NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam

NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam
NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam Question 1
A patient reports small, vesicular lesions that last between 10 and 20 days. What treatment does the healthcare professional educate the patient about?

Acyclovir (Zovirax)

Three injections of penicillin

One time dose of azithromycin

Test of cure

Question 2
A child has a disorder that resulted in the failure of bones to ossify, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformity. What treatment plan does the healthcare professional discuss with the parents? NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam

Extremely careful handling

Increasing vitamin D intake


Containment and motion therapy

Question 3
A patient reports frequent nightmares NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam. For which of these should the healthcare professional assess the patient?

A recent major loss

Family history of nightmares

History of traumatic event

Poor nutrition and weight loss

Question 4
Which pain theory proposes that a balance of impulses conducted from the spinal cord to the higher centers in the central nervous system (CNS) modulates the transmission of pain?

Gate control theory (GCT)

Pattern theory

Specificity theory

Neuromatrix theory

Question 5
A patient has pernicious anemia and asks the healthcare professional to explain the disease. Which statement by the professional is most accurate?

The lack of certain foods in your diet

Your body cannot absorb vitamin B 12. NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam

You are not getting enough vitamin C.

Your bone marrow has stopped working.

Question 6
A patient has a spinal cord injury at C4. What should the healthcare professional assess as the priority in this patient?

Blood pressure




Question 7
A baby is born with a myelomeningocele and needs urgent surgery to repair the defect. The parents want to take the baby home instead. NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam What does the healthcare professional tell the parents about the purpose of this surgery?

1cSurgery is much easier on a tiny infant than on a larger, older baby. 1d

1cIf your baby has surgery this young, he/she cannot feel pain. 1d

1cAdditional nervous system damage will occur the longer we wait. 1d

1cPrompt surgery is needed to prevent total paralysis later on. 1d

Question 8
A woman attempting to conceive tells the healthcare professional that she and her partner have intercourse when her basal body temperature (BBT) is around 37˚C (98˚F) without getting pregnant. What information does the professional give the woman?

Maybe you need a fertility workup.

That’s a normal temperature, but during ovulation BBT decreases.

Temperature alone is not the most accurate way to predict ovulation.

BBT rises consistently above 37.8″1eC (100″1eF) with ovulation.

Question 9
Parents report their 3-week-old infant who eats well and has gained weight began to have projectile vomiting for no apparent reason NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam. What treatment option does the healthcare professional prepare to educate the parents on?

A gastric feeding tube

Wheat-free diet

Corrective surgery

Lactose-free diet

Question 10
Monoamine neurotransmission is hypothesized to be _______________ during mania.





Question 11
A patient has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and asks the healthcare professional to describe it. What description by the professional is most accurate?

ALL is a progressive neoplasm defined by the presence of greater than 30% lymphoblasts in the bone marrow or blood.

In ALL, immature blasts cells replace normal myelocytic cells, megakaryocytes, and erythrocytes.

B cells fail to mature into plasma cells that synthesize immunoglobulins.

The translocation of genetic material from genes 9 and 22 create an abnormal, fused gene identified as BCR-ABL.

Question 88
John, 64, reports that he has a severe curvature of his penis which occurred all at once. He is involved in vigorous athletic activities 4-5 days per week and does not recall an injury during his activities, only that he awoke with a painful curved erection and shortened erection. The nurse practitioner knows that:

Peyronie’s disease self-limiting and will go away on its own.

Peyronie’s disease is an inflammatory condition, resulting in noncompliant fibrous nodules in the tunica albuginea.

Peyronie’s disease only occurs as a result of microvascular trauma. All activities should be avoided for 4-6 weeks, to allow for healing.

Peyronie’s disease results from an abnormality in arterial inflow, resulting in venous leakage at the site of veno-occlusion.

Question 89
Which cells function to maintain bone matrix?





Question 90
Skeletal muscles make up approximately _______ of one’s body weight





Question 91
NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam Which of the following are positive clinical manifestations of schizophrenia?

Social withdraw, blunted affect, and failure to respond to simple questions

Hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech

Hallucinations, blunted affect, and social withdraw

Delusions, hallucinations, and failure to respond to simple questions

Question 92
A patient has ankylosing spondylitis. Which description of this condition by the health care professional is most accurate?

Chronic inflammatory disease with stiffening and fusion of the spine and sacroiliac joint

Chronic systemic inflammatory disease that affects many tissues and organs

State of abnormal and excessive bone resorption and formation

Wide-spread and deep chronic muscle pain, fatigue, and tender points

NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam Question 93
What directly causes ovulation during the menstrual cycle?

Gradual decrease in estrogen levels

Sudden increase of LH

Sharp rise in progesterone levels

Gradual increase in estrogen levels

Question 94
When are childhood cancers most often diagnosed?

During infancy

At peak times of physical growth

After diagnosis of a chronic illness

After an acute illness

Question 95
A woman who is positive for hepatitis B is in labor. What action by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Draw blood for a drug screen.

Encourage the mother to bottle feed.

Immunize the newborn within 12 hours.

Discuss poor infant survival.

Question 96
The neurobiology of depression is believed to be related to the atrophy of neurons in the:





NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam Question 97
A pregnant woman is seen for the first time at 6 months’ gestation and has not taken prenatal vitamins. The healthcare professional educates the woman on the need for a blood test specifically to assess what substance?

Total protein



C-reactive protein

Question 98
A patient had a seizure that consisted of impaired consciousness and the appearance of a dreamlike state. How does the healthcare professional chart this episode?

Focal seizure

Complex focal seizure

Tonic-clonic seizure

Atonic seizure

Question 99
A healthcare professional is trying to lower a patient’s body temperature by convection. What action by the professional will accomplish this? NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam

Lower the temperature in the patient’s room.

Place the patient in a cooling blanket.

Obtain a fan and set it to blow over the patient.

Place cold moist towels over the patient.

Question 100
A student is learning about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). What information does the student clarify with a study partner as being correct?

An episode of mild PID can decrease the possibility of a successful pregnancy by 80%.

Such an inflammation may result in permanent changes to the ciliated epithelium of the fallopian tubes.

PID has not been associated with an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Contracting this infection increases the risk of cervical cancer NURS 6501: Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam.


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