Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement

Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement
Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement
Samantha is an 18 month old female with a two day history of diarrhea and vomiting. She has had 4-5 episodes of non-bilous emesis per day. She has also had 3 episodes of runny, watery stools per day. Her appetite has decreased but she has been tolerating small amounts of pedialyte and milk. She has had a slightly decreased amount of wet diapers. She has no signs of dehydration on physical exam and is alert and active.
Samantha is an 18 month old female with a two day history of diarrhea and vomiting. She has had 4-5 episodes of non-bilous emesis per day Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement . She has also had 3 episodes of runny, watery stools per day. Her appetite has decreased but she has been tolerating small amounts of pedialyte and milk. She has had a slightly decreased amount of wet diapers. She has no signs of dehydration on physical exam and is alert and active. Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement
Case Plan
Samantha has viral gastroenteritis with no signs of dehydration. It is reassuring that she is tolerating oral liquids. We would advise the parents on the anticipated benign course of the illness and that the symptoms should resolve in the next few days We would explain the signs of dehydration to the parents and instruct them to continue giving smail amounts of fluids regularly Samantha can continue an age appropriate diet as tolerated. Although the BRAT diet and a clear liquid diet have been recommended in the past, it is now recommended that children continue their regular diet as tolerated as the previous diets have been found to provide suboptimal nutrition. We would also advise the family to ensure proper hand washing at home and not share utensils or foods with each other to prevent the spread of infection Samantha Graves iHuman Problem Statement.


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