Cardiovascular Shadow Health Self-Reflection example

Cardiovascular Shadow Health Self-Reflection example
Explicitly describe the tasks you undertook to complete this exam.
Student Response: I performed a comprehensive assessment. It is a complete, in-depth assessment that includes a complete health history and physical assessment. I have followed the comprehensive assessment following our school immersion examination steps for gathering an objective physical examination. I feel much more comfortable doing the head-to-toe examination somehow. In addition, the interview I performed to obtain were the personal history of illness, family medical history, current and past treatment, medications, risk factors, surgeries, and lastly interview for mental status.
Explain the clinical reasoning behind your decisions and tasks.
Student Response: Through a comprehensive assessment, the interview started with finding the reason for the clinic visitation, with any health concerns Tina may have. While interviewing Tina, I obtained the subjective data and an education on the current medical problem or preventive medical issues.
Identify how your performance could be improved and how you can apply “lessons learned” within the assignment to your professional practice.
Student Response: Overall, I have improved my assessment techniques by not only interviewing but also through a physical examination throughout the last 7 weeks. I’m glad that I have the opportunity to use this simulation before an encounter with my first real patient for clinical practice, and know what I am looking for assessment. Honestly, I have never comfortable to ask personal questions such as a sexual relationship, use of illicit drugs, etc. which I thought of privacy which I have never touched before in my nursing career. I realized these questions are part of the necessary data for assessing and diagnosis patients and I feel much comfortable and thankful for this opportunity.
Explicitly describe the tasks you undertook to complete this exam.
Student Response: I performed a comprehensive assessment. It is a complete, in-depth assessment that includes a complete health history and physical assessment. I have followed the comprehensive assessment following our school immersion examination steps for gathering an objective physical examination. I feel much more comfortable doing the head-to-toe examination somehow. In addition, the interview I performed to obtain were the personal history of illness, family medical history, current and past treatment, medications, risk factors, surgeries, and lastly interview for mental status.
Explain the clinical reasoning behind your decisions and tasks.
Student Response: Through a comprehensive assessment, the interview started with finding the reason for the clinic visitation, with any health concerns Tina may have. While interviewing Tina, I obtained the subjective data and an education on the current medical problem or preventive medical issues.
Identify how your performance could be improved and how you can apply “lessons learned” within the assignment to your professional practice.
Student Response: Overall, I have improved my assessment techniques by not only interviewing but also through a physical examination throughout the last 7 weeks. I’m glad that I have the opportunity to use this simulation before an encounter with my first real patient for clinical practice, and know what I am looking for assessment. Honestly, I have never comfortable to ask personal questions such as a sexual relationship, use of illicit drugs, etc. which I thought of privacy which I have never touched before in my nursing career. I realized these questions are part of the necessary data for assessing and diagnosis patients and I feel much comfortable and thankful for this opportunity.


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