Cardiovascular Shadow Health Reflection

Cardiovascular Shadow Health Reflection
Reflection on Cardiovascular Shadow Health
I learned that a thorough cardiovascular assessment will help to identify significant factors that can influence cardiovascular health such as high blood cholesterol, cigarette use, diabetes, or hypertension. Therefore, a cardiovascular exam should be a part of every abbreviated and complete assessment.    A focused cardiovascular assessment is usually indicated after a comprehensive assessment indicates a potential cardiovascular problem. The focused cardiovascular assessment is also indicated when an interval or abbreviated assessment shows a change in status from your previous assessment or the report you received, when a new symptom emerges, or the patient develops any distress.
I feel there is always room for growth, and I would say growth in documentation and placements regarding murmurs was very much discussed in the Shadow Health module.   I think an advantage of a focused assessment, like when we are doing the module, it helps us understand each body system.  The fact the modules looks at so many ways to assess, subjective, objective, and even empathy, can only improve our charting and communication.
I plan on improving by integrating the cardiovascular health history and physical exam.  It takes a lot of objective and subjective information, and knowing how assess, in order to make the correct diagnosis.  Shadow Health, makes us better NP’s by working with the patient and talking into the computer.  It is very important that as I grow into a NP role, the correct questions are asked and for me to be able to analyze all the health information for a diagnosis.
Reflection on Cardiovascular Shadow Health
I learned that a thorough cardiovascular assessment will help to identify significant factors that can influence cardiovascular health such as high blood cholesterol, cigarette use, diabetes, or hypertension. Therefore, a cardiovascular exam should be a part of every abbreviated and complete assessment.    A focused cardiovascular assessment is usually indicated after a comprehensive assessment indicates a potential cardiovascular problem. The focused cardiovascular assessment is also indicated when an interval or abbreviated assessment shows a change in status from your previous assessment or the report you received, when a new symptom emerges, or the patient develops any distress.
I feel there is always room for growth, and I would say growth in documentation and placements regarding murmurs was very much discussed in the Shadow Health module.   I think an advantage of a focused assessment, like when we are doing the module, it helps us understand each body system.  The fact the modules looks at so many ways to assess, subjective, objective, and even empathy, can only improve our charting and communication.
I plan on improving by integrating the cardiovascular health history and physical exam.  It takes a lot of objective and subjective information, and knowing how assess, in order to make the correct diagnosis.  Shadow Health, makes us better NP’s by working with the patient and talking into the computer.  It is very important that as I grow into a NP role, the correct questions are asked and for me to be able to analyze all the health information for a diagnosis.


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