For the fifth assignment, you will describe the concepts of the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping applied

For the fifth assignment, you will describe the concepts of the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping applied to your health behavior. Make a plan to manage stress and garner social support.In your own words, describe how stress affects health behavior in general. Define and apply each of the concepts in the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (i.e., primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, coping efforts [problem management, emotional regulation, and meaning-based coping], outcomes of coping/adaptation, dispositional coping styles [optimism, benefit finding, information seeking]. Describe your level of confidence in your ability to change your behavior.
Use APA format for the in-text referencing and the reference list. You should be using reputable sources such as Centers for Disease Control (and other .gov resources)please see attached example

Transactional Model of Stress and Coping: Increasing Water Intake
Student Name
National University
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping: Increasing Water Intake
Stress and how it affects health can differ from person to person. Some people can
handle and cope with stress very easily, while others can become physically or emotionally ill
(Glanz et al., 2015). It depends on how the person interprets the stressor, how the stressor
unfolds, and whether it is short or long term (Glanz, et al., 2015). Some people may initially
cope with the stress well initially, but if it continues they may eventually feel the negative
physical, emotional, and social impacts of it. Conversely, others may not be able to cope with
the initial onset of the stress, but then adapt to it if it continues. It is completely dependent on the
person (Glanz, et al., 2015).
Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
According to Glanz, Rimer, and Viswanath (2015) the Transactional Model of Stress and
Coping is a “classic framework for evaluating processes of coping with stressful events (p. 226).
The key constructs of this model are primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, coping efforts,
outcomes of coping (adaptation), and dispositional coping styles (Glanz, et al., 2015). By using
these constructs to help evaluate and cope with my stress triggers it allows me to continue
forward in changing my health behavior.
Primary and Secondary Appraisals
There are a few stressors that affect my health behavior, but the one that causes the most
stress and most disruption in my health behavior is when a deadline is coming up at work. The
primary appraisal of this stressor includes how I evaluate how significant it is (Glanz et al.,
2015). Depending on the project and deadline, my primary appraisal may be different.
However, I am going to speak in particular about a deadline that I have coming up for an end of
fiscal year project. My perception of this project (the stressor) is negative, and therefore results
in distress (Glanz, et al., 2015). This distress often results in me meeting my friends more often
for Happy Hour (aka more fatty appetizers), or to stress eating, which usually includes fast
(fried) food.
The secondary appraisal of this stressor includes how I evaluate my level of control over
the stressor, and if resources are available to me in order to deal with the stressor (Glanz, et al.,
2015). When evaluating this stressor, I have a lot of control over the project itself, but not over
my ability to change it or the deadline. Unfortunately, when I am feeling very overwhelmed by
this project, I don’t have the ability to cope with this. Everyone is also busy at work so it is hard
to find support from my coworkers. I want to impress my boss, so I don’t want to bother her
with small details that might communicate that I do not know what I am doing. In addition,
everyone in my family is busy and has their own stress. I need to be strong for them, and I do
not want to bring home any of my stress from work. Because I lack resources to help me deal
with this stressor, I often turn to food, particularly high fat foods.
Coping Efforts
Coping efforts are defined by Glanz et al., (2015) as, “actual strategies used to mediate
primary and secondary appraisals” (p. 227). There are three coping efforts described by the
model: 1) problem management; 2) emotional regulation; and, 3) meaning-based coping (Glanz,
et al., 2015). In terms of coping efforts, I have turned to problem management often. This has
included seeking out information that will help me on my project as well as actively coping at
work through organizing a to-do list and working in 45 minute chunks with 15 minute breaks.
I have also turned to emotional regulation by venting my stress and emotion to my
friends during Happy Hours after work. In addition, I have engaged in meaning-based coping by
turning to my faith and focusing on a family vacation that my husband planned for this summer
after my deadline.
Outcomes of Coping
Outcomes of coping, or adaptation, consists of things such as emotional well-being,
health behaviors, and functional status (Glanz, et al., 2015). Because of the coping strategies I
engage in such as problem management, emotional regulation, and meaning based coping have
rmostly resulted in short-term positive adaptation to the stressor (Glanz, et al., 2015).
Dispositional Coping Styles
Dispositional coping styles are defined as, “generalized ways of behaving that can affect
emotional or functional reaction to a stressor: relatively stable across time and situations” (Glanz,
et al., 2015, p. 227). There are three coping styles: 1) optimism; 2) benefit finding; and, 3)
information seeking (Glanz, et al., 2015). I tend to engage most in benefit finding, which is the
“identification of positive life changes that have resulted from major stressors” (Glanz, et al.,
2015, p. 227). I try really hard to look at things that are stressful, particularly this project at
work, and find something positive in it. This keeps me motivated. For instance, during this
project, I like to see it as a positive thing overall because the time at work moves quickly when I
am busy, and when I am busy I am less likely to take longer breaks for lunch with my coworkers
(eating fatty foods).
In conclusion, by applying the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping to my chosen
behavior it becomes easier to recognize my stress triggers and adapt or eliminate them. Through
using the constructs and coping methods I am more confident in my ability to overcome the
stress related to my project, which contributes to my unhealthy (high saturated fat) eating
patterns. I didn’t realize the toll that stress takes on myself and my eating, and if I am able to
better deal with my stress, changing my behavior can be easier.
Glanz, K. Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (2015). Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and
Practice (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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