200 latest religion research paper topics to consider

200 latest religion research paper topics to consider
Religion evolves every day, resulting in new research paper topics. This makes it challenging for students to select the best cases for their research papers. This article provides 200 religion research paper topics to consider for your paper.

When choosing a religion research topic, you can go for different approaches. You can choose to focus on certain religions’ history, their specifics of rituals and beliefs, and their impact on society. You can also analyze the differences between different religions. Before looking at the topics, it is essential to know a religion essay, the tips for choosing essay topics, and the different types of religions.
What is a religion essay?
A religious essay is writing that analyzes a particular set of values, beliefs, and morals that people exercise to guide them on the spiritual path. Religion involves cultures, traditions, and customs that inspire people to live a moral life and can share among societies and communities.
Different types of religions

Christianity religion
Hinduism religion
Islamic religion
Judaism religion
Buddhism religion

Tips for choosing the best religion essay topics
If your professor has not provided a topic for your religious essays, you will need to choose a topic to write about. To select a good topic, consider the following tips:

Select a topic you are interested in
Ensure there are specific sources that relate to your topic of discussion
Avoid topics based on a biased view, especially those based on religious leaders and their personalities
Avoid critique and attacks topics
Cover all the views about a topic when there are several vies on a topic

Religion research paper ideas
There are many areas where you can get ideas for your religious paper topics. You can look for religion research paper example online or consider the following:


Religion has an impact on people’s faith. They believe in the power of faith in some religions. You can believe in something and have it fulfilled through faith. You can get good religion research paper topics from this area.


 The majority of people follow the precepts of the Holy Book. This is the compass that humans use to navigate the many phenomena of life.

World religions

The majority of religions are intertwined. The main difference is that they believe in different kinds of ceremonies, beliefs, powerful beings, and spiritual beings. When writing your research paper about religion, you can consider this area.

Theology and philosophy

Philosophy and theology are closely intertwined with religion. Most religious leaders study theology to have a deeper understanding of their faith.

Mental health and religion

Religion is also connected to mental health because of people’s beliefs. You can explore these areas for your religious research paper. 

Technology and religion

Many new technologies are being used, including cloning, artificial insemination, and frozen embryos. There is a lot of discussion over whether they are ethical, making it a good research area.

Religious history

The history of many religions is also included in many research topics. Some myths have been thoroughly debunked and agreed upon. 
Christianity research paper topics
With billions of adherents, Christianity is one of the most popular religions. Its significance in world history cannot be overstated. So, here are some of the fascinating topics which you can use in your religious essays:

Examine the inclusion of Jesus’ known scriptures in the Bible
Examine the social significance of the miracles recounted in the New Testament
Discuss the key components of Christian worldviews
Explain how members of the Jewish community are represented in the Bible
Examine historical records to learn more about Jesus’ life
Examine how Christians in the Middle East have reacted to terrorism
Describe how the Crusades aided in the spread of Christianity
Describe how Christianity was practiced in Rome between the 1st and 5th centuries
Disseminate information about the Protestant Reformation and its impact on modern Christianity
Examine how Renaissance artists portrayed the Church
Consider the differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestant Christianity
Explain how the Holy Trinity fits into the monotheistic idea
Explain King Herod’s part in the Jewish persecution
Describe how the Gnostic Gospels are relevant in today’s world
Discuss the significance of the cross as a Christian symbol
Discuss what Christians can expect in the mid-twentieth century
Mormonism’s place in Christian beliefs and practices
In Christianity, debate political resistance vs. cultural assimilation
Describe the impact of Christianity on the Covid-19 epidemic
Discuss the New Testament’s restricted incorporation of Jesus’ teachings in the book
An examination of life after death from the perspective of the Bible
Analyse and explain the Holy Trinity in today’s context.
Examine how Roman society influenced the spread of Christianity
In literary works, there are several depictions of Christianity
The Christian doctrine in Original Sin is based on psychological principles
The Papacy and its political clout around the world
Christianity’s stance on the death penalty
In scientific experiments, the role of Christianity 

Research topics on religion and culture

Forgiveness and punishment in religion and crime
Religion’s cultural peculiarities
Religion in the Enlightenment Era
Without gods, belief systems
Religion’s impact on the history of education and science
Is it possible to have a single universal religion?
Why do beliefs decay and become lost religions?
Compare prayer and contemplative approaches
Marriage and religion
Will religion ever come to an end?
Religion and women
Religion’s Influence on Adolescents and Teenagers
Sacrifice’s Importance in Religious Practices
From the standpoint of social psychology, religion and the individual
Mental health and religion
Are religion and morality intertwined or distinct?
A religious leader’s personality
Religion and violence: how religion has influenced revolutions and conflicts
What effect does religion have on family ties?
Is it true that religion and reason are mutually exclusive?
What is the best way to start a religion?
Religion’s history and social stratification
In today’s globalized society, religion plays an important role
Religion’s Importance in Environmental Issues
Technology’s religion: modern tribal practices
In religion, symbolism plays an important role.
Alien iconography can be seen in a variety of religions
How can you separate religion from spirituality?
Different religions have similar rites.
Why should the government give religion preferential treatment?

Christianity research paper topics
Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world. If you want to write a research paper on Christianity, consider the following topics:

Forgotten and well-known branches of Christianity
Colonization and Christianity
Christianity has a long history of corruption
Industrialism and Christianity
The individual’s role in Christianity
Imperialism and Christianity
The Christian Church’s mythology and rituals
Differences in the race in Christianity
What do we know about Jesus in terms of his historical significance?
Tolerance in society and Christianity

Islamic research paper topics
Another important religion that requires extensive inquiry and contemplation is Islam. Its image is frequently vilified in the West, yet there is much more. Here are some Islamic essay topics to write about:

Islamic civilizations have a long and illustrious history
What would the world be like if Islam didn’t exist?
In the West, the creation of an image of Islam
Islam’s political influence
In Islam, what is a woman’s role?
The difficulties of Islam’s legal integration
Prejudices and misunderstandings about Islam
Are Islam and traditionalism inextricably linked?
Civil Islamic customs
Islam’s past and future

Religion essay topics on Siddhartha
Siddhartha is the Buddhist founder’s birth name and the title of a novel depicting a contemporary’s spiritual journey. Both are worthy of investigation in a religious and philosophical context. Here are some of Siddhartha’s religion topics for presentation:

Siddhartha has mythological connotations
Siddhartha: a work of fiction and philosophy
Siddhartha’s teaching methods
Non-attachment and Siddhartha
Siddhartha’s concept of salvation
Siddhartha Gautama and his quest for enlightenment
Existentialism and Siddhartha

Argumentative world religion research paper topics
These are some of the best themes for a world religion argumentative paper. If you have any doubts, our qualified writers can assist you. They will only provide professional results to ensure you receive excellent grades.

Doctrinal competency is quite important
When is it legal to have an abortion?
Examine the world’s major faiths
Is it necessary to have situation ethics to maintain a moral code?
The concept of rebirth in the modern world
The religious perspectives on abortion
The reasons for Martin Luther’s defection from the Catholic Church
The incidence of adversity and pain
Women’s roles in congregations
What factors contribute to the emergence of new religions?
Examine Zoroastrianism’s relevance in today’s environment
Examine the many world faiths that do not believe in a god
The relationship between world religions and science in the modern era
Religion’s perspective on LGBTQ individuals around the world
Yoga’s relationship with religion

Good religion topics for research paper

The religious writings’ fundamental themes
Religions sanction slavery
Religion and anthropology are intertwined
Characteristics of someone who has the potential to become a saint
Religion’s different strategies for promoting peace
The Islamic world’s traditions
The various ways to commemorate Christmas
Consider the issue of cloning from a religious standpoint
In Arabic countries, different religious groups have different requirements
Is religion causing more problems than it is resolving?
Satanism is a legitimate faith. Discuss
Compare the methods used by various religions to convert people into their adherents
The role of the Church in the development of national well-being
Is polytheism a legitimate religious option?
The Christian perspective on homosexual marriage

Interesting Bible research topics

Talk about the catastrophic prophets in the old testament’s books of the Bible
When historical data is compared to biblical interpretations of events, it becomes clear that the Bible is correct
The link between gnostic literature and the English Bible
Between the Old and New Testaments, there is symmetry and asymmetry
Old Testament time perspectives: literal or metaphorical?
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X’s lectures on civil rights and the Bible
In the Old Testament, there are laws
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and the Bible
In the Bible, there is a connection between murder and love
In the Old Testament, how is marriage viewed?
Gospel Inconsistencies in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John’s views
Conflicts between biblical translations and science
Explorations of retribution in the Old Testament: Moses and the Promised Land
Genesis: Man’s beginnings and the Bible’s use of allegory
The Bible’s use in literature
The Bible’s treatment of other religions
The Roman Empire’s Role in the Bible’s Creation
Bible interpretations in the present day
Gender roles as examined in the Bible
The History of Jesus Christ 

Psychology of religion research topics

Nonbelievers become more committed to their atheism in the face of discrimination
Data suggest that countries with no religion are the most socially advanced
Even atheists intuitively believe that the natural world has a designer
When individuals feel as if things are sliding out of their control, conspiracy theories arise
Is it possible that believe in ghosts aided the development of civilization?
The state and religion: a story of declining power and new revival
The majority of supernatural beliefs are for avoiding damage rather than providing good
What do people imagine God to be like?
Religious leadership raises the number of donations but lowers the value of such donations
The numbers are precise: In the United States, a cultural transition away from religion is underway

Easy topics to write about

The most important distinctions between atheism and agnosticism
The progression of Christian music
The conflict between religious and scientific parties
The influence of the media on religion
The Orthodox Church’s norms of conduct
The conflict between religious and scientific parties
Examine marriage as an orthodox sacrament
According to the Bible, this is the world’s most holy location
Various religions have different funeral customs
Religion’s place in society
The world’s eldest religions
In the Islamic world, polygamous marriages are common
Abortion from a religious perspective
The main issues that pagans encounter
The relationship between religion and the big bang theory
Religious practices have resulted in significant changes

Religious paper topics

Is abortion a sin against God or a matter of having control over your body and children?
Is it your opinion that polygamous marriage should be prohibited?
The relationship between religion and sociology
Should religious leaders run for office?
Examine whether all men are religious enslaved people
Faith is a proven fact
Examine the concept of religious tolerance
Is it possible to describe religion as a tool for capitalists?
People change faith for a variety of reasons
In the early Church, missionaries played an important role
Consider agnosticism in a broad sense
Is cloning a kind of child abuse?

Informative research paper on religion

Religion’s Influence on Terrorism
Diverse religions have different views on sex
The afterlife in various religions is similar
The modern world’s embodiment of totems
In the modern world, animalism manifests itself
Is the story of the “Great Flood” found in all religions?
Compare and contrast shamanism and modern faiths
The importance of baptism for both adults and children
The significance of the month of Ramadan in Islam
The strategies used by various religions to convert followers
Christmas has a special meaning for Christians
The impact of faith on the economy
Compare and contrast modern psychologists with religious counsellors
The use of religious ethics to justify military action
Consider how atheism has become the new world religion

Sociology research paper topics on religion
This field of study uses sociological tools and methodologies to investigate religious beliefs, practices, and organizational forms. The area has a wide range of career prospects and is a popular subject in colleges and universities. Here are some sociology topics that you can find helpful in a religion research paper:

Examine and debate the histories of various Islamic sects all across the world
Describe how religious ceremonies affect people all across the world
Explain how regional factors influence religious systems
In religious systems, discuss global cultural models
Explain Buddhism’s origins and development
Explain the impact of the historical Jesus on societies all around the world
Compare and contrast love and death theologies from around the world
Compare and contrast forgiveness and punishment attitudes
Investigate the interplay between religious systems and society
Discuss how postmodern theology and atheism are similar and different
Take a look at some of the religions that are on the verge of extinction
Examine the view of myth and reality in different faiths
Examine how religious ideas can have an impact on societal morals
Examine and debate the condition of religion in today’s globalized society
In modern religion, describe the basic principles of systematic theology
The ethnography of current religious systems, explain
Describe how different countries approach religious organizations differently
Consider social ethics from a theocentric standpoint
Describe the impact of religious commentary on rational theology
Examine and debate the formation of Western perceptions of Islam
Explain how the world would be different if neither Christianity nor Islam existed
Describe Buddhism’s central meditative practices
Describe how modern life and old values are intertwined
Explain how religious systems in modernized countries affect social classes
Investigate how the industrial revolution influenced religious reform
Describe demographic processes and how they affect religion
Examine how the Islamic faith has influenced world politics
Describe some of the factors that influence women’s decision to become priests
Explain why international governments blame Islam for the Middle East’s violence
Explain what “Indeed Unity” means in the Islamic faith
Explain and debate feminism in the various beliefs of the world
From the standpoint of social psychology, religion and individual viewpoints are important
Discuss how religion has a role in international affairs
Over the years, religious developments have occurred in the setting of scientific discoveries
Consider how religious systems affect democracy
Explain the tenets of Chinese Buddhism
Consider how psychoanalysis has influenced Buddhist ideas
Describe how religion influences societal qualities in today’s environment.
Identify and discuss the most common misunderstandings about Isla
Examine how religious narratives and cultural histories are related

Mentioned above are some of the most suitable topics you can consider for your religious research paper. If you need a specific sample thesis title about religion or a qualitative research title about religion, feel free to reach out to us.
How to write a religion essay
Writing a religion essay can be a challenging task for some students. To score your desired grades on the essay, you must use the proper structure and procedure. The following are some tips for writing an essay about religion:

Avoid adding personal prejudices and ideas

Criticizing any religion is risky, but doing it from an emotional or personal perspective is worse. Remember that one person’s opinions and values may not necessarily reflect the views of the entire group.

Structure your religion research paper appropriately

A well-structured paper is simple to read and comprehend. It will highlight your points quickly and demonstrate your methodical and planned research strategy.

Check the credibility of your sources 

There are a lot of pseudoscientific viewpoints and works on religious themes. Even if some are quality, leaving them out of your work is preferable. Check whether the source is credible before including it in your research paper.

Investigate your religion study topics from several angles 

 The most incredible method to minimize prejudice in your research is to present opposing viewpoints. This will result in a well-rounded article that will use scientific approaches to religious studies rather than claiming to have a “one truth.”

Try to set the scene 

Religious writings are frequently complicated and full of symbolism. You can easily find contradictory claims in them, but you must provide context for them to convey them reasonably. This does not necessitate a recitation of the entire text; instead, you must mention the overall situation.
Religion research paper outline
Now that we have looked at suitable religion research paper topics, it is essential to learn the outline. When writing an essay on religion, use the following outline:


The thesis statement is one of the most significant elements to include in an introduction. The primary points of the work are usually contained in a thesis statement, which is usually one phrase long. An excellent thesis statement is specific and straightforward. 
In other words, if a stranger (or your professor) reads your thesis statement, they figure out what your work is about. If you read your thesis statement and it doesn’t accomplish that one purpose, you should modify it.

Body paragraphs

Generally, there are at least three body paragraphs in most essays and research papers. You may have more than three body paragraphs depending on the page length requirement specified by your teacher or professor.
Each body paragraph should have a different topic that pertains to your research essay’s main point. Begin each body paragraph with an introduction outlining the paragraphs’ primary points. 
The evidence in the following sentences should back up the claim made in the first sentence of the paragraph. The final sentence should be a conclusion that neatly concludes the body paragraph.


Restating your thesis statement is one of the best methods to start your conclusion. Instead of simply quoting oneself, restate or summarize your thesis statement. Then, in one sentence, summarize each of your body paragraphs. 
If you have more than three or four body paragraphs, you might just want to summarize a couple of the most important ones. Finally, conclude your conclusion paragraph with a one-sentence conclusion.

Reference page

After completing all of your writing, it’s time to write up your reference page. MLA or APA formatting is likely required in most religious studies curricula. Make sure to place your citations in alphabetical order when creating a reference page.
To sum up
The world of religion is diverted and changing daily due to advancements in technology. As a result, you can get a variety of research paper topics to write about. This article highlights 200 latest religion research paper topics to consider for your essay.
Chose a topic that is researchable and you are interested in. This will help you get motivated in your research and compile your religion research paper. Ensure you read the instructions provided by your professor well.
If you still need help selecting a specific religion research topic or writing a compelling paper, worry not. We provide essay writing services to students at affordable rates. Place your order with us now.


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