NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2

NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2
NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2
One of the goals of patient education is to encourage behavior change or improve lifestyle practices by encouraging a decrease in risk-taking behaviors which can lead to illness or progression of chronic illness (Whitney, 2018). Health promotion focuses on a healthy lifestyle. It includes a reduction of risky behaviors, developmental needs, preventative self-care (Whitney, 2018). Health promotion models clarify and encourage behavioral changes which are based on health promotion.  The Pender’s health promotion model uses a positive approach to behavioral changes.  It incorporates the patient, the environment, nursing, health, and illness to alter behaviors (Lightner, 2022).  Considering the patient’s experiences, motivations and understanding of health, when devising a plan of care that includes education, sets the framework for a successful transition to a healthier lifestyle NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2.  A study found that a nurse-lead program of exercise based on Pender’s Health Promotion Model changed the behaviors of patients in several ways.  There was an increase in the patient’s perception of the benefit of exercise, in their view of their abilities, and in the effect of the exercise (Karata’s & Polat, 2021) In the study nurses educated CAD patients about their health, condition, recommended exercise and benefit if exercises, over a period of time.  The study showed an increase understanding of the benefit of exercise and in the patient’s self-efficacy. Karata’s & Polat , 2021). Thus, patients in the study developed behavioral changes that led to a healthier lifestyle.
Some barriers that nurses encounter when educating patients are the patient’s knowledge of their health and the effects of lifestyle on health, patient’s low self-efficacy with regards to health, culture and environment, access to health care. A patient’s readiness to learn can be a motivator or a barrier. NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2 Assessing the patient and environment is important in discerning a patient’s reediness to learn. Is the patient in pain? Is the patient worried about something other than health? Can the patient see or hear well? Do they have their glass or hearing aids? What is their attitude towards their condition? By considering the answers nurses can determine how effective their teaching will be or how to adjust teaching to encourage an effective session.
Karata’s , T., & Polat, U. (2021, May). Effects of nurse-led program on he exercise behavior of coronary artery patients: Pender’s Health Promotion Model . Elsevier. Patient Education and Counseling. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from
Lightner, B. (2022). Nola Pender. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2.
Whitney , S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles . CCC web books by AWS & CDD. Retrieved May 31, 2022, from

Topic 1 DQ 2

Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?
According to our textbook, health promotion is “the act of educating people about healthy lifestyles, reduction of risk, developmental needs, activities of daily living and preventive self-care”. As nurses, we have the professional and ethical responsibility to promote health in all of our patients, throughout the lifespan and across all of the different fields in which they practice.
One particular model of health promotion that I think is important is the family connections model that states that families consist of individuals whose actions affect each other. These individuals create systems and patterns regarding how they all live together NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2.
I think this is very important for nurses to consider because so often we are working not only with the patient but also with the patients family. In order to encourage true change towards healthy lifestyles, we need to understand that changes may need to happen in the family level or we need to measure if the family is flexible enough to withstand a shift within their patterns. For example, if an individual is ready to adapt a healthier diet but their family does not see the benefit and instead continues to buy processed and unhealthy foods, it will be harder for that patient to succeed than if they all decided to eat healthier together.
Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum. (2018). [E-book]. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved August 5, 2022, from
Ryan, A. (2015). Promoting family connections. Nursing Case Studies on Improving Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults, 251 NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2.


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