EBP, Research Utilization, and Knowledge Transformation Processes
EBP, Research Utilization, and Knowledge Transformation Processes
According to Stevens (2013) the literature identifies 47 EBP models which can be broken down into 4 thematic groups. The first group, “EBP, Research Utilization, and Knowledge Transformation Processes,” (Stevens, 2013) includes a framework currently in use known as the ACE Star Model of Knowledge. This model helps guide nurses to translate evidence into practice. The evidence summary (Point 2 of the star) combines all the available research in order to determine the strength of the results. For example, a systematic review will aid in determining the overall value of the research before it can be translated into practice guidelines. Determining the value of the research is fundamental to determining whether the evidence is strong enough to support changes to best practice.
It is important to integrate both EBP and patient/family preferences so that research is guided by patient outcomes. By gaining knowledge regarding the perceptions and attitudes of the patient we can better determine the efficacy of changes to practice guidelines (Bakker & Mau, 2012). After all, if the evidence does not improve the overall perspective of care from the patient’s point of view then the overall quality of healthcare for the patient is compromised – despite what the standard metrics may show.
It is the nurse’s responsibility to determine patient/family practice and teach them about the evidence in cases where their practice may not match the research. Sometimes, what we, as nurses, may view as non-compliance from our patients is simply a matter of education. When we explain to our patients the “why” of a recommendation, I believe they are more likely to actively participate in their care. EBP, Research Utilization, and Knowledge Transformation Processes.
Bakker. D., & Mau, J. (2012). The nursing model of care: Don’t forget the patient perspective. Nursing Management, 43(10), 8-11. DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000419488.26804.8c.
Stevens, K. R. (2013). The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(2), Manuscript 4. Doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04
EBP, Research Utilization, and Knowledge Transformation Processes