NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology
Unit 1: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

Welcome to Week 1 of Advanced Pharmacology
Welcome to week one of Advanced Pharmacology. The first week lays the essential foundation for principles of pharmacology, role, and population considerations. Rational drug selection requires more in-depth knowledge within the context of scope of practice, ethics, and legal issues. Relatively new areas of pharmacotherapeutics include pharmacogenomics and ethnopharmacology, which identifies drugs that are best for certain populations. This week builds upon your undergraduate knowledge and approaches learning from the perspective of a prescriber including clinical judgment in prescribing and collaboration with other providers and is key to your success in this course. In every chapter, you will learn about the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacotherapeutics of common drugs used in the weekly topic systems or conditions. Patient education is also foundational to the role of prescribers NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology.
Unit 1 Learning Objectives

Manage clients who require pharmacotherapeutic interventions by establishing a foundation of facts and an attitude of inquiry to promote effective and safe prescribing CLO 1)
Integrate resources that can be utilized to monitor pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacotherapeutic interaction to maximize client results and to reduce adverse effects or reactions (CLO 2)
Develop an educational plan that will inform patients about health and drug risks including ethnic and cultural considerations (CLO 1)
Hypothesize legal and ethical issues in prescribing (CLO 1)
Prescription writing how to (CLO 1, 4)

Learning Materials


Woo, T. M., & Robinson, M. V. (2020). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers (5th ed.). F.A. Davis.

Chapter 1: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse as Prescriber
Chapter 2: Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology
Chapter 3: Rational Drug Selection
Chapter 4: Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing
Chapter 5: Adverse Drug Reactions

Textbook PowerPoint(s)

Woo, T. M., & Robinson, M. V. (2020). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers (5th ed.). F.A. Davis.

 Chapter 1: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber
 Chapter 2: Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology
 Chapter 3: Rational Drug Selection
 Chapter 4: Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing
 Chapter 5: Adverse Drug Reactions

Faculty Lectures

Dunlap, J. (2020). NUR 7560  Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber.ppsx
Dunlap, J. (2020). NUR 7560  Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber-NonRecorded.pptx
Dunlap, J. (2020). NUR 7560  Chapter 2 – Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology.ppsx 
Dunlap, J. (2020). NUR 7560  Chapter 2 – Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology-Nonrecorded.pptx

APA Manual 7th ed. PPT Tutorial

APA Tutorial ppt Lecture –  APA 7th Edition Tutorial Lecture.ppsx

Prescription Writing

 Prescription Writing for the Nurse Practitioner.ppsx

Link 1:

Reviews important components of prescriptions and includes examples towards the bottom of the patient. Also of importance is the video titled “How to Write Prescriptions” which is about 1/3 of the way down the page.
Medical School Headquarters. (2012, March 23). Prescription writing 101 [Video].

Link 2: This is an additional 60 second video found on YouTube that is helpful.

Resinger, M. (2017, November 24). How to write a prescription in 60 seconds for PMHNP’s [Video]. YouTube.

Prescription Template:  blank prescription template.docx
Supplemental Material (Optional) for Week 1:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). CHAIN ONLINE: Clinical consumer health advisory information network. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Review this page for topics including:

Patient Tools
Practice Tools

Epocrates is a downloadable app or desktop version with valuable resources for prescribing and managing medications.

Athenahealth, Inc. (n.d). Epocrates. Retrieved March 11, 2021,
CredibleMeds requires a free registration to access the information. Explore the Medication Safety Tools & Resources section.
CredibleMeds. (n.d.). QTDrugs lists. Retrieved March 11, 2021,
Haymarket Media, Inc. (n.d.). Monthly prescribing reference. Retrieved March 11, 2021, Note: Navigate this site for up-to-date drug safety information and clinical charts that are useful references to print out.

Institute for Safe Medication Practices – requires a free registration to the webpage to access information.

Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2018, August 23). ISMP List of high-alert medications in the acute care settings.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2011, January 11). ISMP List of high-alert medications in the community/ambulatory healthcare.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2020, February 21). Oral dosage forms that should not be crushed.

U.S. FDA Website provides an abundance of information on various topics:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA homepage. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Optional Resources

International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. (n.d.). Clinical pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology Education Project. Retrieved November 17, 2021 from

Click the above link for both a narrative summary as well as short education videos on Clinical pharmacodynamics.

International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. (n.d.). Clinical pharmacokinetics. Pharmacology Education Project. Retrieved November 17, 2021 from

Click the above link for both a narrative summary as well as short education videos on Clinical pharmacokinetics.

International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. (n.d.). Adverse drug reactions. Pharmacology Education Project. Retrieved November 17, 2021 from

Click the above link for both a narrative summary as well as short education videos on adverse drug reactions.

International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. (n.d.). Pharmacology. Pharmacology Education Project. Retrieved November 17, 2021 from

Click the above link for both a narrative summary as well as short education videos topics including, but not limited to drug absorption, drug distributions, drug metabolism and drug excretion.

Faculty Lecture: Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber

Attached Files:

 Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber Transcript.pdf (59.343 KB)
 Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber Handout.pdf (6.97 MB)

Faculty Lecture: Chapter 2 – Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology

Attached Files:

 Chapter 2 – Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology Handout.pdf (35.682 MB)
 Chapter 2 – Review of Basic Principles of Pharmacology Transcript.pdf (61.844 KB)

Unit 1: Introduction Discussion

To participate in this discussion, select the discussion title link above. Then select “Create Thread” to view the full instructions and post your thread.  NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

Unit 1 and Unit 2: Discussion

To prepare for this combined Unit 1 and Unit 2 Discussion, read the assigned chapters and review the PowerPoint slides. This Discussion is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential III)

After review of the Unit 1 and 2 Learning Materials, please address all of the following questions. Let’s take a moment and examine the components of your future FNP practice.

In your state, do you need physician collaboration to practice as an NP or can NP’s practice independently? What if any practice restrictions to practice for the NP does your state have?
Does the NP role in your state need collaboration to prescribe or can they independently prescribe? What if any prescription restrictions exist in your state (ie: can the NP prescribe all classes of controlled substances in your state, what levels, restrictions such as length of time or quantity limits)?
Do you think the NP role should have collaboration for practice? For prescribing? Explain your stance on this position and use scholarly evidenced based information to back it up.
Does your state have a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) or Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) system? If so, what are the details of this system (timeline for uploading of prescriptions to the system, reporting etc.). How will this affect your future FNP practice?

Initial Post:

Include at least 2 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely sources (within 5 years) in your response.
Writing should be in a professional format with APA appropriate citations and references.
Please note that on submission to the discussion board, Blackboard often alters the formatting of the post. This is taken into consideration when faculty grade the post.

Peer Post:

Respond to at least 2 peers whose state of practice is different than your own.
Include at least 1 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely source (within 5 years) in your response.
Your response should either add to the content of the topic or based on research findings you include ask additional questions on the topic. NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology
Response should be at least 100 words excluding references.

Faculty Questions:

Faculty will be present during the week on the discussion board. It is expected that you will respond to any questions posed directly to you by faculty during the week. A failure to respond may result in a deduction of points as indicated in the Discussion Grading Rubric
Please refer to the grading rubric for further details on the content expectations. You can find this under “My Grades”, “Unit 1: Discussion”.

Initial post due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Unit 1
Peer post and Faculty response to any faculty questions due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 2
Please note: Internet searches will often take you to non-academic information resources such as,,,, etc. For a graduate-level course, you may not supplement your literature search with these sources because they do not come under a formal oversight or peer-review process.
Please do not submit anything in the form of an attachment to the main forum (unless requested by the Instructor), since it is more likely to transmit viruses and becomes difficult to open.

Unit 1: CDC Module #13: Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

To prepare you for your future practice and management of patient pain, it is important to understand the significance of prescribing opioids. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states. (MSN PLO 1,7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
CLO3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, such as infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and older adults with using cultural competence. (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential VIII) NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential III)
CLO 5: Examine the significance of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes. (MSN PLO 6) (ILO 4) (MSN Essential VIII)

  To complete the following module, you will need to create a free account through the CDC Training and Continueing Education Online page at the following link:
To further assist in your learning, complete the following CDC Module # 13 – Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
It may be helpful to also download a copy of the: CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain – United States, 2016
You will have the opportunity at the end of the module to obtain Continuing Education Credit. Please submit this certificate to the assignment link as proof of completion of the module and obtain credit for the assignment.
Due Date: This Assignment will be due on Sunday of Week 1

Respondus Practice Quiz – NUR 7560 (**Webcam**) – Requires Respondus LockDown Browser

The purpose of this Respondus Practice Quiz is multifactorial. The purpose is to:

Check the functionality of the Respondus Lockdown Browser on your chosen device
Review course materials including syllabus and course schedule
Review information from Week 1 including reading materials, Prescription Writing Tutorial, CDC Module
The Practice quiz is 15 question and is worth 15 points

This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I) NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states. (MSN PLO 1,7) (ILO 1,5) (MSN Essential I)
CLO3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, such as infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and older adults with using cultural competence. (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential VIII)
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 1) (MSN Essential III) NUR 7560 Advanced Pharmacology Introduction: Introductions and Foundations of Advanced Pharmacology

Continue on to Unit 2


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