic assignments.
You can have a topic from women’s health, informatics, or any other area of interest. What is crucial is to answer a question or discuss a problem and show your understanding of the project idea. Below are general inspirations for your nursing project ideas.

The connection between care level and a patient’s ability to pay
Effects of leadership on healthcare providers
Importance of health history and its relevance to patient care
Macro trend’s effects on the US healthcare
How to become a registered nurse after school
Qualities of a nurse leader
A patient’s mental health effects based on how a nurse engages with them during treatment
Stress management among nurses
Nursing ethical practices
A nurse’s inclusion and engagement effects
Ways of making healthcare more affordable for all Americans
Ways in which nursing organizations can improve

Nursing projects ideas for mental health
There’s a lot of prejudice about mental health. It is, however, important to discuss the issues that surround it to inform, be sensitive and educate. Some topics may help you to come up with nursing projects ideas:

Effects of sexual abuse on children’s mental health
How to prevent teenage suicide rates
Influence of domestic abuse on children
Ways of introducing mental health programs to different cultures
Effects of smoking on mental health
Impact of meditation on improving and maintaining mental health
How to offer mental health services to be deaf people
Mental health stigma to patients and their families
PTSD management
Effects of homelessness on mental health
Access to mental health services for a specific group of people
Ways of improving mental health education among the patients
Drugs use on mental health
Decision making on behalf of a mentally ill patient
Therapies are ideal o help improve mental health
Behavioral therapy to treat psychiatric patients
Nurse’s attitude toward relapse prevention among psychiatric in mental hospitals
Bipolar disorders
Psychiatric ethics
Physical trauma and recovery methods

Nursing projects topics on women’s health
There are many topics specific to women’s health, including but not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Below are some ideas:

Female genital mutilation
Early-onset menopause
Induced birth
Symptoms of menopause and how to deal with it
Effects of smoking on pregnant women and the babies
Factors on whether to breastfeed or not
Different birth control approaches
Health care services for women with cervical cancer
Pros and cons of breast pumps
Management of diabetes during pregnancy
Pelvic floor issues and how to manage them
Diagnosis and treatment of Postpartum depression

Nursing informatics project topics
Technology has played a massive role in improving the healthcare industry. Below are suggestions of topics you can choose for

Use of robotics in surgery
Data management in healthcare facilities
Data security
Use of technology in nursing training
Controversies in nurse informatics
Better ways of upgrading information systems in healthcare facilities
Ways in which e-health can improve healthcare in remote areas
Data management and ethics in the medical industry
Ways in which technology can help deal with nurse shortage in remote areas
Importance of nurse informatics
Impact of data breaches on healthcare
Ways to prevent data breaches in healthcare facilities

Pediatric nursing projects topics
Top-quality care for children and adolescent is imperative for healthcare. If you are writing a project on this topic, below are ideas to use

Ways of recognizing sexual abuse in children
Sleep apnea in children
Dealing with a child with a terminal illness
Effects of losing a child on the hospital staff
Effects of divorce on a child’s health
Ways of improving pediatric care for the less privileged
Management and prevention of meningitis
Recognizing abuse among children
Diagnosis and management of autism
Improving healthcare for children with cancer

Project topics on nursing burnout
Burnout is an issue in many places, usually resulting from long working hours or being understaffed. It can, however, have severe consequences in hospitals. If you have an interesting in exploring this topic in your project, below are ideas:

How to identify and prevent nurse burnout
Burnout comparison between two different areas
Effects of group therapies on nurses
Techniques that help prevent burnout
Skills that can help nurses curb burnout
Comparison between burnout causes in two different departments
Main signs of burnout
Effects of burnout on a nurse and a patient’s safety
Coping strategies when you experience burnout
Ways in which universities can help students learn how to avoid a burnout
Different approaches to nurse burnout in different countries
Which a workplace can contribute to nurse burnout

Health-promoting nursing project ideas
As a nurse, you are working on ensuring patient health by providing services that promote, relieve, and manage healthy living; there are topics you can choose for your project topic.

Promoting awareness of HIV
Promoting the importance of healthy living
Promoting the need for cancer screening
Reducing depression in young people
Effects of smoking passive smokers
Nutrition for patients with cardiovascular diseases
Promoting physical activity among the elderly
Increasing knowledge on how UV radiation is associated with causing skin cancer
Promoting cyberbullying awareness
Promoting awareness of sexual infections
Promoting awareness of and effects of opioids
Improving mental health awareness
Promoting knowledge and acceptability of cervical screening among female undergraduate students
Medically unexplained symptoms in the ER
Bias in healthcare financing
Economic evaluation in primary healthcare

Elderly nursing project topics

Cardiovascular risk reduction
Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
Bladder cancer disorder
Cerebrovascular disorders
Critical care requirements
Promoting physical exercise
Depression among the elderly
Mental health among the elderly
Joint disorders in the elderly

Nursing project topics on pain management

Opioid use in rheumatoid arthritis
Pain limits analysis
Pros and cons of therapeutic injections
Abdominal pain management in children
Phantom pains phenomenon
Opioids and bone healing

Obstetrics nursing project topics

Prevalence of primary cesarean section
Predictors of maternal and perinatal mortality
Bacterial antibiotic sensitivity patterns
Hepatitis B virus coinfection in pregnancy
Immediate obstetrics outcomes in teenage pregnancies
Effects of female genital mutilation in laboring women

Bottom line
A project is an essential piece of work before, and it is mandatory to complete one before graduating. As a nursing student, you have a pool of nursing project topics based on the area of study and interest.
Of importance is to ensure that you choose a topic with enough literature material and one relevant to your field. In-depth research and proper understanding of your topic are critical, and that’s why it is essential to engage your tutor for guidance each step of the way.


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