Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid

Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid
Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid
Please respond to the following: “Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid”

Assess the importance of evaluating newly developed health care products in order to determine whether the products should carry existing brand names or whether they should be assigned new brand names. Suggest realistic branding strategies needed for marketers to evaluate newly developed health care products or services. Provide support for your rationale.
Use the Internet to research the product offerings of a local health care organization. (Note:These offerings are often found on the health care organizations homepage.) Based on your knowledge of your local region, consider the potential markets for these products. With the grid, you should, at a minimum, analyze the resulting market-product combination. Determine whether or not the product offerings that you selected are consistent with the perceived selections of the given health care entity. Explain your rationale.

Brand Stretch Spectrum and Market Product Grid


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