Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay
Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay
Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as it provides a foundation for the extensive coordination that will be needed to successfully facilitate the change.
For this Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay Assignment, you propose a change at the department or unit level and develop a plan for guiding the change effort.
To prepare:
Review Chapter 8 in the course text. Focus on Kurt Lewin’s change theory, and contrast it with other classic change models and strategies.
Reflect on problems, inefficiencies, and critical issues within a specific department, unit, or area in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Select one issue as a focal point for this assignment, and consider a change that could be made to address the issue.
Think about how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
Using one of the change models or strategies discussed in Chapter 8, begin formulating a plan for implementing the change within the department/unit. Outline the steps that you and/or others should follow to facilitate the change effort. Align these steps to the change model or strategy you selected.
Determine who should be involved in initiating and managing the change. Consider the skills and characteristics that are necessary to facilitate this change effort.
To complete:
Write a 3- to 5-page Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay paper that addresses the following:
Identify a problem, inefficiency, or issue within a specific department/unit.
Describe a specific, realistic change that could be made to address the issue.
Summarize how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
Identify a change model or strategy to guide your planning for implementing the change. Provide a rationale for your selection.
Outline the steps that you and/or others would follow to facilitate the change. Align these steps to your selected change model or strategy.
Explain who would be involved in initiating and managing this change. Describe the skills and characteristics that would be necessary to facilitate the change effort.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Writing Center provides an example of those required elements. All papers submitted must use this formatting.
Note: This Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in Nursing Essay Assignment will serve as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.


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