Types of Research Methodologies
To understand the different types of research methodologies, you need to first answer the question, “What are research methods?” You can define a research method as the approach and procedure used to illustrate research conducted effectively. The research methodology approaches help the researchers achieve the aims and objectives of the study.
The primary responsibility of a researcher is to present the idea and explain different types of research methodologies used. In this article, we will take you through the different types of research methodologies, give you tips for selecting practical methods, give you cons and pros, and eventually compare and contrast some of the research methodologies used.
How to Select an Effective Type of a Research Methodology
Before beginning to conduct your research, you should have a clear goal of what you aim to achieve at the end. Your research question should be applicable, precise, and valuable. That will help you address the issue, and you can base the judgment after that.
To have reliable data, the researcher must ensure that the studied population is well-represented. This is done by issuing questionnaires, forming focus groups, and conducting inclusive surveys on the study population.
Availability of time
As a student, you need to pay attention to your timeline because the data collection, analysis, and evaluation consume a lot of time depending on the methodology adopted; hence if you are not time conscious, the deadlines might pass before you achieve your goals.
Be sure to consider what software or hardware resources you’ll need for each potential research approach and whether you have access to them. Choose the types of research methodologies that you have enough knowledge and skills to avoid frustration and wastage.
Types of Research Methods
The different types of research methods are classified based on various categories. The categories include nature of the study, purpose, data type, research design, and general category. In some instances, the researcher can use a mixed-method approach to combine methodologies from different categories.
Mixed Method Approach
This is a research procedure that incorporates two different types of research, for example, combining both quantitative and qualitative data. This approach is mainly adopted when collecting and describing data in a natural setting.
In this article, we will focus more on these types of research methodologies: qualitative research, quantitative research, analytical research, conceptual, exploratory research, formalized research, and applied research, among others. For any inquiries, reach out to our customer support staff for assistance.
Quantitative Research
This type of research collects and analyzes numerical data. Researchers mostly use this method to test causal relationships, find patterns, predict outcomes, and generalize the test results to a larger population. Fiend-based researchers and scientific researchers commonly use quantitative research methodology.
It draws a conclusion using tables, facts, and graphs.
Advantages of Quantitative Research
It helps researchers examine and answer sensitive research questions using mathematical, computational, and statistical techniques. It lowers the chances of producing inaccurate data
It leaves room for larger sample sizes, thus enabling complete analysis of the findings and helping conclude the study population.
This type of research method helps to keep personal information private. It only focuses on collecting data, and people with this knowledge of identity preservation give honest opinions
Disadvantages of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is costly compared to other research methods. The process of administering surveys and issuing questionnaires among the targeted population makes the whole process expensive. Mostly big and established companies are involved. This makes the entire process more expensive.
When the data collected does not accurately represent everyone involved, it becomes challenging to reach a justifiable conclusion. This is a great challenge when there is a large study population.
Quantitative research does not make provisions for changes in society. As time passes, society changes, and so do people’s perspectives.
Qualitative Research Method
This is a non-numerical type of research that involves collecting data to investigate a population. The researcher asks more open-ended questions to get the most accurate data from their study group. Qualitative research is interested in learning the factors that influence how people think and behave in a certain way. Case studies and grounded theory are some of the types of qualitative research.
Advantages of Qualitative research
Qualitative research is flexible. That is because the interviewer can go into the subject and ask questions or even probe further to get accurate data. The interviewer can even alter the setting if need be.
Qualitative research deals with human experiences and observations; hence it has a more authentic feel. The researcher is more prone to gather accurate data.
Studies can be performed more quickly compared to other types of research methodologies; qualitative research uses a smaller sample size.
Disadvantages of Qualitative analysis
The data collection process is time-consuming because of probing and taking time to sort out the relevant and irrelevant data.
The researcher may need to collect more data since some participants may be concerned about a lack of privacy.
The chances of bias are high. That is because the people selected to participate in the qualitative research may hold a different viewpoint concerning the subject of discussion rather than a group of individuals with different opinions.
Difference between quantitative and qualitative research
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research.
Quantitative research is an empirical and scientific research method that employs logical, mathematical, and statistical techniques to derive numerical data. Qualitative research is a technique of inquiry to understand how people feel and think.
Quantitative research is conclusive, while qualitative research is exploratory.
Elements used in quantitative research analysis are numerical data, while objects, pictures, and words are used to measure qualitative research.
Qualitative research is holistic, while quantitative research is particularistic.
The researcher is intimately involved in qualitative research, whereas the researcher is uninvolved in quantitative research.
The reasoning used to synthesize data in quantitative research is deductive, whereas, in the case of quantitative research, the reasoning is inductive.
Measurable data is collected in quantitative research, while verbal data is gathered in quantitative research.
The aim of conducting qualitative research is to discover and explore ideas used in ongoing procedures. This is different from quantitative research, which aims to examine the cause-effect relationship between variables.
Applied Research
Applied research aims to solve a current problem facing a business, organization, or society. Mainly applied research is launched by an organization, company, individual, or agent to address an arising issue immediately. Some types of applied research include development research, action research, and execution research. On the other hand, fundamental research focuses mainly on formulating a theory to acquire knowledge of observable facts.
Analytical Research
Analytical research uses proven facts to evaluate information related to the research being conducted. Most researchers aim to develop new concepts or find supporting data that authenticates and strengthens their earlier discoveries.
Conceptual Research
Conceptual types of research methods relate to abstract ideas and concepts. It is research that relates to abstract concepts and ideas. It relies on the availability of information on a particular topic for research. Conceptual research is used to interpret the existing theories differently and counter existing theories.
Exploratory research
Usually, it is not the intention of the researchers to give final and conclusive research when conducting exploratory research. Exploratory research is carried out on an existing problem to determine its cause and nature.
Formalized research
Formalized research is conducted by researchers to answer a specific question or to gather knowledge about new information. For example, formalized research is conducted by medical staff to determine whether a particular vaccine is effective. They do this by administering the vaccine to people with the illness, monitoring them closely, and recording every change during the research. The success of the vaccine will determine the researchers’ next move.
Research Methodology Examples
Some of the research methodology examples include interviews, surveys, focus groups, observations, and research questions. They highly depend on the type of research methodology used by the researchers.
How do you write a research methodology?
Depending on instructions given by your course instructor or your preference, you can use a qualitative method, quantitative approach, mixed methodology approach, etc. For you to write a research methodology qualitatively, you need to conduct observations and formulate research questions and interviews. As for quantitatively, you need to collect and analyze numerical data.
Are you looking for a Research Methodology Tutor?
At onlinenursingpapers.com, you will find a team of writers willing to tutor you on different types of research methodologies, giving you step-by-step explanations by using various research methodology examples and other resources. If you have a project, you can’t find enough time to research and present, our experts can help lift that load off your shoulders.
We offer various materials, such as research methodology samples, to students across the globe at different academic levels. Talk to us today if you are looking for an online study group. We will be able to connect you with other students from across the world. Let us take you through the different types of research methodologies today.
Types of Research Methodologies