Formatting Problem Statement into a PICOT Question

Formatting Problem Statement into a PICOT Question
Formatting Problem Statement into a PICOT Question
Week 2: Formatting your Problem Statement into a PICOT Question
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In preparation for this discussion, first prepare interview notes with the following questions:

I’d like to validate a problem statement and begin to formulate a PICOT question with the needs of your organization in mind.
A problem I’d like to work to improve is _________ and some of the causes of this problem seem to be _______________. Would you agree? Are you asking questions within the organization about this problem? Do you have additional insights into the specific problem statement and the etiology I’ve come up with?
What Outcomes would you hope result from addressing this problem?

Next make a phone interview (5-10 minute) appointment with a nursing or other leader in your chosen organization. The purpose of your interview will be to validate with the interviewee (from their point of view), whether your initial problem statement agrees with their needs.
With this interview information validating or changing your problem statement, you can move forward. Keeping the main ideas from the problem statement you drafted in Week 1 (SEE ATTACHED) wherein you identified the problem and the etiology; now state the problem in the PICOT format.
What Population will you be working with to improve outcomes? (poor)
What intervention possibilities are there (these would be aimed at the etiology portion of your statement)?
To what existing practice in health care is you comparing the outcome of your intervention?
What outcome do you expect to see as a result of your intervention?
Formatting Problem Statement into a PICOT Question


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