How to Write a Short Essay: Complete Guide

How to Write a Short Essay: Complete Guide
When you have a writing assignment, you could be pleased at first if the project requires a short essay format as it seems like an easy task. Writing a short essay however, can be far more challenging than writing a long paper. This article provides the best tips for writing a short essay.

Whether you are a college or university student, your teachers will undoubtedly assign you countless writing assignments. Learning the tips for writing a short essay is essential as it will help you express your thoughts in writing. 
Short essay definition
At this spot, you may be asking yourself, “what is considered a short essay?” A short essay is a writing where you put your arguments and ideas in a limited amount of space.  
Depending on the intention and structure, essays can be formal or informal. They are all ways of expressing students’ thoughts on different topics and themes. When writing a short essay, be clear with the points. This ensures that you present all the information you need in the few words possible.
How does an essay qualify to be a short length?
As the name sounds, a short essay is compiled in a short period. The guidelines for short essay writing are similar to those for writing a typical lengthy essay. The essay length is the main distinction.
The concepts offered in a short or brief essay define the length and breadth of the ideas. Because this writing has a limited word constraint, you must make sure that you include the appropriate phrases and concepts.
Your ideas should be crystal clear from the start. Short essays address interesting research topics. An argument or a question should be the focus of your essay. You can even express your personal opinion or point of view. Because the essay length is constrained, the ideas are forecasted superficially in a short length or limited words essay.
How long is a short essay?
A short essay usually can be between 400 to 500 words. However, the words depend on the requirements provided by your professor or instructor and the topic of discussion. When writing a short essay, select a topic first, then look at the available reference sources. 
Your short essay should have between two to five paragraphs. Despite the essay being short, ensure you include all the information you have without leaving out essential details.
One student, for example, chose the topic ‘Must capital punishment be eliminated in the United States?’ It’s relatively frequent, and there are various materials devoted to it, but instead of helping, it merely adds to the confusion.
 To make your short essay compelling, you should select the most relevant content moments. This implies that you ought to understand how to sort and filter every piece of data and organize it properly.
How to write a short essay
If your instructor has assigned you an argumentative, narrative, or short persuasive  essay, there are some necessities to follow. Here are the steps involved while writing a short academic essay:


One of the greatest critical responsibilities is to locate suitable sources for your short essay. The best news is that you will only want several sources, usually not more than three, because a piece is short. They might be articles or books from reputable US publications or publishers, such as sage publications. Ensure you read as many short essay examples as possible.
Pay attention to the publication date because the more recent the source, the better. Make sure peer reviews the source. Go through a summary or an abstract of the sources you have discovered. Is it something that you think can be useful? Keep in mind that every source must add some information to the short essay.
2. Brainstorm
In what way do you compose a brief essay without first sorting through all of your ideas? It’s unbearable, so reason about what you’d like to focus on. Stay as intensive as possible in writing short essays. 
All your sentences should be exact and relevant to the topic. It’s crucial to take a vibrant notion of what you will write about for this type of essay.
3. Outline
After brainstorming, the next step is to create an outline. You have thought of everything; now, it is the moment to put them down in writing, so you don’t lose track of what you’re doing when you start writing. 
An overview is essential, especially if you’ve been given a vast topic. Because the risk of disordered ideas is quite serious here, record all arguments and any counterarguments in writing before you begin working. Consider your ultimate goal and select the kind of information to include in all the paragraphs.
4. Writing process
Writing might not be tricky if you are done with the previous steps. You have an outline and the places to refer to. Now follow the past and add the latest information available. Don’t forget the kind of essay you are writing. Be concise and brief as you include all points.
5. Proofreading and editing
Proofreading and editing are essential parts of creating a short essay. You should proofread your work to ensure that it flows well and that nothing is confused. The process of writing is a creative process, and even if you present ideas well, many orthographic and grammatical errors will result in a low grade. 
Proofread your essay and, if possible, use grammar checkers to avoid errors in your essay. Because the paper is short, you won’t go through it for a very long time, so be careful. Ensure you use the right referencing for your essay example, MLA or APA format short essay.
Short essay format
Like any other academic paper, short essays have a structure that identifies them. Most standard five-paragraph short pieces have the structure of introduction, body sections, and conclusion. This helps the paper to be organized, and simple o understand.


In academic writing, making an excellent first impression is important. The introduction should capture your readers’ attention and pique their interest; therefore, write a hook sentence that can pique their curiosity easily.
Your introduction for a short essay should be no more than five sentences long. It should be brief, informative, and engaging. Make a point about the importance of the topic in the first sentence. Convince your readers to see your paper as worth reading. With this, you have the idea of how to begin a brief essay.
2. Thesis statement
A thesis statement is the concluding sentence of the first paragraph. It must focus on the critical issue you intend to investigate and include a claim you want to substantiate. Focus on something more particular if your topic is too simplistic or broad. 
Your thesis should be challenged, and it must also encourage opponents to disagree with you. Furthermore, just by reading this persuasive assertion, anyone should be able to figure out your primary notion. So, if something isn’t clear, rewrite it till it becomes.
3. Main body
The 5–paragraph format is a good structure for ordinary short essays. Three paragraphs must be allocated to the main body section, including your primary points and supporting proof or facts. Your essay should have primary issues broken into paragraphs with micro-themes that are easier to read. Put the most compelling points in the opening paragraph and back them up with relevant facts.
Arguments with less convincing supporting evidence should be arranged in the ending paragraphs. This will benefit your brief essay, mainly if your points include quotations. However, don’t forget to cite your work according to the formatting rules provided by your instructor.
 Using linking words and conjunctions is essential to make your content more cohesive. Because all concepts will arrive gradually, changing seamlessly from one to the next, the flow of your narration will be logical.
4. Conclusion
In the concluding paragraph, present the findings of the analysis. Show how the main body’s ideas support the thesis statement. The conclusion is not merely a summary of the work; it is a combination of points. You should respond to the inquiry posed in the beginning. 
Your goal is to give your target audience a new perspective on the topic. If the opening statement of the introduction draws the reader’s attention, the closing sentence of the conclusion should leave them content with the information they have read in other paragraphs.
Tips for writing a successful short essay
Essay writing might be challenging, though academic inscription is a unique sector with peculiarities. For example, there are various criteria for writing a brief essay as assigned by your professor and how to produce a brilliant fictional story for everyone. Let’s take a look at a list of writing tips.

Select a topic you have some interest in 

Choosing a topic you are interested in is crucial to writing an engaging and insightful article that appeals to all readers. When you have a personal interest in an area and desire to learn more about it, you will most likely succeed since you will act as a part of your audience. 
It would be best if you were sure to select fascinating data. Even if it’s an academic article, passion shows through in writing. You will provide more significant outcomes than if you chose something merely because it’s popular.

Identify your target audience

Remember your target audience. This highly affects your essay, so before you begin writing, ensure you know the essay’s audience. If your primary audience is a professor, they will already be familiar with your topic, so you won’t need to go over the basics. In other circumstances, it’s advisable to start with something more general to avoid misleading your intended audience.

Read and reread

Academic writing necessitates a particular level of understanding. Before you start writing the first paragraph, do some research on the topic you have picked. At least go through the text from the chosen sources to get in-depth content for your short essay.

Avoid any interruptions

Writing essays while talking or watching TV may sound tempting to make the writing more fascinating, but unless you’re an accomplished writer, don’t do it. Concentrate solely on drafting an essay. Nothing will distract you, so you can finish writing it quickly, and your paper will be on-point.

Do not lose hope

It may appear that writing is becoming increasingly challenging and that completing the writing process may seem impossible. You may lack more ideas to include, all inspiration may have long since vanished, and a plethora of exciting and exciting duties are drawing closer. 
At this stage, breaking from writing is fine, but certainly not giving up completely. If you need to relax for a little to rebalance, do so, but then get back to work. The biggest reward will be feeling successful after finishing such work. 
No student will be happy when an essay scores low grades. Sure, it’s distressing, but it doesn’t mean putting in the effort isn’t worthwhile. Persistence must pay off sooner or later, and it will be mirrored in the grades you achieve in the future.

You can use professional proofreading and editing services

Students frequently believe that short essay writing is easy, but they get almost mistaken. Typos are annoying, and if you are just done writing a short essay, these minor errors may be unnoticed even in rereading. As a result, you should use online grammar-checking tools to proofread your content. Another alternative is to use our rating and editing services to ensure nothing has been missed.
Characteristics of a short essay


A short essay should be clear. Remember, you have limited space to express your thoughts. If you explain something using many words, it may not be a short essay but for something else.


Ensure you are as precise as possible while writing a short essay. Strictly define words and terms without adding extra information in your short essay. 


Ensure you are as short as you can while writing your short essay. Express your points quickly and clearly.


While writing a short essay, use your paragraphs carefully. Also, structure your words to describe your points effectively. Avoid exaggerating and generalizing the topic so much.   
Guidelines to follow when writing a short essay
There should be no abstract discussion in the essay; it should focus entirely on the topic of discussion.
In brief writings, you should follow the typical essay format (Introduction, Body, Conclusion). The opening and conclusion should be single paragraphs; however, the body portion can be three paragraphs long.
Between 400 and 500 words is the ideal length for a short essay. The essay should be between one and two pages long if expressed in terms of pages.
The short essay’s primary characteristic is its brevity. As a result, every discussion should be brief and direct to the point. To adopt such a stance, the writer must thoroughly understand the subject.
Critical components of a short essay


The length of a brief essay is critical. It’s impossible to write too much on it. If you write a lot of information, it will turn into a lengthy piece. As a result, it’s critical to create an outline first and then work on it. Determine a few points about which you need to write and which will help to strengthen your argument.

Thesis statements

The thesis sentences of your short essay will guide you. The length of the paper determines the thesis statement’s location. The thesis statement will appear immediately after the first line if the essay is short. 
The thesis statement is sometimes used as an introduction statement. A thesis statement aims to inform the reader about what he is about to read. Thesis statements are words that can be both informative and persuasive.


It’s critical to remember to divide the sections of your essay. There are three paragraphs: an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph, and a conclusion paragraph. Both the opening and the conclusion are crucial. The introduction and conclusion can each be one paragraph long. The body section could be two to three paragraphs long, depending on the topic.
Short essay topics
Short essay topics for persuasion and argument

Should the sale and production of cigarettes be legalized?
Should the Americans have more or fewer holidays?
Can a good character be developed by participating in team sports?
On the first violation, drivers should be taken to prison
 People have become unduly reliant on technological advancements
Students should be forced to take physical education classes 
College students should have complete autonomy over their course selection
Americans should take more vacations, and vacations should be longer
People gain weight while they diet
First-year College students should not be obliged to purchase a meal plan
 Before starting college, high school graduates should take a year off

Cause and effect short essay topic suggestions

What are the effects of a friend, parent, or teacher in your life?
What influenced you to select your majors?
Explore the causes of the increased school dropout rate
Does divorce affect the husband, wife, or children?
Effects and causes of volcano eruptions
Effects of illiteracy
What causes great depression, and what is the suitable treatment method?
Discuss reasons why people should exercise daily
Child neglect, what are the causes and effects?
Why do you think many Americans prefer cars built in foreign countries?

Short essay topics on classification

Three reasons to go to college or not to go to college
Money-Saving Techniques
 Sort the sports into winter and summer categories.
Six methods for quitting smoking
Sort your study habits into categories.
Ten student jobs on campus
 Ways to Deal with a Cold
 Points of View on Politics
There are nine ways to protect the environment.
Social networking site applications

Analogy short essay topics

Taking up a new job 
For the first time, I’m leaving home 
Experiencing happiness and joy in life
Love at first sight Grief is a painful experience
Choosing a college major is a difficult task
delivering a speech 
Getting yourself out of debt 
Being involved in a vehicle accident is a terrifying experience
Effects of getting hooked on drugs
Explain one grief moment you have ever experienced

Compare and contrast short essay topic suggestions

There are two stages in a person’s life
compare a bad and a good boss
 What is the difference between a mainstream and a deaf school?
Places you’ve travelled to
Cultures of hearing and deafness
When comparing an online class to a regular class
Consequences of Social Media Site
 There are two types of students: active and passive.
 Bulimia and anorexia are two types of anorexia.
 On-campus living vs. off-campus living

Exemplification of short essays topic suggestions

History of successful people without formal education
Advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling
The influence of social networking sites
How to instill discipline in children without traumatizing them
Describe any animal characteristics that are found in people
Talk of the annoying commercials
Genetic engineering and the effects in the world today
Goblins and ghosts, are they real?
Effects of religion on students
Discrimination in modern society

Topic suggestions for process analysis short essays

How to raise your dog to be obedient
How to create the best brownies possible
How do people choose their partners?
How does a bad habit form?
How to get started with photography 
ways to play chess
tips for acing a job interview
 methods for quitting smoking
ways to play chess
How to have a good time for less than $20 this weekend

Narrative short essay topic suggestions

The day you decided to make a life shift
Your first day on the job 
How to Survive a Tornado or Hurricane (or other natural disasters)
The feeling of being stranded (or of being frustrated)
one embarrassing experience you had
It’s your first day of school or college.
Your first trip away from home.
Your first day on the job 
A dangerous adventure
A communication stumbling block

Short descriptive essays topic suggestions

Your first-ever birthday party surprise
Talk about your first door neighbor
Your favorite athlete
Your favorite character from a movie, tv program, or a book
Talk about your first day in college
A happy/sad day in your life
The best farewell party in high school
Have you ever skydived? How was your experience?
The process of baking a large pizza
How to play the piano

Extra tips for writing short essays

Identify your topic carefully

Reading comes first before beginning the writing process. Pay close attention to the essay prompt. Highlight important information, and encircle the critical question. You must ensure that you are writing what your instructor requires. If you write in a rush, you may misunderstand the topic and write about something different. Ask your instructor if you have any questions or don’t understand the question.

Narrow your argument down

Isn’t it true that your instructor has assigned you to write a brief essay? As a result, you won’t be able to cover everything in the paper. You must stick to a single topic. So, pick one subject and work on it. For example, the topic of “Tragedy in Shakespeare’s Plays” is far too broad. 
To bring out the sad components, you must research many Shakespeare plays. Your essay would be too long if you discussed all of Shakespeare’s tragedies. As a result, you can concentrate on only one of his tragedies.
With this, your thesis statement should be “Discuss Hamlet as a tragedy.” Such a topic would simplify you to create a brief essay.

Pay attention to the words in your writing.

An essay’s soul is its words. You might not obtain the grade you want if your words aren’t emotive enough. Students, particularly those from non-English speaking backgrounds, must be cautious while using terms. Focus on words while writing the essay, and use transition words in your articles. These words serve as a link between thoughts and sentences. 
Along with linking words, you should also concentrate on vocabulary. Use terms that clearly explain the idea. Students frequently forget about words when they are in a peaceful environment. Double-check that you’ve used the correct proverbs, comments, and phrases in your short essay.

Rather than being passive, make an effort to be more active

Make your sentences in the active voice to make your essay brief. An active voice will deliver the precise meaning of sentences. Make sentences that will help in the direct explanation of the intention to help reduce the number of words in your essay.
To sum up
I hope this article has answered all your questions about short essays. A short essay is identified by its length. It should contain no more than five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion. 
Include a thesis statement in your introductory paragraph. Each body paragraph should have one point, but there should be a connection between the sections. Also, the body paragraphs should all support the thesis statement.
If you are still stuck and need help writing an excellent short essay, worry not. You are in the right place. We provide cheap short essay writing services to students to help them achieve excellent grades. Place your order with us now


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