Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions

Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions
Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions Topic 3 DQ1
Discuss an experience working with a diverse patient or student population or students with
diverse learning needs. Using evidence-based literature, develop a strategy to increase the
success of these students in a classroom setting.
Topic 3 DQ2
Do you think it is practical and relevant to use a learning style inventory with patients or students in your selected area of education? Support your response with literature.
Topic 4 DQ1
What culture and diversity issues have you experienced when working with current student or
patient populations? What strategies do nurse educators use to bridge culture and diversity
barriers? How do these strategies aim to create a positive learning environment Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Topic 4 DQ2
Choose an experience from your clinical practicum that demonstrates engagement and teaching
strategies utilized to teach clinical experience in other education setting. How could you implement engagement or teaching strategies with learning theories to teach students or patients about the experience in a didactic or online classroom?
Topic 5 DQ1
Consider a time as a student, in which you experienced a positive learning environment. What
made the experience a quality learning environment? Why? Support your choice with current
Topic 5 DQ2
In nursing, there are several diverse “physical learning environments.” Describe three strategies a
nursing faculty utilizes to ensure a positive student learning experience within a variety of settings Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions
Topic 6 DQ1
Choose three teaching strategies that you feel the most comfortable using. Explain why you think
you are most comfortable with this strategy? Discuss how you think these teaching strategies are
classified according to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
Topic 6 DQ2
Choose an experience from your clinical practicum that you feel comfortable teaching. Using
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, “insert objective writing resource,” and the teaching strategies
learned in this topic, create three learning objectives for the topic you chose.
Topic 7 DQ1
How can nurse educators encourage critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgement in clinical education and the traditional classroom or clinical setting? How can you differentiate these instruction pieces for various educational or clinical settings?
Topic 7 DQ2
What are common barriers when teaching critical thinking skills? What strategies can nursing
educators use to better promote critical thinking skills in students?
Topic 8 DQ1
Identify two to three new learning technologies in nursing education. As a nurse educator, discuss how you would incorporate these technologies into the curriculum?
Topic 8 DQ2
How can educator’s best assess student’s learning needs and match those needs with innovative
teaching technologies? Discuss the role of evaluating evidence and best practices when selecting
new technologies to integrate into the learning environment.
Nursing Curriculum
Topic 3 DQ1
Factors such a gender, ethnic, racial and age leads to cultural diversity in a student population, which gives rise to diverse learning needs for the students. An example of an experience working with a diverse student population includes language and communication barriers since communication plays a big role during teaching. According to Farzi et al (2018) language is the key communication mode between nursing educators and their students; accordingly, language can turn out to be a key stumbling barrier when faculty members and students speak different languages and have different backgrounds. Additionally, the students were from varying communities, different educational systems, as well as different social strata which further complicated the issue of the language barrier. Moreover, the nursing field has its own distinct culture and jargons and thus cross-cultural communication between students and faculty members becomes more complex.
One strategy that can be used to overcome the language barrier in a diverse student population, is to create a peer-pairing program for the students. Students and from different cultural backgrounds work together with an aim of facilitating understanding from all sides (Salehian et al, 2017). In addition, technologies can be used to enhance interactions and communication between students and instructors using e-tools like Spreaker and Glogster. An instructor can utilize online quizzes to ensure student engagement during a discussion and examine the understanding of the students. Lastly, the use of reduced multicultural groups for discussion groups can be used to break the language barrier (Salehian et al, 2017). This is because the groups encourage students with language barriers to participate in discussions because they have no worry among making errors when expressing themselves.
Topic 3 DQ2
It is practical to use learning style inventory with students/patients in my selected area of education. This is because learning style inventory helps students to determine the learning style that suits them best in accordance with their preferences and strengths.
My students are diverse in terms of age, experience, and cultural backgrounds and hence it is important to identify the learning style that suits the students most. According to Celik et al (2017), learning is a long-term behavioral change resulting from experiences. Factors that determine a student’s learning style include the perception of students, how the student relates with others, as well as the cognitive and emotional structure. In addition, personality, background, work, responsibilities, and educational features affect learning styles. Similarly, students in my area are diverse further indicating the importance of using learning style inventory. For instance, some students may prefer verbal learning while others may prefer visual learning and therefore learning style inventory can be used to improve the students’ learning.
In addition, learning in nursing requires students to learn about the safety and rights of the patients and therefore learning styles likely to increase students’ competency are most suitable. Therefore, some students may prefer a simulation and reflection learning style in order to gain professional skills that can enable students to develop their psychomotor skills and confidence prior to meeting patients in real life. Some learning styles give learners chances to practice in safe environment and have learner-centered experiences (Şendir, 2013).  For example, simulation gives learners an opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. In addition, I handle adult students and hence adult learning principles can be used effectively to suit various learning styles. In conclusion, the use of learning style inventory will enable students to utilize various techniques and resources to enhance their learning.
Topic 4 DQ1
The culture and diversity issues that I have experienced working with the current patient population include that I take care of the older population mainly men, and the majority of the current students are females. In addition, students come from different cultural backgrounds implying that they have different values and languages as well. Diverse students require more dedication, time and energy.
Strategies nurse educators utilize to bridge culture and diversity include integrating the cultural knowledge of students; preservation of cultural identity; working of the cultural barriers; providing role models; and endorsing system change (Fawaz et al, 2018). Integrating the cultural knowledge of students can validate the culturally diverse students because the integration asserts, they are highly valued by the system. Nurse educators can also provide diverse students with successful diverse role models in order to foster a positive identity by linking the students with specific role models. For example, a student coming from a certain ethnic background can be linked with a successful ethnic role model to provide the required support and motivation.  In addition, nurse educators can preserve cultural identity in order to improve the cultural self-concept of the student and encourage students to function biculturally. During learning, nurse educators can provide students with a comfortable atmosphere that provides students with an opportunity to develop positive identities. Muronda (2015) further adds that nurse educators can negotiate to eliminate barriers such as prejudice and discrimination that some students face during learning. Lastly, nurse educators can advocate for system change by supporting culturally diverse policy and structural changes.
As a nurse educator, properly handling diverse students promotes knowledge advancement, ensures efficient integration of students, and at the same time improves student learning and attainment.
Topic 4 DQ2
An experience from my clinical practicum that demonstrated engagement and teaching
strategies utilized to teach clinical experience in other education settings was a simulation exercise that involved a patient with chest pain after a car accident, a patient with bronchitis experiencing an anaphylactic reaction after being administered with antibiotics, and a patient with an asthma exacerbation. These simulation exercises were developed as teaching exercises where specific objectives for every patient, as well as critical patient information, was provided to students prior to the simulation exercises.
The interface between theory and practice can be integrated during simulation exercises, where a faculty team strategy can be utilized in developing and implementing the simulations. When working in an online classroom, technologies such as simulator mannequin technology and high-fidelity simulators can be used to develop and implement simulations online (Dhawan et al, 2016). Time is required to develop simulations and hence online faculty meetings using social platforms and e-mail exchanges can be used to ensure successful development and implementation of the simulation exercises.  The developed simulation experiences can then be recorded and streamed live for students. Other technologies that can be used include online modules, virtual communications, and manikins having programmable physiologic changes (Smith et al, 2018).
Topic 5 DQ1
The time when I experienced a positive learning environment was when I was doing my undergraduate studies. During learning, there were constructive interactions and the nurse educator was respective, helpful, empathic, approachable, patient and very friendly. According to Froneman et al (2016), the nurse educator should respect students in order to earn their respect and the nurse educator should also be patient since students have different learning pace. In a study conducted by Phuma-Ngaiyaye et al (2017) students reported that the learning environment should include attributes such as transparency, freedom of expression, no discrimination, mutual respect, and effective collaborative and interactions. Students believe that having openness with their educator helps the educator to discover some learning problems and solve them. By effectively interacting with the students, students and educators are able to understand each other and improve their relationship. For the online class setting, it is important to ensure online discussions that are open in order to promote interactions between each and also ensure that the educator understands his/her students and their specific learning styles. According to Froneman et al (2016) when an educator supports students, it increases the competence and confidence of students and also improves their clinical learning outcomes. In addition, interacting with students helps the educator to personalize learning because the educator is able to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the students Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions. Individualizing learning assists students to develop skills such as critical thinking, collaborative working, effective communication, and to develop an academic attitude (Phuma-Ngaiyaye et al, 2017).
Topic 5 DQ2
Strategies nursing faculty can use to ensure positive student learning environment include simulation, role-playing, and problem-based learning. Role-playing involves dramatizing situations where the situation normally presents a problem that provokes anxiety. during role-playing, learners perform a problem spontaneously where they represent character known in daily life. According to Xu (2016) role-playing is specifically important to practice clinical communication skills and handling conflicts. Role-playing is also effective in educating students on cultural awareness since it enables students to emotionally experience cross-cultural learning and reflect regarding cultural differences (Xu, 2016). Problem-based learning is a teaching technique where patient scenarios are used to inspire students to gain and apply the acquired information in solving problems. Educators normally present practical patient scenarios and then pose questions that require students to identify holistic answers.  Problem-based learning encourages active learning through teamwork, reflection, self-directed learning and clinical problem-solving skills. In addition, it also enhances reasoning skills, improves retention of learned information, and improves self-directed learning/study (Xu, 2016). The last strategy is the simulation. Simulation involves the recreation of clinical scenarios in a mock setting. Simulations create practical scenarios that mimic patient care settings and enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge. According to Xu (2016) simulation give students innovative educational experiences that assist nurse students to examine and develop their clinical competency, encourage teamwork, and at the same time improve care processes practically within a comparatively safe environment. Simulation provides students with an opportunity to widen their understanding of diverse clinical scenarios within a controlled and safe setting Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Topic 6 DQ1
The three teaching strategies that I am most comfortable with include simulation, role-playing, and problem-based learning. For simulation, I feel the teaching strategy gives students an opportunity to practice theoretical knowledge and hence gain clinical skills and other practical nursing skills (Xu, 2016). According to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, simulation teaching strategy is classified as conceptual knowledge because the teaching strategy involves describing, interpreting and experimenting the learned knowledge. Problem-based learning is also another strategy I am comfortable using because it gives students an opportunity to use the acquired knowledge to solve clinical problems. The nursing practice involves many events that require nurses to have effective problem-solving skills. Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions. In addition, problem-based learning enables students to learn skills such as teamwork, reflection, and more importantly clinical problem-solving skills (Xu, 2016). According to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, problem-based learning teaching strategy is classified as conceptual knowledge because the teaching strategy involves describing, interpreting and practicing the learned knowledge. Lastly, I would also be comfortable using role-playing as a teaching strategy because the teaching strategy enables students to improve skills such as communication skills that are very essential in nursing practice (Xu, 2016). Role-playing is also classified as conceptual knowledge in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy because the teaching strategy allows students to interpret and practice the learned knowledge.
Topic 6 DQ2
An experience from my clinical practicum that I feel I am comfortable teaching involves teaching students about various therapies used to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. The following are some of the learning objectives that I would include when teaching students about “Treatment choices for post-traumatic disorder Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.

Bloom’s Level
Learning Objectives

Design, formulate, develop.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss the latest research in diagnosing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder

Choose, support, relate, determine, support, select, evaluate
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the most effective therapies in treating post-traumatic stress disorder.

Classify, classify, analyze, criticize, and associate. Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions
By the end of this lesson, students will between pharmacological treatment agents and psychotherapies in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder

Predict, apply, solve, demonstrate, determine, perform, and present.
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to effectively prescribe the appropriate treatment for clients with post-traumatic stress disorder

Describe, explain, give examples of, contrast, interpret, and discuss.
By the end of this lesson, students will describe three treatments of post-traumatic stress disorder Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions

List, recite, recall, identify, and recognize.
By the end of this lesson, students will successfully recite therapies used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder

Topic 7 DQ1
Critical thinking refers to the use of cognitive processes to analyze knowledge while clinical reasoning is the use of metacognitive and cognitive processes to analyze knowledge comparable to a specific patient or a clinical situation. On the other hand, the clinical judgment refers to the cognitive and affective procedures illustrated through behaviors and actions (Pouralizadeh et al, 2017) Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Nurse educators can encourage critical thinking by promoting interactions among students during learning, asking open-ended questions that allow students to think and respond innovatively, and giving students adequate time to reflect on the posed problems and questions. In addition, nurse educators can use teaching strategies such as problem-based learning and clinical simulations to give students practical opportunities to practice problem-solving skills using critical thinking (Pouralizadeh et al, 2017).
On the other hand, nurse educators can use strategies such as case study, problem-based learning, questioning, conceptual map learning, interactive learning, and online teaching to teach students about clinical reasoning. A study conducted by Pouralizadeh et al (2017) indicated that teaching strategies used by nurse educators to promote clinical reasoning among nursing students included mobile web-based learning technology, mind-mapping tool, clinical simulations, and critical appraisal exercises. Lastly, nurse educators can use teaching strategies such as case reviews to develop clinical judgment for nurse students as well as peer review. Peer review can involve making nurse students analyze written documentation of previous patient care. other teaching strategies that can be used to improve clinical judgment include simulation, probing questions, and reflection (Pouralizadeh et al, 2017).
In practice and in education as well, it is important for nurses to illustrate competency of critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment skills through measurable outcomes Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions. Nurses are supposed to first distinguish what each of these key processes: critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment skills, and the available tools to measure each competency (Pouralizadeh et al, 2017).
Topic 7 DQ2
The common barriers nurse educators can encounter when teaching critical thinking skills include use of traditional lecture format within a classroom setting, and resistant from students, lack of the necessary resources to implement strategies to promote critical thinking skills, as well as time limitations where there is lack of adequate time to learn new teaching techniques and lack of adequate time to prepare and plan activities useful in teaching students critical thinking skills (Moussa & Ahmed, 2015). Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions Kaddoura (2017) adds that even though nurse educators may be open to teaching strategies that promote critical thinking skills, time contains can make it a challenge to integrate the teaching strategies into their teaching timeline.
Nurse educators can utilize various techniques to teach critically. Some of these techniques include problem-based learning (PBL), case study method, group discussions, personalized teaching, simulation, experiential education/learning, concept mapping, and active learning. All these strategies can be utilized to teach nursing students to think critically (Moussa & Ahmed, 2015). However, it is important for the nurse educator to identify the most effective strategy to teach their specific students Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Topic 8 DQ1
New learning technologies useful in nursing education include simulation and mobile technology. Simulation is among the most common technologies used within practicum elements of the nursing education program. In nursing, simulation provides a safe setting for nursing students to practice their clinical skills and implement professional values (Lee et al, 2018). On the other hand, mobile technology is used to integrate information, decisions, and communication when teaching. Mobile technology has evolved into smart devices with multiple features such as web portal support systems and video recording. Mobile technology can improve the outcomes of student clinical learning and also improve interaction and communication of students with the faculty. Nursing students use different clinical settings to learn and they include acute and community healthcare settings where close and personalized supervision is not always possible (Lee et al, 2018). In addition, nursing students use skills and knowledge gained within the classroom setting during provision of bedside care.  since use of evidence-based practice is recommended to ensure good quality care, mobile technology can be used to access the most recent health information. Mobile applications also facilitate active learning through the active construction of knowledge using various web-based clinical applications. Accordingly, a number of mobile devices with technology applications are utilized within class activities and clinical practicum (Lee et al, 2018).
Mobile technology can be used to develop online tutorials and at the same time download the required textbooks and search for the latest evidence. Moreover, an educator can use mobile technology to communicate with students and also facilitate online discussions (Lee et al, 2018).
A nurse educator can incorporate simulation into clinicals where students are provided with information and practical experiences needed for the assessment and treatment of patients.  In addition, simulations can also be incorporated into courses in order to meet certain clinical objectives. The created simulations can provide students with opportunities to critically think reading challenging scenarios within a controlled setting (Lee et al, 2018). Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Topic 8 DQ2
An educator can assess the learning needs of students by comparing the performance of the students with the targeted competencies and by encouraging students to perform reflection in order to identify what they have done well and what needs to be improved. The educator can also observe students performing specific clinical tasks especially during role-playing and simulations and then identify the learning needs of the students (Chaghari et al, 2017). The educator can then use teaching technologies such as mobile technology to guide students on how they can improve their weak areas or use simulation technology to address the identified students’ needs.
It is important for an educator to evaluate evidence and best practice when selecting new technologies to integrate into the learning environment. This will allow the educator to use the most recent and most applicable technology to integrate into the learning environment. Evaluating evidence and best practice can also ensure that the educator used the most appropriate planning methods and technologies to address the individual learning needs of students (Chaghari et al, 2017) Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Chaghari M, Saffari M, Ebadi A & Ahmad A. (2017). Empowering Education: A New Model for In-service Training of Nursing Staff. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 5(1), 26–32.
Celik Y, Yesim C & Kilic I. (2017). The evaluation of simulation market in nursing education and the determination of learning style of students. Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 11(1),1–6.
Dhawan I, Kapoor P & Choudhury A. (2016). Simulation in critical care. Ann Card Anaesth. 19(3), 537–538.
Farzi S, Mohsen S & Farzi S. (2018). Exploring the challenges of clinical education in nursing and strategies to improve it: A qualitative study. J Educ Health Promot. 7(115).
Fawaz M, Hamdan A & Tassi A. (2018). Challenges facing nursing education in the advanced healthcare environment. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences. 1(9), 105-110.
Froneman K, Plessis E & Koen M. (2016). Effective educator–student relationships in nursing education to strengthen nursing students’ resilience. Curationis. 39(1),1595.
Kaddoura, M. (2017). Critical thinking skills of nursing students in lecture-based and case-based learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 5(2),1-18.
Lee H, Min H, Oh S & Shim K. (2018). Mobile Technology in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Systematic Review. Healthc Inform Res. 24(2), 97–108.
Moussa M & Ahmed A. (2015). Strategies to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing Education in Saudi Arabia. American Research Journal of Nursing. 1(2). Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions.
Muronda V. (2015). The Culturally Diverse Nursing Student: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 1(1), 1-13.
Pouralizadeh M, Ebadi A & Dalvandi A. (2017). Factors Influencing Nursing Students’ Clinical Judgment: A Qualitative Directed Content Analysis in an Iranian Context. J Clin Diagn Res. 11(5), JC01–JC04.
Phuma-Ngaiyaye E, Bvumbwe T & Coretta M. (2017). Using preceptors to improve nursing students’ clinical learning outcomes: A Malawian students’ perspective. International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 4(2), 164-168.
Salehian M, Abbas H, Nahid A & Moonaghi H. (2017). Faculty-Student Caring Interaction in Nursing Education: An Integrative Review. J Caring Sci. 6(3), 257–267.
Şendir M. (2013). Use of simulation in women’s health nursing education. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi. 1(21), 205–12.
Smith M, Tamara M, Michael B, Garbutt S, Citty S, Stephen A, Ansell M & Gail K. (2018). The Use of Simulation to Teach Nursing Students and Clinicians Palliative Care and End-of-Life Communication: A Systematic Review. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 35(8), 1140–1154.
Xu J. (2016). Toolbox of teaching strategies in nurse education. Chinese Nursing Research. 3(2), 54-57. Nursing Curriculum Essay Discussions


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