NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay

NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay
NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay
The Assignment:
Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity
Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Module 1 and expanded in Module 2, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
Cite at least two resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay.
Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity.

Part 3, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by:

identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your: (1) academic work as a student of the MSN program and (2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional. NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay.

The Assignment: Part 3
Section 1: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Explanation for The Relationship Between Academic Integrity and Writing

Academic integrity has always been posited as the backbone of professional writing. It encompasses taking responsibility and displaying honesty in writing and submission of original work. This entails giving credit to scholarly works which may have been referred to or used as a backup during the presentation of one’s idea (Bealle, 2017). A close relationship has always existed between the academic integrity and writing. The level of writing, as well as the perception of the reader is always shaped by the academic integrity that the author expresses during their course of writing. Avoiding plagiarism by acknowledging other scholarly works through proper referencing is one of the virtues of academic integrity (Price, 2014) NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay. By doing so, trust and fairness are built between the reader and the author. On the other hand, expressing one’s original idea builds creativity, which in turn brings along value for the work (Bealle, 2017). Furthermore, high personality, integrity and discipline are also molded by academic integrity, hence creating a good association with the writing work of a given author.

The Relationship Between Professional Practices and Scholarly Ethics

Professional practices are behavior and conducts that guide how a given professional should carry themselves in the course of their work. Scholarly ethics on the other hand, involves the academic, moral integrity in terms of research or course work, as well as examinations involved during the course of study (Draft Principles of Scholarly Ethics, 2018).  Professional practices and scholarly ethics have always been intertwined as they are said to build each other. A person with strong scholarly ethics is bound to have strong skills that can be transferred into a high standard professional practice (de Graaf, 2019). Practicing scholarly ethics also builds one’s confidence and creativity in doing things which in turn can be a profound ground that leads to excellent professional practice (Draft Principles of Scholarly Ethics, 2018).

How Grammarly, Safe Assign, And Paraphrasing Contributes to Academic Integrity

There exist some important tools that are applied in the course of writing that assists the writer in improving the overall writing quality, as well as detecting plagiarism or similarity index beforehand. Some of these tools include Grammarly and safe Assign software which, among others detects existing errors or omission in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuations, use of articles and sentence structures. Furthermore, these tools assist in detecting the areas that may require paraphrasing or quotation citation through highlighting the similarity level index. This leads to the overall improvement of the writing works and through improved quality and original work, these tools in turn builds upon the improvement of academic integrity (Garza & Parnther, 2018) NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay.
Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
The strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my:
(1) Academic Work as A Student of The MSN Program
During my course of learning, I intend to express high academic integrity and maintaining of excellent ethical standards. By doing so, I will strive and apply some strategies in the quest to reach these goals. The first strategy that I will pursue will be preparing myself in time, both for the coursework as well as the exams. Consulting my lecturers where I may have difficulty in understanding and doing further research through the library and online materials will greatly assist me in getting ready for the coursework, as well as the exams (Bealle, 2017) NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay. Secondly, I will learn on acknowledging other scholars work through proper referencing to avoid plagiarism whenever I borrow an idea from scholarly materials. Furthermore, I will improve my writing skills through learning of proper paraphrasing, grammar, punctuations and sentence structure to improve the overall quality standard of my academic works.
(2) Professional Work as A Nurse Throughout Your Career
With changing work environment due to factors such as globalization and advancements in technology, nursing professional will require a continued learning process throughout the career to adopt with the dynamics of the environment. To ensure that I maintain integrity and ethics in the professional work as a nurse throughout my career, I will strategize first on advancing my career in the area of nursing after every 3 years. This will equip me with the skills needed as new techniques emerge and thus improving my overall competency and integrity during my career (Memon, Salleh & Baharom, 2016). Moreover, observing the existing patient support policies, facility policies, as well as professional code of conduct will be my first priority as this assist in walking on the right path and disseminating duties with high ethical standards expected with the nursing professions. NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay.
A Review of Resources and Approaches I Propose to Use as A Student and A Professional
The resources and approaches I intend to utilize as a student will include library materials, attending practical lessons when required, application of technology through online research, reference to the past papers and projects to gain knowledge and familiarization of exam settings and conducting of research. On the other hand, as a nursing professional, referring to the existing code of conducts, undergoing further training whenever necessary, attending professional related seminars and workshops, teamwork and proper use and application of technology are some of the resources and approaches I intend to utilize to improve the overall ethics, integrity and service delivery pertaining to my profession. NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay.
Bealle, P. (2017). Community College Academic Integrity Lessons That Put Research into
Practice. Theory into Practice, 56 (2), 144–155.
de Graaf, F. J. (2019). Ethics and Behavioural Theory: How Do Professionals Assess Their
Mental Models? Journal of Business Ethics, 157(4), 933–947.
Draft Principles of Scholarly Ethics. (2018). Marquette Law Review, 101 (4), 897–902.
Garza Mitchell, R. L., & Parnther, C. (2018). The Shared Responsibility for Academic Integrity
Education. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2018 (183), 55–64.
Memon, M. A., Salleh, R., & Baharom, M. N. R. (2016). The link between training satisfaction,
work engagement and turnover intention. European Journal of Training & Development, 40(6), 407–429.
Price, B. (2014). Avoiding plagiarism: guidance for nursing students. Nursing Standard, 28(26),
45–51. NURS 6003 – Academic and Professional Integrity Essay


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