Sophia Haddad Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis shadow health Patient Teaching

Sophia Haddad Pediatric GAS Pharyngitis shadow health Patient Teaching

Patient Teaching Score: 9 out of 10

Greet the patient’s guardian

Topics priorized for patient teaching
Education Items

Greet the patient’s guardian and explain why you need to educate them.

Greet the patient’s guardian and explain why you need to educate them.

Sophia’s test came back positive.


10/3/2020 7:17:20 AM

Alright. Thank you.

Model Statement: Hi, Omar. We’re going to be going over how to safely give Sophia her medication.

6.5 out of 7

Model Plan

(1 point) Only use the dosing instrument that comes with medication
(1 point) Shake medication well before use
(1 point) Check to make sure you are administering the correct dose
(1 point) Give your child rewards and incentives for taking medication
(1 point) Take the full course of antibiotics
(1 point) Contact a health provider if symptoms do not improve
(1 point) Discontinue if you see signs of amoxicillin allergy

Topics priorized for patient teaching
Education Items

(1 point) Only use the dosing instrument that comes with medication
(1 point) Keep medication in a safe pace, out of reach of the child
(1 point) Check to make sure you are administering the correct dose
(1 point) Symptoms should improve in a few days
(1 point) Take the full course of antibiotics
(0.5 points) Look for signs of thrush
(1 point) Discontinue if you see signs of amoxicillin allergy

Only use the dosing instrument that comes with medication

Follow the instructions on the medication


10/3/2020 7:17:48 AM

I’ll be sure to do that.

Model Statement: It’s important to give Sophia the precise dose prescribed to her. Only use the dosing instrument that came with medication and never use a kitchen utensil like a spoon.
Keep medication in a safe pace, out of reach of the child

Keep medication in safe place, out of children reach


10/3/2020 7:18:11 AM

Good call. I don’t think she’d pour it out or something, but—oh, you mean she might drink it. Right, that too.

Model Statement: Keep medication in a safe pace, where Sophia can’t reach it.
Check to make sure you are administering the correct dose

Check to be sure the dose is correct


10/3/2020 7:18:35 AM

I bet it’s really dangerous to give a kid too much medicine. Better be careful.

Model Statement: Check carefully to make sure you are administering the correct dose of medication using age-appropriate weight-based calculations.
Symptoms should improve in a few days

Symptoms should improve in a couple of days


10/3/2020 7:19:05 AM

That’s really good to hear. I hate to see her like this.

Model Statement: Sophia’s symptoms should begin to improve in a few days.
Take the full course of antibiotics

Sophia will be able to return to school in 3 days


10/3/2020 7:19:24 AM

Yeah, I can do that. Make sure Sophia takes all of her medicine. No matter how much she doesn’t want to. Make her do the thing she doesn’t want to do. I got it.

Model Statement: If Sophia doesn’t take the full course of antibiotics, she could get sick again. Make sure she takes all of her medicine just like the instructions say.
Look for signs of thrush

Looks for a rash in here mouth


10/3/2020 7:19:47 AM

Oh, thrush is terrible. I’ll let you know right away if I see any signs of it.

Model Statement: Contact your clinician if you see signs of thrush in Sophia’s mouth and throat.
Discontinue if you see signs of amoxicillin allergy

Stop the medication of you see any signs of an allergic reaction, like difficulty breathing


10/3/2020 7:20:34 AM

Sophia already has some of those things because of the strep. How do I know if she’s also having a reaction to the amoxicillin?

Hives and if your daughter cant breathe


10/3/2020 7:21:04 AM


Model Statement: Discontinue if you see signs of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, which includes swelling, rash, and queasiness.

Symptoms and Care
2.5 out of 3

Model Plan

(1 point) Throw away toothbrush after 48 hours
(1 point) Give child ibuprofen or acetaminophen to treat fever
(1 point) Give Sophia a lot of liquids to keep her hydrated

Topics priorized for patient teaching
Education Items

(1 point) Throw away toothbrush after 48 hours
(0.5 points) When she can return to school
(1 point) Give Sophia a lot of liquids to keep her hydrated

Throw away toothbrush after 48 hours

change the toothbrush


10/3/2020 7:21:15 AM

She’s pretty attached to her butterfly toothbrush, but I’m sure we can find another one . . . probably . . .

Model Statement: Throw away Sophia’s toothbrush after 48 hours. Strep can linger on the toothbrush, and potentially reinfect her.
When she can return to school

she can return to school in 3 days


10/3/2020 7:21:49 AM

That’s good to know. Thanks.

Model Statement: Sophia can return to school after 48 hours, if her symptoms have improved.
Give Sophia a lot of liquids to keep her hydrated

She can drink plenty of water


10/3/2020 7:22:19 AM

Sophia’s pretty good about drinking water. Normally I’d go for tea, but I don’t think I need a caffeinated Sophia stuck at home from school. Bad times for everybody.

Model Statement: Make sure that Sophia drinks plenty of liquids so she stays hydrated.

Say Goodbye

Topics priorized for patient teaching
Education Items

Educate the patient’s guardian on anything else and say goodbye

Educate the patient’s guardian on anything else and say goodbye

Have a good day


10/3/2020 7:22:43 AM

Ok. See you later.


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