Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper

Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper
Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper
Week Four Community Project
Community assessment provides a deeper understanding of the needs within the community and data collection is a critical part of the process. The primary goal of data collection is to get usable information about the community and its health (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2010, p. 223). There are several ways to obtain the data of a community. The next several paragraphs will examine data collected through existing research using data points and development of a health survey of an aggregate population with asthma. Data collected from the literature and survey will help identify areas will support the planning for a community educational program.
Current Data
Once the target audience is identified a literary search was conducted in relation to childhood asthma and  current statistics within the state. Current statistics in relation to childhood asthma allows for the identification of specific and unique needs within the targeted community.  The purpose of the study was to understand particular patterns, problems, and possible strengths within the community.
Data Points
According to Healthy People 2020 (n.d.), the presence of asthma in children continues to climb at alarming rates. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that 9.4% of children under the age of 18 have asthma nationally. The current state statistics remain shockingly higher further supporting the need for greater community-based education. The table below compares national, state, and regional statistics broken down by sex and ethnicity.

Connecticut Asthma Data
National Asthma Data
Regional Asthma Data

13.2%  =  K-12
9.4%  =  K-12
9.0%  =  K-12

14.5%  =  Male
7.0%  =  Male
10.0%  =  Male

11.6%  =  Female
9.9%  =  Female
7.0%  =  Female

10.6%  =  White (non-Hispanic)
8.1%  =  White (non-Hispanic)
11.5%  =  White (non-Hispanic)

14.8%  =  Black
12.1%  =  Black
9.9%  =  Black

16.9%  =  Hispanic
7.3%  =  Hispanic
12%  =  Hispanic

Table 1. Current Asthma statistics from CDC 2010
After comparing existing data at the state and national levels, I decided to examine the current statistics in my community on a regional level. Ironically, the regional statistics were more closely related to the national rates reporting at approximately 9.0% in ages K-12.  However, on a state level the percentages remain higher overall. The first three questions in the survey tool will identify the age, sex, ethnicity, and the number of children with asthma in each home. The data will be compared with the current data points of the table above.
Aligning with the goals of Healthy People 2020(n.d), spreading awareness of a national asthma action plan initiatives remains the highest priority. To achieve the objectives and strategic alignment at a regional level more education needs to occur in schools, daycares, and throughout the community with parents and children. At the state level, only three out of four students have an asthma diagnosis on the health form with the nurse; only one in three have medications on file and only one of 20 children have an asthma action plan (Centers for disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011). Under the asthma history assessment section, several questions will explore the data points related to diagnosis, discussions and health information with the school nurse, and asthma action plans on file with the school nurse. Information at a regional level related to these specific state data points from the CDC was not available. This lack of information may indicate a data gap.
The Need for Additional Data
Based on the goals of my community education project I believe that a regional school wide survey would generate additional data and create awareness with parents in the community at the same time. The survey will be distributed in each school within the regional district.  Every student will receive a survey to bring home to parents. The purpose of the survey questions is  to identify students with asthma, assess current educational needs either strengths or weaknesses, explore the number of children who have missed school and needed emergent medical care and identify if they have ever received education from their provider about triggers or prevention. Some of the questions are specifically related to the objectives of Healthy People 2020 for example; “has a school nurse or health professional (doctor or otherwise) spoke to you about an asthma action plan?” and “has a doctor or health professional provided you with education about asthma triggers?” Additional questions were added to explore personal curiosity about allergy related triggers and genetic predisposition. National data reported by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (n.d.), reports that if a parent has asthma there will be a 30% chance the child will have asthma and the percentage jumps to 70% if both parents have asthma. The data collected from the survey answers will be shared with the regional health department for further comparison.
The information gathered from the surveys and the literature will be analyzed to set the goals and objectives for the community asthma program agenda. A future plan will focus on describing the aggregate information collected, identifying problems, and examining the needs for changes. Conducting a literature search is an excellent resource. Additionally, surveys may provide secondary analysis of reported data that can be used for a program to provide services that offer relevant education needs to the community.

CT Asthma Survey Tool
In an effort to collect the most accurate data on your children, please take care to answer each question. If a question does not apply use N/A in the space provided.  Please return this survey to school with your child as soon as possible. The school nurse will be collecting them over the next two weeks for review. Thank you for your time.


1.      How many children live in your home?

2.      What are the ages of the children living in your home?

3.      Please circle the sex of the children living in your home
   Male             Female

4.      What cultural ethnicity are you and your children?
    (W) = White (Non   
     (B) = Black
     (H) = Hispanic                   
     (A)  = Asian
    (AI) = American   
     (X) = Other

5.      Do you or your children in your home have asthma? (If so, please list the individual’s name, gender and their relation to the family unit).
           Yes =      _________

6.      Does anyone in your home have environmental or food allergies? (If so please list what allergies).

Asthma History Assessment
Please complete the remainder of the survey if you have a child in your home with asthma.
* If you do not have a child in your home with asthma you may stop here.

1.      Has your child or children ever been formally diagnosed with asthma by a physician? If so, at what age was the diagnosis made? (Please specify who has the diagnosis).

Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper

2.      How long has it been since you last talked to a doctor or other health professional about asthma?  This could have been in a doctor’s office, the hospital, emergency room, urgent care center or clinic.
 In the last month  ______         
 1-3 months           ______           
> than a year         ______

       3.   How would you describe your child or children’s asthma?
  Mild                    ______                                
  Moderate            ______                              
  Severe                 ______

4.       If your child or children take medication how frequently is
medication taken? (Please specify)
  Daily                   ______                    
  As needed           ______                           
   Other                 ______                                 

       5.   Has your child or children had an asthma attack?
   Yes                    ______                                     
   No                     ______ 

6.   Has your child or children ever had an asthma attack at school
or daycare?
   Yes                    ______                                              
    No                     ______ 

7.      Have you ever spoken to your school nurse or daycare provider
about your child’s asthma?
    Yes                   ______                                    
    No                    ______ 

8.      Does your child or children have an asthma plan at school or
    Yes                   ______                                        
    No                     ______ 

9.      Has a school nurse or health professional (doctor or otherwise)  spoke to you about an asthma plan?
    Yes                   ______                                     
    No                     ______
    Unsure              ______

10.  Has your child or children missed school or daycare because of
their asthma?
    Yes                   ______                                      
     No                    ______ 

11.   Has your child or children needed to go to the ER or urgent
care center for their asthma?
    Yes                   ______                                      
     No                    ______ 

       12.   Has your child or children ever needed to be hospitalized for their
    Yes                   ______                                      
     No                    ______ 

13.   Does your child or children see a doctor for regular checkups
for their asthma?
    Yes                   ______                                      
     No                    ______ 

14.  Has a doctor or health professional spoken to you about how to   prevent asthma attacks?
    Yes                   ______                                     
    No                     ______
    Unsure             ______

15.  Has a doctor or health professional provided you with education about asthma triggers?
    Yes                   ______                                     
    No                     ______
    Unsure             ______

16.  Have you ever asked a health professional about how to prevent asthma attacks?
    Yes                   ______                                       
     No                    ______ 

Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper
Asthma and Allergy Foundations of America. (n.d.). Asthma Facts and Figures. Retrieved May 2, 2014  from:
Centers for disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Vital Signs: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education — United States, 2001—2010. Retrieved May 2, 2014 from:
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2010). Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-oriented Practice. (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.
Sample community health project population focused healthcare essay paper


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