12 Purnell’s model of cultural competence domains

12 Purnell’s model of cultural competence domains
Purnell’s Model Post. Choose two of the twelve domains from Purnell’s model of cultural competence.

• Address how the two domains influence the health of Hispanics/Latinos and Asian Pacific Islanders.

• Include information on the health and educational needs for both cultural groups.

Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library, cited in APA format, to justify your choices.

Guided Response: Respond to two of your peers by making a comparison using an alternate domain to the one identified by your peers. Explain how your chosen domain influences the culture’s use of the health-care system and health care decision-making.

Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) for each of your replies. List at least one scholarly source, cited in APA format, to support your rationale.


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