Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy

Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy
Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy
Education & Empathy : 3 of 5 (60.0%)

During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The opportunities listed below are those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient. A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity.

Opportunities marked as Not Encountered are opportunities that were not elicited in the interview
Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview, but where no statements were made. Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy.
Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient


 1 Symptoms
Followed Up

 Description: Danny describes the symptoms that have been bothering him.

What brings you to the clinic today?


09:01 PM PDT

My Abuela brought me here because I’ve been feeling sick. I have been coughing a lot. . . and I feel kinda tired. Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy.

Am sorry to hear that you are sick .


09:02 PM PDT

Thank you.

Do you have a cough?


09:03 PM PDT

I guess I’m kind of sick. . . I’ve been coughing a lot.

How long have you had a cough?


09:03 PM PDT

I think the cough started four. . . No, it started five days ago. Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy.

Is your cough a wet or a dry one?


09:03 PM PDT

My cough seems kind of gurgly and watery.

That sounds like a wet cough


09:04 PM PDT

Oh, OK.

Do you produce any sputum when you cough? (Clarified to: Do you produce any phlegm or sputum with your cough?)


09:05 PM PDT

Is that the gross, slimy stuff? Yeah, I’ve been coughing some of that up. It’s not any strange color, though. It’s just clear. (Clarified to: if I produce phlegm or sputum when I cough)

Am sorry to hear this.


09:05 PM PDT

Thank you.

How often is your cough?


09:06 PM PDT

I just keep feeling like I have to cough every couple minutes or so. I think it gets worse at night.

Do the cough disturb your sleep at night?


09:07 PM PDT

Most times I sleep OK, but I haven’t been able to sleep much because of my cough.

Am sorry to hear this.


09:08 PM PDT

Thank you.

Are you able to focus in class?


09:24 PM PDT

I can focus normally, but I couldn’t sleep very well last night because of my coughing, so it was harder than normal. Plus, it’s harder to pay attention when you keep having to cough. [AUDIO COMING SOON] Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy

Am sorry to hear that the cough is disturbing you sometimes.


09:25 PM PDT

Thank you.

Do you have a runny nose?


09:28 PM PDT

My nose is always a little bit runny… but ever since I started coughing it’s been worse, I think.

Am sorry about this


09:28 PM PDT

Thank you.

Have you been sneezing?


09:28 PM PDT

I don’t usually have to sneeze. My nose gets runny a lot of times though, like I have a cold.

what colour is your snot?


09:29 PM PDT

You mean like when I blow my nose? It’s clear.

Yes, that one. Ok, thanks.


09:30 PM PDT

Oh, OK.

How consistent is your nasal discharge?


09:38 PM PDT

It’s kind of clear and, like, watery.

Do you have any ear pain?


09:41 PM PDT

My right ear is starting to hurt a little bit . . . my left one is OK though.

Am sorry to hear this Danny


09:42 PM PDT

Thank you.

Do you have any ear discharge?


09:42 PM PDT

No, nothing comes out of my ears, but my right ear kind of hurts.

Do you have any hearing problems?


09:42 PM PDT

A lady came to my school to give all the kids a hearing test. It was kind of cool! I was hoping I would have super hearing, but I think I was just normal . . . Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy

Great, its good to have a test done whenever there is a chance.


09:43 PM PDT

Oh, OK.

Do you have soar throat?


09:44 PM PDT

It feels a little bit sore, yeah.

Does it hurt when you swallow?


09:45 PM PDT

No, I can swallow OK. It hurts a little right now because my throat is kinda sore.

Sorry about that Danny


09:45 PM PDT

Thank you.

Are you fatigued?


09:52 PM PDT

Yeah, I feel kind of tired. I think it’s because I couldn’t sleep much at night. My cough kept me from falling asleep.

Sorry about that.


09:53 PM PDT

Thank you.

 Model Statement: “I’m sorry your ear and your throat hurt. I’ll take a look and we’ll see if we can help you feel better.”

 2 Medications
Not Followed Up

 3 Vitamins
Followed Up

 4 Secondhand Smoke
Followed Up
Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy

 Description: Danny describes exposure to secondhand smoke at home.

Do you smoke?


09:08 PM PDT

No way! I know smoking is really bad–even for grown-ups. Papi smokes cigars sometimes. I don’t like how they smell.

True, smoking is bad for everyone, you should never smoke.


09:09 PM PDT

Oh, OK.

Are you ever around cigarette smoke?


09:13 PM PDT

Well . . . sometimes Papi smokes cigars in the house and my mom has to tell him to go outside. I breathe it a little bit then, but it’s not all the time or anything. I don’t like how it smells. Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy.

Am sorry about that, i understand your concerns.


09:14 PM PDT

Thank you.

 Model Statement: “That’s too bad your Papi smokes cigars at home. It sounds like it bothers you. Breathing in smoke isn’t very healthy, so it’s good to stay out rooms where you can smell cigar smoke.”

 5 Family History
Not Followed Up

 Description: Danny describes what he knows about his family health history.

Do you have a family history of asthma?


09:51 PM PDT

Mom says Papi had asthma when he was a little kid.

Do you have a family history of allergies?


09:51 PM PDT

I don’t think so, but I guess I’m not sure.

Do you have chills?


09:52 PM PDT

No, I haven’t felt that.

Do you have fever?


09:52 PM PDT

My mom said I didn’t have a fever this morning before Abuela took me here.

 Model Statement: “Thanks for telling me what you know about your family history. You did a good job remembering.” Danny Rivera Pediatric Cough Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy


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