Behavioral systems model essay example
Behavioral systems model essay example
Paper 4 – Nursing or Interprofessional “Theory”: Philosophy, Conceptual Model, or Grand Theory – Describe a nursing or interprofessional “theory” (i.e., a philosophy, conceptual model, or grand theory
Within your Paper 4, in addition to the specifications below, include a brief discussion of the relevance of the theory for your chosen advanced nursing practice role (psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner role) with diverse populations.
10% Introduction – Briefly introduce the focus of the paper.
70% Discussion – Clearly, thoroughly, and succinctly discuss the focus of the paper, showing evidence of reading of professional literature and synthesis of the focus
10% Summary – Briefly summarize the key points and conclusions from the discussion.
10% Format – Consistently use APA format (6th edition) and correct English grammar across these papers, from the title page through the reference list. These papers must adhere to the following guidelines (all of which are in agreement with APA, 6th ed., format), as well as the other guidelines specified in the APA Manual (6th ed.): (a) be typed in a current version of Microsoft Word that can be opened by the course faculty; (b) be typed in Times New Roman typeface, with 12-point font size; (c) have doublespacing between all lines, including the title page and reference list; (d) have 1-1½ inch margins (top, bottom, right, and left); (e) include a title page and reference page; (f) have headings between sections; and (g) have a running head and page numbers..
Grading Rubric for Papers 1-4 The points for the first three criteria for Papers 1-4 are based on the level of evidence of critical thinking and synthesis related to the criteria and specific focus of the paper, including clarity, thoroughness, evidence of reading professional literature (as applicable to the criteria). For the fourth criteria (i.e., Format), the points are based on the level of evidence/achievement in terms of the accuracy of the format (APA, 6th edition), including grammar, across the paper. Behavioral systems model essay example
*Note: Your grade on your papers will be reduced by 10% within each section of the paper each time that a primary reference is needed and is not included in the section of the paper and/or for each secondary reference used within the section of the paper. Again, it is essential that you only include primary references.
Behavioral systems model
Behavioral systems model
Models in nursing practice are tools that verbalize awareness of professional expectations. An example of this can be seen in the behavioral systems model (BSM) that was first presented by Dorothy Johnson. The model focuses on Johnson’s understanding that research-based knowledge plays a critical role in nursing care and outcomes, proposing that effective and efficient behavioral functioning are important in patients to prevent illness (Masters, 2015). The present paper explores BSM as a tool that facilitates efficient and effective nursing care.
BSM is based on the awareness that nursing care focuses on applying external elements to optimize patients’ behaviors through preservation the organization and integration of these behaviors so that they do not become threats to the patients’ physical and social health to result in illness. In this case, patients are identified as having a behavioral system comprised of seven subsystems that include achievement, aggression, sexuality, eliminative, ingestive, dependency, and affiliative. The seven subsystems are expected to meet three functional requirements for the patient to be healthy. The first requirement is stimulation for growth. The second requirement is the provision of a nurturing environment. The third requirement is offering protection from noxious influences. Inabilities to meet any one of the three functional requirements results in a state of imbalance whereby nurses intervene to create balance (Masters, 2015). Behavioral systems model essay example
Johnson’s conceptualization of BSM is based on the premise that nurses act in their professional capacity to improve society’s welfare through distinctive approaches. This awareness resulted in the model identifying four nursing goals. The first goal of nursing is to aid patients whose behavior is proportional to (commensurate with) social demands. The second goal of nursing is to aid patients who have the capacity to modify their behavior to support biological imperatives. The third goal of nursing is to aid patients who are able to maximize the benefits received from the skills and knowledge of medical personnel. The fourth goal of nursing is to aid patients whose behavior does not offer evidence of unnecessary trauma as a consequence of illness (Alligood, 2014).
BSM makes assumptions about systems and the structure and function of subsystems. There are four assumptions for each system. First, a system is comprised of the elements and parts of behavior to include integration, interdependency, interaction, and organization. Secondly, a system seeks to balance the forces that act upon and within it, using automatic adaptations and adjustments to balance the natural forces. In addition, behavior is characterized by constancy and regularity seen in the results and requirements, and this is necessary for functionality. Finally, balances in the system reflect successful adaptations and adjustments (Chinn & Kramer, 2015).
There are four assumptions for the structure and function of each subsystem. First, subsystems produce observable outcomes. Also, subsystems have a definite scope of actions and repertoire of choices. In addition, the behavior is characterized by predisposition to act with reference to an objective in certain ways rather than other ways. The fourth assumption is that the objectives of behaviors are based on the drive for the behavior and the form that it takes. In addition, three functional requirements are presented based on the awareness that behaviors are amenable to explanation and description if they are sufficiently stable, predictable, recurrent, purposeful and orderly. Secondly, each subsystem serves the primary function of preventing stagnation and enhancing growth. Thirdly, systems are protected to harmful influences (Chinn & Kramer, 2015).
Based on BSM, the nursing process has four components. Assessment that offers details about the biological system in terms of the subsystems. Secondly, diagnosis is presented based on behavioral performance to include dominance, incompatibility, discrepancy, and insufficiency. Thirdly, planning and implementation occur to bring about system balance through stimulating, nurturing and protecting the relevant subsystems. Finally, evaluation is conducted to determine if the system has achieved balance (Zaccagnini & White, 2011). Behavioral systems model essay example
BSM is a nursing care model that advocates for fostering effective and efficient behavioral functioning as important for preventing illness. In addition, patients are defined by a behavioral system comprised of seven subsystems with each one having four structural characteristics. Besides that, each subsystem has four functional requirements that include protection, providing a nurturing environment, and stimulating growth. In this respect, BSM is a tool that facilitates efficient and effective nursing care.
Masters, K. (2015). Nursing theories: a framework for professional practice (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Alligood, M. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Mosby.
Chinn, P. & Kramer, M. (2015). Knowledge development in nursing: theory and process (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Mosby.
Zaccagnini, M. & White, K. (2011). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: a new model for advanced practice nursing. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Behavioral systems model essay example
Behavioral systems model essay example