Evaluate a Business Ethics News Item


You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that analyzes a specified business ethics news item from the perspective of the ethical decision rule identified by your instructor.https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-cathay-ticket-discount-20190102-story.htmlPlease analyze under ethic of careIdentify the article’s major and its minor ethical issues, and analyze them from the perspective of that decision rule—as if you are “trying it on” as the decision rule that you might live by.The paper must be between 275 and 300 words (absolutely no more); place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of the paper. You should think in terms of writing a 350-400 word paper, and then paring it down and crafting it into a very tight, brief paper that fits into the required word range. Do not write a “short” paper and then engage in puffery. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font,