Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student

Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student
NURS 6565 Week 1: Short and Long-Term Professional Goals
Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student example essay
Short term and long terms goals help the individual to motivate towards meetings the professional goals and gives a long term vision where one wanted to be. Nurse Practitioner education is highly competitive, and it is imperative to be motivated throughout during the school term, and after once one becomes a nurse practitioner. SMART acronym tools are often used to set the goals, and it stands for S specific, M measurable, A attainable, R realistic and T timely. SMART goal setting tools helps to set the goal within the reasonable limits and helps the individual to prepare for the challenges that help to achieve the goal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Resources, n.d.) Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student.
Short Terms Goals
As a Nurse Practitioner student, I have following three short terms and long terms goals that prepare my transition towards Nurse Practitioner Practice from the RN.
Short terms Goal:
My first short term goal is to be prepared for this semester so that my preparation will help me to towards fulfilling my long terms goals of passing the Nurse Practitioner Board certification.
The second short term goal is to learn the skill sets required to serve the particular population I am intended to work as a future Family nurse practitioner. As a family nurse practitioner student, one get training towards the range of entire ages: however mostly I work with adult population as a Nurse and so far my desire e is to serve the same population as a Nurse practitioner.
The third goal is to understand the legal implication like state laws that define the nurse practice during this period so that before applying for the job I have the fair knowledge of the scope of practice that defines nurses’ roles, articulate oversight requirements, and govern practice and prescriptive authorities Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student.
Long terms goal
As I mentioned earlier, my first long term goal is to get the certification through the American Academy of Nurse Certification Program as soon as I complete my degree. I have to keep this in my mind as accreditation can take weeks to months, so my goal is to start the application process as soon as I can.
There is no denying the fact that as soon as one started for NP school, getting a good decent job is something always the first thing in the mind. With this course I am a very close get my degree and my certification, so my 2nd  goal is to get a decent job that I always intend to. I live in Quad cities and the market for Family Care Practitioner Jobs is not very promising. However, I am lucky enough to get an offered from one of the preceptor offices. Although, nothing is confirmed, but I am trying to be very proactive looking the jobs with the help of social networking and on job listing websites.
The third goal is something actually I will say both come under long and short goals is to continue to update the knowledge and technological skill based on current evidence-based practice through a focus on continuing education so that I can provide based patient outcomes every time.
Goal Setting. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://hr.mit.edu/performance/goals
Family Nurse Practitioner Career Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://nurse.org/resources/family-nurse-practitioner/
Poje, K. (2016). Smoothing your transition from RN to NP. Retrieved from https://americannursetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ant7-Focus-On-CAREER-621.pdf
NURS 6565 Week 1: Short and Long-Term Professional Goals example essay
Family nurse practitioner students (FNPS) need to develop realistic and professional goals because they are critical to guide our careers and make the transition from the role working as registered nurses to the advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) successful.  As new APRN, we will be a novice again the same way as we were when coming out of nursing school and we need to do everything that we can to make the transition simple and uncomplicated.  New APRN sometimes set unrealistic expectations making their role change more difficult and increasing their anxiety (Poje, 2016) and risk for failure in their new occupation.  The purpose of writing this paper is to identify at least three short and three long term goals, describe why I selected them and how they relate to my professional career development, and create a strategic plan that describes how I might achieve each of those goals.
Three Short and Three Long-term Goals, why I Selected Them, and how They Relate to my Professional Career Development
FNPS need to come up with goals that certainly describes what they want to achieve or learn and they must be specific, measurable, achievable, appropriate and time-limited (College of Nurses of Ontario [CNO], 2014).  They need to create and ensure that their goals are focused and present a clear idea of what they want to accomplish or want to master (CNO, 2014), and they include:

I have to learn to identify the different illnesses so that all patients will be protected from harm by knowing the sign and symptoms, causes, how to diagnose and manage their condition by the end of 2018 as measured by less number of misdiagnosis. I selected this goal because the majority of APRN coming out of school have so much to learn which it is essential and connected to the development of their professional career.  Nurse practitioners (NP) have to be knowledgeable, so they can become excellent providers and be able to deliver safe, effective, and high quality of care for their patients (Flinter, 2012).  If they do not have the knowledge to do their job, they can lose their license and not be able to work in this profession again.
I have to learn to manage time wisely so that I can do my job appropriately and will be able to go home on time by August 2018 as measured by having some free time after work to enjoy life. I selected this goal because many new APRN that I know have a problem with time management.  They go to work for about 8-12 hours per day and have to stay over or go home to finish documenting on all the clients that they saw because the lack of time to do it during the office visit.  If the problem continues for a long time, the APRN’s stress level goes up, and their career satisfaction goes down (Flinter, 2012) affecting their professional career development and making them want to quit their job.
I have to learn the necessary skills so that I can perform the proper procedures needed and will be able to take care of the patients correctly by the end of 2018 as measured by the number of successful procedures. I carefully chose this goal because I noticed that many APRN have to review the clinic’s policies and procedures manual or look up information on the internet frequently due to their lack of experience.  Having the necessary skills can help APRN become competent providers (Flinter, 2012) which are associated with the development of a better professional career.  If providers are not skilled, clients will not want to return and see them negatively impacting their career.
I have to develop the confidence to educate patients so that they can and will learn what they need to about their medications and conditions by the end 2020 as measured by not having to look up information all the time. I selected the goal because it is important that APRN know everything about the different prescription drugs and disorders affecting people and be able to teach them to prevent complications.  When NP have confidence, patients will feel more comfortable having them as primary care providers (Flinter, 2012) which are associated with the advancement of their professional career.
I plan to work hard so that I can save money and will be able to have my own business by the middle of 2022 as measured by having my place of employment. I selected this goal because I would like to have my own business one day, be able to help patients, and not have to be in such a hurry to make money instead of taking care of clients like most clinics are doing nowadays.  The United States has a shortage of health care providers (Flinter, 2012) due to the challenges affecting APRN’s occupation and the discontent with the duties and responsibilities impacting the advancement of the professional career.  There are some things that I do not agree with, and by owning a business, some of those elements can be changed or improved.
I have to continue my education so that I will be able to obtain the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree by 2020 as measured by completing the program and getting a document to prove it. I picked this goal because that is what I want to do in the future and believe that it can be attainable when individuals work hard to get what they want in life.  The DNP is not going to give me extra money for getting it in many places, but it will help me move forward with my professional career and open new opportunities.

NURS 6565 Week 1 – Strategic Plan Explaining how I Might Attain the Goals
One way to accomplish all of those goals is by creating an individualized plan that can assist me to achieve them.  The goals number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, which are about learning, gaining skills and confidence, and obtaining the DNP can be within the person’s reach and be achieved.  APRN have to start going to clinical case conferences or workshop, taking online or in the classroom classes, reading journal articles, completing online training courses, reviewing case studies, going through a practice simulation, being mentored, and attending webinars (Thabault, Mylott, & Patterson, 2015 and CNO, 2014).  Others include working as a team with medical assistants, nurses, NP, doctors, physician assistants, and shared personnel resources such as dieticians, managers, pharmacist, behavioralists, and diabetes educator (Flinter, 2012).  Managing my time better by becoming regimented with it, adopting strategies that increase productivity (Perkel, 2015), keeping and redirecting patients to the task at hand, staying focus, establishing a routine and making changes as necessary, and not wasting time getting distracted.
The goal of having my own business can be reachable by working hard, stop wasting so much money on unnecessary things and buying what I need only, not going out as much to save money, eating at home and taking my lunch, and others.  Doing those few things work great and save money because I am about to complete this program and I am debt free.  APRN tend to make good money, but I noticed that the more money individuals make, the more that they tend to spend and that has to change to accomplish the goal.
Another Long Term Goals for Nurse Practitioner Student example essay
Short-term goals
The short-term goals chosen are; obtaining board certification, choosing the preferred patient population, and evaluating potential employers. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Recourses states that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to performance and professional development, and be time specific (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Recourses).
My first goal; to obtain board certification, state requirements varies widely (Buppert, 2018). All states require that Nurse Practitioners are licensed Registered Nurses; my current licensures are active in two states Wisconsin and Illinois (Buppert, 2018). In Illinois the RN must complete a master’s program and sit for an examination based determination from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program or American Nurses Credentialing Center, Wisconsin requires the same (NursingLicensure.org). Prior to be allowed to schedule an examination you have to show proof of program completion.
The second goal is choosing a preferred patient population. As a family nurse practitioner you are trained to care for the entire range of ages: however my background is mostly in Women’s health so it would be tempting to accept a position a gynecology office, but is that something that would be desirable for me?
The third goal is evaluation of potential employers: when evaluating an organization there is more than compensation that needs to be considered, things such as travel distance from home, benefits, hours available to work, expectations and support for new nurse practitioners are all important considerations. Lack of support and understanding of the scope of practice of nurse practitioner’s is a barrier to professional success (Freenstra, 2014). It may cause increased difficulty adjusting to a new role as provider if the position was accepted into an organization that is new to having nurse practitioners.
Long-term Goals
First; find an organization to work with that supports my professional growth; develop care relationships with patients, and collaborating providers. Second; consider if returning to school to achieve a doctorate degree is a feasible option five years after completion of Advanced Degree Nurse.
Strategic Planning
As soon as I complete my degree; complete the online application to sit for examination with American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program. Accreditation can often take several weeks to months to complete; the sooner an applicant starts to gather needed forms and information the better. Begin evaluation and applications with potential employers as soon as possible so that ample time to evaluate any offers before accepting is allowed. List all pros and cons of accepting any positions in a specialty area verses a general practice area before deciding to specialize with any population.
Short term goals will be achievable reasonably quick while long term goals will need evaluation after a period f time adjusting to the new role as a Nurse Practitioner.
Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Bartlett & Jones Learning.
Freenstra, R. (2014). SMART Goals- Quick Overview. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SvuFIQjK8
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Recourses (n.d.). SMART Goals. Retrieved from http://hrweb.mit.edu/performance-development/goal-setting-planning/smart-goals
NursingLicensure.org, retrieved on August 27th, 2018 from: https://www.nursinglicensure.org/np-state/illinois-nurse-practitioner.html
NURS 6565 Week 1 – Summary
FNPS need to develop realistic and professional goals because they are critical to guide our careers and make the transition from the role working as registered nurses to the APRN successful.  As a new APRN, we will be a novice again the same way as we were when coming out of nursing school and we need to do everything that we can to make the transition simple and uncomplicated.  New APRN sometimes set unrealistic expectations making their role change more difficult and increasing their anxiety (Poje, 2016) and risk for failure in their new occupation.  The three short and three long-term goals consist of learning about the different conditions, managing time wisely, developing confidence, having own business, and completing the DNP program within 1-5 years which are related to the development of my professional career.  The goals can be achievable by coming up with the right strategic plan, evaluating, and making changes as needed to get them done.
NURS 6565 Week 1 Primary Care Journal
NURS 6565 Synthesis in Advanced Practice Care of Complex Patients in Primary Care Settings
Professional Goals
Short-term goals and their impact
The short-term goals that I will set include; becoming a certified board member, choosing the patient population to serve as well as evaluating potential employers carefully. Becoming a certified board member will help me become more confident as a nursing practitioner, as well as boost my marketability in the competitive industry. In an effort to ensure that I become a certified board member in record time, I will undertake to apply for the exams before I leave RN and ensure that I am able to sit for them within three or four months after application.
The selection of the patient population encompasses the finding of the perfect position from which I will be able to grow and I will thus have to decide on a specific population that I will serve such as cardiac or the old age people. This will help ensure I am able to easily network within that given specialty area. The third goal that I will set is critical evaluation of the potential employers in which I will undertake to ask about job expectations, such as work hours, patients to be served as well as growth opportunities such as training programs. This will help ensure I land an employer that offers growth opportunities as well as an enabling environment to hone my skills as a nursing practitioner (Masters, 2017).
Long-term Goals and Their Impact
These goals include; get my name out there, engaging in research as well as advancing my qualifications. In an effort to increase my marketability, I will ensure that I stay in touch with the various individuals that I completed my practice with and who are likely to help with recommendations in the event I decide to advance career-wise. I will also ensure that I engage other nursing practitioners who are in the field whether older or even younger and who might help in giving advice as well as recommending career opportunities that might help in my growth. The engagement in research will help advance my understanding of contemporary issues and nursing topics while also giving me the chance to increase my marketability (Masters, 2017). This will add more value on my portfolio and thus increases my chances of advancing in the field. Academic qualifications will play a crucial role in ensuring I continuously hone my skills as well as improve my employability standings; it will also help me improve my leadership skills thus prepare me for a role as a nursing leader.
Strategic Plan
In an effort to ensure that I am able to achieve these goals I will set in place a strategic plan that will address the short-term as well as the long-term goals. In an effort to ensure that I meet all these goals I will start by cultivating a social change in my personal life and which will help prompt me to no longer think as a RN but a NP who has career goals and ambitions to fulfill. The social change that will be set in place will encompass modeling of ethical guidelines to help guide my conduct not only with my peers but also in my private social life (Catalano, 2015). This will help ensure that I remain focused on my goals, with all distractions been slowly stemmed out. I will also become an active participant in both work forums and social forums, as a means of ensuring that I do not get distracted and engaged in vices that can easily deter me from meeting the goals through procrastination. I will lastly develop a personal mission statement and communicate the same to my parents who I will ask to evaluate the progress I am making from time to time, as a means of ensuring that I stay on course and do not deviate.
Catalano, J. T. (2015). Nursing now!: Today’s issues, tomorrow’s trends. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
Masters, K. (2017). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
NR510  Advanced Practice Nurse Personal Development Plan
Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan
It is important that a Master’s degree trained Nurse Practitioner (NP) have the opportunity to discover the different roles of the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) and subsequently use that knowledge to develop a professional development plan (PDP). The PDP should have certain considerations including education, licensure, and governing requirements specific to geographic location. This paper will describe those considerations as they apply to the NP in the state of Florida. Moreover, the paper will include a personal assessment including weaknesses, strengths, and goals. Prospective national and local professional organizations that provide employment for NP’s and networking/marketing strategies will be discussed. Lastly, a Curriculum Vitae will be reviewed to provide an in-depth view of the NP’s abilities, skills, and accomplishments.
Advance Practice Nurse Scope of Practice
Each state varies in its guidelines for defining the licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) for nurse practitioners. This can have an effect on the experience NP’s have when working in their chosen field. In the state of Florida, it is required that to receive certification as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), the candidate must first hold a valid nursing license in the state of Florida. The applicant must have graduated on or after October 1st 1998 shall have completed a masters or post master’s degree (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, 2016).  If the applicant graduated with a certificate or closed program then documentation supporting their compliance with the board guidelines needs to be submitted through the appropriate channels.
There are three ways in which an NP can practice within the United States. Full practice which is total independent practice where the NP is responsible exclusively to a state board of nursing, reduced practice which is a collaborative practice agreement with a physician that specifies the scope of practice allowed, and restricted practice where there a physician is required to oversee all care provided by the NP (Bartol, 2014). Florida is a state there exercises restricted practice. The NP must have the above noted written agreement that states the participation of each party, the medications the NP can prescribe, procedures that the NP can perform, and the circumstances in which the NP must call the physician. Currently in the state of Florida NP’s are not allowed to write prescriptions for controlled substances under any circumstances.
Personal Assessment
Before a new NP enters the workforce, he/she will need to perform a thorough personal assessment to determine their strengths, weaknesses, goals, and objectives. This type of assessment requires deep self-evaluation.  Self-evaluation helps organize the above stated areas so that potential employers can have insight into the potential employee’s accomplishments, objectives, and personal evaluation. Constructing a personal assessment allows the NP to explore their interests, passions, and explore what area or specialty would be their best fit.
In order to care for others, one must first know who they are and what they stand for. Identifying strengths is a main component of that understanding. Having solid communication is essential in any career, especially a career as a NP. Listening and speaking are the most important aspects when caring for a patient. Valuable information must be retrieved from the patient. The information heard helps develop the patient’s diagnoses, plan of care, and treatment. The message that is transmitted to the patient is as equally important. The patients understanding of the intended message affects the way they will care for themselves. This includes how they will comply with treatments, follow up, and lifestyle changes.
Every decision made in the medical field can have extensive consequences. The NP must pay great attention to detail. This includes all aspects of care, from reviewing a patient’s chart to ordering the correct medication. In this field errors have great repercussions. Paying attention to details can mean the difference between life and death.

Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best, “Our strength grows out of our weaknesses” (Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes, 2016). While everyone has their strengths, everyone also has subsequent weaknesses. Weaknesses can be improved upon until they are no longer considered as such. The biggest weakness that the newly trained NP will have is that they will again be at the novice level of their career. According to Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence, one who is a novice lacks confidence and practice can be prolonged (Benner’s stages of Clinical Competence, 2011). However so, this will not always be the case. The new NP will become more confident in their role and should quickly learn the ropes. As time goes by, the NP will work their way through the various levels of Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence.
As the career of the NP grows, these traits will be continually evolving. An identified weakness in newly trained NP’s is the need to want to complete all tasks themselves. This sounds good in theory, but it is not how today’s healthcare system is designed. Certain tasks should be delegated to assistive personal such as, medical assistants, phlebotomists, and other interdisciplinary team members. Allowing others to participate in patient care allows the NP to spend more time face to face with patients and further enhances the patient experience.
Establishing and developing career goals is one of the most important tasks a NP can do to improve professional development. Goals should be evaluated and revised to ensure that they are moving their career forward. One short term personal goal for the newly certified NP is to seek employment as a full time nurse practitioner in their area of study. This will allow them to gain the experience and skills that will allow them to continue to grow. Another longer term goal would be to be an educator and /or preceptor for other NP students. Being a mentor for novice and experienced practitioners is vital because the success of all rests on the success of each (Practitioner Network, 2016). An additional long term goal would be to enhance patient care by advancing knowledge. The Master’s degree prepared NP can continue their education by pursuing a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP).  The DNP prepared nurse would be able to implement the science developed by nurse researchers prepared in PhD, DNSc, and other research based nursing doctorates into daily patient care (DNP Fact Sheet, 2016).
Nurse Practitioners should have objectives to help meet their intended goals. There are objectives that should be in place when seeking employment. The NP should network as a means to seek employment. People usually hire individuals they already know therefore the NP would be a face and a personality, not just a name on a resume. An objective that should be in place when mentoring another professional is to foster a nurturing environment. A preceptor gives other professionals resources to ready themselves for situations and challenges that may occur on the job. This means they should be comfortable to ask questions and ask for help as issues arise. An accepting environment is the best way to enhance the preceptees learning experience. Lastly, when a NP is looking to further their education, they should do extensive research. Accreditation, pass rates, cost, and curriculum should all be reviewed. Education is an investment into ones future and all components should be evaluated.
Networking and Marketing Strategies
In order to become employed after certification the NP must properly network and look at appropriate places for employment. At the local level Florida has several websites that are advertising employment opportunities. The Florida Nurse Practitioner Network (FNPN) has a website that provides tools for educational and professional development, including employment opportunities. Their mission is to “encourage networking between members throughout the state” (Florida Nurse Practitioner Network, 2016). Additionally, they are a resource tool for NP’s, patients, and other health care consumers. Another local website that has resources for NP’s seeking employment is the Florida Nurses Association (FNA). The FNA is a constituent of the American Nurses Association which is the only nursing organization that represents all of the nursing field regardless of specialty or practice area (About the Florida Nurses Association, 2016).They advertise employment opportunities for various healthcare systems in different counties throughout Florida. The employment page is powered by a third party company and is not run directly by the FNA.  The FNFP is a The FNA is an organization that many new student nurses are members of.
If a NP is looking for a career in an area to which they are not local, there are also employment tools available online. These are national organizations that provide resources to enhance NP’s search for employment. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is the biggest and only full service national professional membership organization for nurse practitioners of any specialty (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2016). In addition to information on employment, they offer education, policy updates, and career related conference information. They have a link for the job center that gives both members and non-members access to the available job opportunities. However, they give members an exclusive five day preview for new career posts. Another resource that the NP can utilize to search for employment on the national level is NP central. NP Central’s goal is to help NP’s succeed in their chosen field. They are not for profit and also have a particular focus on development, advancement, and educational support for the NP (NP Central, 2016). Both the AANP and NP Central are both on the top 75 organizations for nurse practitioners list (75 Top Professional Organizations for Nurse Practitioners, 2016).
The certified NP has the opportunity to practice in a variety of settings and roles. In order to make promote their skills and abilities, the NP should have a professional develop plan (PDP). The PDP should always be a work in progress because the NP is continually learning and growing. Areas that were once a weakness can grow into strengths and new weaknesses will come to light. That growth can be defined by Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence. If the NP is seeking employment, there are a variety of reputable organizations that have resources that can assist NP’s in finding employment. With the proper tools and guidance, the new NP has a bright future that can touch the lives of many.

E-mail: xxx
Phone: xxx

Licensed RN in the state of xxx
CPR/BLS certified
Will sit for ONCxxx

Masters of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner January 2015 — Present
Chamberlain College of Nursing

Current GPA 3.87

Bachelors of Science in Nursing March 2012 — April 2015
Keiser University
Associates of Science in Nursing July 2010 — December 2011
Keiser University

Graduated with perfect attendance

Work experience
Health First May 2012 — Present
Registered Nurse·         Care of surgical patients pre and post operatively as well as medical patients
·         Receive post-operative patients from PACU, monitor vital signs, administration of IV fluids and antibiotics, review and implementation of post-operative orders
·         Monitor patients closely for changes in condition and advocate as needs arise
·         Educate patients on precautions associated with surgical procedure and signs/symptoms of  potential complications
·         Management of various drains  (Jackson Pratt, hemovac, accordion, and constavac)

·         Work within best practice guidelines
·         Manage pain effectively with pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic measures

Set up and maintain various equipment: PCAs, SCDs, Bux traction and trapeze·         Insertion and management of nasogastric tubes·         Preceptor to new graduates, students, and new hires·         Part of the fall committee and the Skin Committee

Wuesthoff Health System January 2012 — May 2012
Registered Nurse

·         Care of patients with severe and enduring mental illness
·         Administering medications
·         Coordinating and running group therapy sessions while maintaining a therapeutic millieu
·         Liaising with social workers, psychiatrist, and other healthcare professionals
Volunteering. Currently a volunteer at my daughter’s elementary school for the third consecutive school year. Served as a chaperon on field trips and office/clerical work. Prior volunteer work done for Habitat for Humanity, Ascension Catholic Church, and Stone Middle School.

Educating.  As a volunteer I had the opportunity to educate my daughter’s aftercare classmates on the importance of hand washing and proper respiratory etiquette. As a volunteer at Stone Midd


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