NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2 translational research

NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2 translational research
NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2 translational research
WEEKLY DISCUSSION QUESTION Using the GCU library (notably the GCU library: Nursing and Health Science Guide), find a database, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research. Select a population health problem or issue of interest from the available studies. What type of transitional research is used for the study? provide rational as to why this is the best type of transitional research is best for the study, and explain why transitional research is the most appropriate approach for this problem or population.
NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2
Translational research involves gathering knowledge from various clinical experiments and using it to address the critical medical needs of a particular population. Translational research aims at improving the health outcomes of the target population. Consequently, this type of research has become very popular in the field of medicine. The study conducted by Hardy et al (2015) on childhood obesity utilizes T2 transitional research, which focuses from clinical practices to the population. This type of research aims at using clinical knowledge to address health issues facing the target population.
Transitional research is best for this study. Particularly, this type of research illustrates how community-based obesity treatment programs play a significant role in addressing the issue of childhood obesity. It indicates how healthcare practitioners use community-based obesity treatment programs in managing the weight and behaviors of obese children.
Additionally, transitional research is the most appropriate approach to childhood obesity. Research shows that one in every four children aged between 5 and 14 years is struggling with obesity (Hardy et al, 2015). This number represents approximately 716,000 children. The high number makes it relatively difficult for the pediatric to meet their treatment needs. Additionally, brief counselling on healthy feeding habits and screening services offered by primary care team does not assist them to lower their weight. Furthermore, obesity among children is a key public health challenge (Arteaga et al, 2018). About 18.5% of children aged between 2 and 19 years are overweigh (Arteaga et al, 2018). The high weigh exposes them to weigh-related ailments. The drastic increase in childhood obesity in the country necessitates for transitional research, thus enabling healthcare practitioners to come up with more effective clinical practices for addressing this problem. NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2 translational research
Arteaga, S. S., Esposito, L., Osganian, S. K., Pratt, C. A., Reedy, J., & Young-Hyman, D. (2018). Childhood obesity research at the NIH: Efforts, gaps, and opportunities. Translational behavioral medicine, 8(6), 962-967.
Hardy, L. L., Mihrshahi, S., Gale, J., Nguyen, B., Baur, L. A., & O’Hara, B. J. (2015). Translational research: Are community-based child obesity treatment programs scalable?. BMC public health, 15(1), 652. NUR 550 GCU WK1 Discussion 2 translational research


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