Importance of ethics in nursing

Importance of ethics in nursing
Nursing like any other professional body is governed by a set of rules and principles. If you are aspiring to be a registered nurse then you must be ready to subscribe to the rules. The rules regulate the code of conduct, dress and appearance, how to carry out duties, and ways of conflict resolution.
Nurses are expected to carry out themselves in a particular way and failure to adhere could lead to severe punishment not limited to being deregistered by the nursing board. Reach out for a detailed article on the importance of ethics in nursing.
Principles and roles of ethics in nursing
Ethics in nursing allows nurses to practice their roles seamlessly and with a particular expected standard globally. They say nursing is a calling. This could be true considering some of the outstanding principles are humanity and loyalty amongst others.
Therefore, training to become a nurse is not just about rendering your services anyhow but through some set rules. Let’s talk about the roles of ethics in nursing as a profession
Role of nursing ethics
As earlier discussed, ethics are set moral principles that govern the behavior of the nurses. Let us explore further the roles of nursing ethics.
Nursing is a high-pressure zone and ethics play an important role to both the nurses and the ethics. The importance of ethics in nursing cannot go unmentioned when we talk about the standard of service delivered.
The major role of nurses is to take care of the patients which come with a package of challenges Below are some roles of ethics in nursing.

Offers guidelines

A principal offers guidelines to nurses on how to operate while on duty. It clearly states how the patient-nurse relationship should be handled. It further indicates how nurses should react to specific situations as they arise.

Provides moral guidance

Nurses have specific moral guidance as spelled out in their ethics list. These are not limited to asking for consent from the patients, and being kind to the patients amongst others.

Promotes standard healthcare delivery

The set rules provide standard and quality health care across the world. Nurses are required to handle patients with care and deliver as per the ethics irrespective of their personal interests or beliefs. Here are some of the daily rough situations nurses get themselves into>
Dealing with controversial patients is not an easy task. Patients belong to different religions and of different beliefs, some of these forbid them from receiving standard medication. In such a case, the nurse would be stranded on how to talk the family out to allow their kin to receive standard procedures or how to convince the patient to receive treatment.
In such circumstances, nurses are allowed to use their morals within their code of ethics.
Obtain consent. The nurses are mandated to obtain consent from the patient or the parents in the case of a minor before treatment is administered. Without the consent of the patient who is conscious, the nurse would be sued and punished followed by consequences.
Obtain informed consent. Unless the patient is unconscious, the nurse has a responsibility to obtain the patient’s consent prior to any treatment or procedure. Sometimes the patient will refuse treatment. Nurses ensure the staff follows the patient’s wishes.
Maintain patient confidentiality. While not everyone on the staff needs to know about the patient’s history or situation, nurses must decide who needs to know without violating confidentiality.
Tell the truth. Most patients trust nurses, which is one of the reasons the profession has the highest rating for ethics and honesty. Nurses must remain truthful even when reporting the news the patient does not want to hear. They also depend on patients to share correct information about their medicines, conditions, and other issues.
Principles of the nursing profession
Let us talk about the principles of the nursing profession. Principles are described as the fundamental truth and beliefs that an institution is built on. Nursing as a profession has principles that guide their undertaking. Failure to adhere to the set principles there can be dire consequences not just for the nurses but for the general clients. Below are 5 principles and the importance of ethics in nursing as discussed and the possible repercussions if neglected.
This is one of the most important ethics in nursing listed in the code of conduct. Nurses are required to be answerable to themselves as well as to the general public and the patients. This ethics dictates that nurses must be able to take full responsibility for their actions while on duty. Part of the nurse’s duty is the decision between life and death. In some cases within the ethics, nurses are allowed to decide which is then communicated to the relevant people before execution. Below are some of the consequences of not being accountable as a nurse:
1. Repercussions for failing to be answerable
Loss of job – a nurse might end up losing his/her job or worst case scenario losing their practice license for lack of accountability.

Lack of trust between patient and the nurses – When a nurse is not able to be answerable to the patient on some actions. There might be a grave loss of trust.

It is very important for nurses to uphold this principle in high esteem. A simple mistake can cost a life. Nurses are at the forefront of saving lives and that’s just it.
Loyalty or allegiance is also another important principle. This is the keeping of one’s promise and believing in a cause. Nurses’ relationships with their patients must be built on loyalty and trust. Nurses are not allowed under any circumstance to disclose their patent issues to any third party.
Failure to keep or adhere to this principle could lead to mistrust between the patients and the nurse. This in turn will jeopardize the treatment process. For this reason, nurses must prove trustworthy to their patients.
This principle is very important to nurses. Nurses are required to be kind to all patients considering the fact that not all patients suffer from the same illness. As they dispense their duty nurses must embrace charity and beneficence.
This principle dictates that nurses must act and show genuine love, care, generosity, and concern to the patient.  They are required to act so irrespectively of their personal interest or opinion.
In absence of this principle, the hospital would be a death zone. People go to facilities to seek help in their time of need and all they need is a kind heart to receive them and give them hope. This principle is one among other vital principles.
Patient freedom
The patients have the freedom of expression and are limited in what they can say. This is built on the trust the nurse has created with the patient. Nurses have to respect the patient’s decision for example when a diagnosis is done and the patient requests that his report not be shared with anyone. The nurses have no reason but to oblige except when the patient is incapacitated or unconscious.
Human relationship
Human relationship is part of the ethics that dictates mutual respect and resilience. This also encompasses the confidence of patients and their privacy. Nurses are faced with such situations on daily basis. Irrespective of the condition a patient is in. A nurse is still required to exercise humanity because their core value is to preserve life.
Where there is no humanity, then the nurses would be abandoning some severe cases and shouting on top of their voices the condition of the sick.
Ethics in nursing and morality
Ethics and morality question always crops up when a dire decision is to be made. They could be advised by deteriorating health which would call for critical decision-making. Nurses could be caught at a crossroads of having the right idea of what to do but cannot execute as a moral obligation because of the laid down ethical principles.
Nurses are expected to deliver by the book and the availability of the standard ethics acts as a guideline. However, nurses being human beings are sometimes tested to apply morality when situations are getting out of hand.
Job Performance and Nursing Ethics
The codes of ethics that encompass nursing as a career are designed to ensure that standard service delivery is maintained.
The nursing code of conduct is built around end-of-life issues, bioethics, advocacy, caregiving and moral courage, moral distress, and moral resilience. The nurses are expected to deliver t on these non-negotiable grounds.
As they go on with their duties, nurses are required to employ their moral judgment as long as they are within the set guidelines.
Nurses are also expected to exercise, understanding, compassion, and loyalty, and ensure freedom of speech to the patients. They are also expected to render caregiving irrespective of their personal beliefs and feelings toward a patient. All these are geared towards a good and standard delivery of health care services.
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NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation

NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation
NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation
Discuss the Results of the ELEOT
For the observed classroom, all scores from the measured environments ranged above 3. Looking at the 7 environments, Equitable Learning Environment had a score of 3; High Expectations Environment score of 3; Supportive Learning Environment score of 4; Active Learning Environment score of 4; Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment score of 3; Well-Managed Learning Environment score of 4; while Digital Learning Environment had a score of 3.3. NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation
From the observation, it was evident that…
Learning Environment Observation
During your professional career as a nurse educator, you will be asked to teach in various learning environments; including traditional classroom, online, and clinical.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide knowledge of establishing an environment that
promotes student participation, engagement, and optimal student outcomes.
The classroom can be a traditional or clinical setting and be directed at students, nurses, or
Using the “ELEOT Reference Guide” complete the “Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool (ELEOT).”
Write a 500-750 word summary of the observation. Include the following in your summary.
Discuss the results of the ELEOT.
Discuss how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment.
Discuss the various engagement and learning strategies that were used and how they could
be implemented in different learning environments including traditional and non-traditional
Discuss how you could implement some these strategies into your own classroom.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the
Student Success Center.

Course Code
Class Code
Assignment Title
Total Points

Learning Environment Observation

1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%)
2: Less Than Satisfactory (80.00%)
3: Satisfactory (88.00%)
4: Good (92.00%)
5: Excellent (100.00%)


A completed ELEOT is included.
A completed ELEOT is included.

ELEOT Results
A discussion of the ELEOT results is not included.
A discussion of the ELEOT results is incomplete or incorrect.
A discussion of the ELEOT results is included but lacks supporting details.
A discussion of the ELEOT results is complete and includes supporting details.
A discussion of the ELEOT results is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details.

Learning Environment
A discussion of how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment is not included.
A discussion of how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment is incomplete or incorrect.
A discussion of how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment is included but lacks supporting details.
A discussion of how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment is complete and includes supporting details.
A discussion of how the instructor maintained and managed the learning environment is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details.

Engagement and Learning Strategies
A discussion of the various engagement and learning strategies used and how they could be implemented into various settings is not included.
A discussion of the various engagement and learning strategies used and how they could be implemented into various settings is incomplete or incorrect.
A discussion of the various engagement and learning strategies used and how they could be implemented into various settings is included but lacks supporting details.
A discussion of the various engagement and learning strategies used and how they could be implemented into various settings is complete and includes supporting details.
A discussion of the various engagement and learning strategies used and how they could be implemented into various settings is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details.

NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation

Strategy Implementation
A discussion on how the strategies observed could be implemented is not included.
A discussion on how the strategies observed could be implemented is incomplete or incorrect.
A discussion on how the strategies observed could be implemented is included but lacks supporting details.
A discussion on how the strategies observed could be implemented is complete and includes supporting details.
A discussion on how the strategies observed could be implemented is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting details.

Organization and Effectiveness

Thesis Development and Purpose
Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.
Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.
Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.
Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.
Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Argument Logic and Construction
Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.
Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.
Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.
Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.
Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation

Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)
Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.
Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent.
Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.
Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style.
All format elements are correct.

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)
Sources are not documented.
Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

Total Weightage

Learning Environment Observation
Discuss the Results of the ELEOT
For the observed classroom, all scores from the measured environments ranged above 3. Looking at the 7 environments, Equitable Learning Environment had a score of 3; High Expectations Environment score of 3; Supportive Learning Environment score of 4; Active Learning Environment score of 4; Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment score of 3; Well-Managed Learning Environment score of 4; while Digital Learning Environment had a score of 3.3.
From the observation, it was evident that students satisfactorily experienced differentiated learning to meet their personal needs in the classroom environment. There was also evidence of collaboration between learners and their peers during the completion of assignment and other classroom activities. Instructors also provided individualized tutoring to students and learners received direct instruction from instructors.  There was also evidence of learner engagement in the classroom environment where the instructor engaged students using creative technologies such as using computer programs aligned with blood pressure cuffs. Students took blood pressure from each other and determined a baseline on the computer indicating use of technologies during learning NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation.
In addition, students supported each other when necessary in the class and there was the use of technology during collaboration, problem-solving, and communication in the classroom setting. The instructor used innovative strategies and best practices to support student engagement along with interactive learning.
How the Instructor Maintained and Managed the Learning Environment
The instructor maintained and managed the learning environment by setting expectations for the students. Before the class session started, the instructor communicated to students what was expected of them and the learning objectives of that session. In addition, the instructor would motivate students through praise. Motivating students to learn encourages students to complete academic tasks and other classwork assignments. In addition, the instructor would monitor the students by watching their behavior and intervening to address any sign of confusion and inattention for the students. Monitoring allowed the instructor to address any needs of the students during learning. Monitoring involved identifying the stuck students, and those who need redirection and any correction.
Various Engagement and Learning Strategies
To keep learners engaged, one of the tools that can be used is an LMS tool. An LMS tool creates courses that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. The tool can enable students to access learning content on mobile devices and provides learners what they need most and hence it is a powerful engagement strategy for learners (Lee et al, 2018).
Another engagement strategy is the use of open communication channels. The communication channels should be designed in a manner that enables feedback and sharing of opinions, as well as open discussions among leaners and with the instructor as well.  An important strategy that an instructor can use to promote learner engagement in an online forum includes group discussions and peer spaces where questions can be asked.
Implementing the Strategies in the Classroom NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation
Open communication can be integrated into learning using mobile technologies to design online tutorials and create online discussion forums. In addition, I can form group discussions in the classroom to ensure attentiveness of all students through a whole-group focus (Froneman et al, 2016).
Froneman K, Plessis E & Koen M. (2016). Effective educator–student relationships in nursing education to strengthen nursing students’ resilience. Curationis. 39(1),1595.
Lee H, Min H, Oh S & Shim K. (2018). Mobile Technology in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Systematic Review. Healthc Inform Res. 24(2), 97–108. NUR-646E Learning Environment Observation

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