PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults details
Research Question in PICO format:
P (Population/Patient) = Older adults, I (Intervention) = Patient Education, C (Comparative) = Nursing Education, O (Outcome) = Prevention of abuse (or even reduction)
Note: Education here may or may not necessarily means degree or schooling. It also involves, learning, awareness, enlightenment, knowledge, counselling, guidance, literacy etc. PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults
This paper allows students to explore a contemporary issue that affects the healthy aging of older Canadian adults. Students will analyze their chosen issue within the context of healthy aging.
Nursing Paper Assignment
The showcasing of care and concern towards a sick person is often described as one of the intangible medicines that rapidly hastens the process of recovery. It is an obvious fact that the ill individuals desire to be treated with love and comfort so that the path to healing can be a worthwhile one. The number of health care workers who are able to display such empathy to their patients is quite low, as some of them are known for inflicting pain and suffering instead. The abuse of elderly patients is a problem that is persistent within the medical field where older patients find hostility and aggression being meted upon them. Elderly abuse is a serious problem since it hinders the quick recovery of the sick and even impacts negatively on their overall well-being. This paper is a nursing essay that discusses elderly abuse with regards to whether patient education can be used as a viable solution to mitigate this challenge. PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults.
Essay Task
Explore a contemporary issue in nursing that affects the healthy ageing of older Canadian adults. Analyze this chosen issue within the context of healthy ageing and incorporate the PICO format to answer the research question. The PICO format that applies in this case is P (Population/Patient) = Older adults, I (Intervention) = Patient Education, C (Comparative) = Nursing Education, O (Outcome) = Prevention of abuse (or even reduction)
Essay Topic
Elderly abuse.
Research Question in PICO Format
Does patient education prevent abuse among older adults compared to nursing education? PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults
The prevalence of elderly abuse within the Canadian context is quite alarming with statistics indicating that a significant proportion of the older sick population have at one time been victims of this predicament. The display of any form or type of maltreatment such as physical torture, emotional blackmail or even psychological cruelty is what constitutes elderly abuse (Alizadeh et al, 2014). PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults. The latter is a very important issue in the field of health care and nursing since it deals with the well-being of the older generation and how they are handled when they fall sick. It is a well-known fact that most older patients tend to suffer from mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia or even cognitive impairment (Mishra et al, 2016).
This kind of ailments leaves them vulnerable to abuse where nurses and health care workers tend to treat them with a lot of disdain and disregard. For instance, some nurses are known to mete out emotional and verbal abuse to the elderly patients such that their either ignore their alarm bells or talk to them harshly when they ask for assistance (Campbell et al, 2011). It is for this reason that patient education becomes vital since it can assist the elderly to deal with issues of abuse and mistreatment in health care facilities.
Patient education is a concept of learning that endeavors to sensitize the older population of how they can take care of themselves as they age (Hickey and Douglass, 2011). Moreover, it is through this form of learning that the elderly can be assured of healthy ageing in a manner that is devoid of any abuse or neglect. The evaluation of the best approach to adopt when it comes to patient education and healthy ageing among older Canadians is the PICO format (Vaillant et al, 2016). The latter is a nursing concept that seeks to find solutions in medical care by analyzing the population in question, the intervention programs, comparative scenario and eventually the outcome that is expected.
In this case, the patient population is the older adults who are at high risk of being abused by nurses and other medical practitioners. The extent of abuse to the elderly patients has no limit as it spreads beyond the physical to the emotional and mental well-being. This is why patient education is deemed as the most feasible and practical intervention that can effectively handle their plight. It is through patient education that the elderly can be taught how to take good care of themselves as they age in a progressive manner (Campbell et al, 2011). What’s more, nurses and health experts can assist the elderly to improve their wellness by educating them more about the medical conditions that affect them.
For instance, an older person that suffers from Parkinson’s disease can be taught about the diagnosis of this illness and the best approaches to embrace so as to manage it (Harford, 2016). Further, the older person can be taught ways of improving their own patient safety, especially when they are left alone in the home. PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults. Patient education is compared to nursing education so as to demonstrate which among the two is more effective. Nursing education predominately focuses on equipping nurses with the right information and expertise that they can use to treat and take care of their patients (Vaillant et al, 2016).
The opposite is true for patient education that seeks to assist the sick by teaching them ways in which they can take charge of their ailments and diseases. It is for this reason that the latter form of education is deemed as more effective as it strives to ensure that older sick people can take care of themselves to a significant extent. This assertion is supported by Kear (2016) who affirms that patient education contributes immensely to safety and quick recovery of the elderly compared to nursing education. Furthermore, Sherman (2016) concurs greatly with this fact by stating that patient education is one of the best initiatives that can help the older population to have a healthy ageing process.
Sherman (2016) goes ahead to explain that patient education is known to be effective when it is implemented through the right angle. For example, patients who are educated on ways of healthy ageing tend to be less depressed and happier compared to the rest of the sick population. The final element within the PICO framework is the outcome and in this case, it is the reduction of abuse for the elderly ones. PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults. One of the most suitable ways of obtaining the best possible outcome is through promotion of healthy ageing by emphasizing the role of nurses (Harford, 2016). The Canadian Nurses Association or the CNA is a certified body that deals with the welfare of nurses and their professional expertise.
Nurses play a very pivotal role when it comes to healthy ageing since they are the ones that educate the elderly on a myriad of issues related to their physical well-being (Kear, 2016). Further, the CAN framework encourages nurses to consider a holistic approach to healing for their older patients where they not only focus on their sickness, but also on the cultural, spiritual and even psychological factors PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults. The challenge with this approach is that patient education may not be the same for every older person, especially of the diseases or ailments affect their cognitive abilities (Kear, 2016). The availability of evidence-based interventions for dealing with elderly abuse through patient education is sufficient proof that this strategy is a worthwhile endeavor.
In sum, nursing is one of the instrumental fields of learning that is centered on improving the health status of the human race. This area of study has been credited with a lot of success and accomplishments that stretch from improved health care to significant medical discoveries. However, there have also been a number of problems that have been reported, with elderly abuse being the most common. PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults. The Canadian population has a significant percentage of older people who have fallen victim to either mistreatment or neglect from nurses. Healthy ageing for the elderly is quite essential as it ensures that they are able to grow older through a holistic approach. Patient education has been shown to be a very practical and successful approach to combating and mitigating elderly abuse as it equips the older population with teachings that they can use to deal with their illness and promote overall wellness.
Alizadeh-Khoei, M., Sharifi, F., Hossain, S. Z., Fakhrzadeh, H., & Salimi, Z. (2014). Elder Abuse: Risk Factors of Abuse in Elderly Community-Dwelling Iranians. Educational Gerontology, 40(7), 543-554.
Campbell Reay, A. M., & Browne, K. D. (2011). Risk factor characteristics in carers who physically abuse or neglect their elderly dependants. Aging & Mental Health, 5(1), 56-62. doi:10.1080/13607860020020654
Harford, R. (2016). Continuing Nursing Education. Relationship Between Age and Pre-End Stage Renal Disease Care in Elderly Patients Treated with Maintenance Hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 43(2), 101-108.
Hickey, T., & Douglass, R. L. (2011). Mistreatment of the Elderly in the Domestic Setting: An Exploratory Study. American Journal Of Public Health, 71(5), 500-50 PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults
Kear, T. M. (2016). Continuing Nursing Education. Patient Handoffs: What They Are and How They Contribute to Patient Safety. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 43(4), 339-343.
Mishra, R., Shekhar, C., & Gouda, J. (2016). Abuse Against Elderly Widows in India and Selected States: An Exploration from BKPAI Survey. Indian Journal Of Gerontology, 30(2), 184-199.
Sherman, J. R. (2016). An Initiative to Improve Patient Education by Clinical Nurses. MEDSURG Nursing, 25(5), 297-333.
Vaillant-Roussel, H., Laporte, C., Pereira, B., De Rosa, M., Eschalier, B., Vorilhon, C., & … Vorilhon, P. (2016). Impact of patient education on chronic heart failure in primary care (ETIC): a cluster randomised trial. BMC Family Practice, 171-13. Doi: 10.1186/s12875-016-0473-4 PICOT essay – does patient education, compared to nursing education prevents abuse among older adults