Breast Cancer Concept Map

Breast Cancer Concept Map
Breast Cancer Concept Map
Summary of three patient education priorities
Physical assessment
Based on CC’s assessment summary she is at high risk of breast cancer given the history of the disease in the family. It would be crucial that a physical assessment is carried out by a professional to determine the likelihood of a lump in her breasts. Research indicates that although people have been given a tutorial to understand how the physical examination is carried out, most may not do it right (Colditz & Bohlke, 2014).
Health promotion
The BMI of the patient is high indicating a higher chance of acquiring breast cancer also given her age. The practitioner should propose a change of diet and more exercise to maintain a healthier body. Alcohol has also been shown to increase chances of acquiring breast cancer to those at risk (Scoccianti et al., 2014). The patient should, therefore, cut on the daily wine intake.
Coping Mechanisms
The patient is at high risk of getting breast cancer and presence of susceptibility gene can be detected using molecular diagnostics (Colditz & Bohlke, 2014). The patient should be educated on what to expect and the change in the quality of life after diagnosis. This helps in coping with the disease when it occurs. Breast Cancer Concept Map

Summary of three patient education priorities
Physical assessment
Based on CC’s assessment summary three patient priorities emerge: diabetes, heart disease and breast cancer. She is at high risk of breast cancer given the history of the disease in the family and the link between breast cancer and type 2 diabetes (Colditz & Bohlke, 2014). It would be crucial that a physical assessment is carried out by a professional because of the cystic breast disease and the likelihood of a lump in her breasts. A yearly mammogram is important to detect cancer early, when it is most treatable. Reliable self-breast examination, research indicates that although people have been given a tutorial to understand how the physical examination is carried out, most may not do it right (Colditz & Bohlke, 2014). Alcohol has also been shown to increase chances of acquiring breast cancer to those at risk (Scoccianti et al., 2014). CC should therefore, cut on the daily wine intake.
Health promotion
The hemoglobin A1c level predisposes her for high risk of diabetes, also given her family history. The practitioner should propose a life style change of diet and more exercise to maintain a healthier body.
Coping Mechanisms
With diabetes, CC is at high risk of getting heart disease. The complication that begins when the arteries get narrow (atherosclerosis), and reduce function in different parts of the body: heart, brain, legs. These complications include coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, peripheral arterial disease, nephropathy, retinopathy, and possibly neuropathy and cardiomyopathy. Therefore, clinicians place diabetes alongside the other major risk factors as important causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Colditz & Bohlke, 2014). CC should be educated on what to expect and the change in the quality of life after diagnosis. This helps in coping with the disease when it occurs. Breast Cancer Concept Map.


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