Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library

Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library
Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library
The peer reviewed article I found by Garinger, Chow, & Luzzeri (2018) focused heavily on the relationships between stress, perfectionism, and burnout in athletes at the college level. The internet article I found by Gunter simultaneously discussed reasons for athlete stress and how to manage symptoms for it. I noticed in the peer review study that Garinger, Chow, and Luzzeri (2018) did not hold back on the perceived intellectual level of their readers. They defined specific tests and terminology that they wanted readers to be more familiar with, but clearly expected that their overall audience would be of a certain intellectual level. In contrast, Gunter’s article was posted on a website that is accessible to the public and their writing, while still informational, was much more defined and easily understandable to the general public Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library. Garinger, Chow, and Luzzeri (2018) were writing and sharing the results they found during their research which resulted in definitive, research-based reasons behind athlete burnout and stress. Gunter approached the relationship more clinically by describing potential symptoms of stress and burnout in athletes and different methods people can use to combat the stress. Additionally, the peer reviewed article has a much more focused topic that is discussed throughout the entire article. The authors focus specifically on the relationships between stress, burnout, and perfection in college athletes. The internet article approaches stress and athletes on a much broader scale, including things like symptoms and management while also discussing a generalized group of athletes experiencing stress.
The peer reviewed article would help me to approach my writing more critically and intellectually. My writing would become more scholarly in the sense that it would not be easily understandable by the general public because I’m not writing for the general public. The internet article is written for the general public, and I feel like because of this the author leaves out crucial points and topics about the relationships between athletes and their burnout. The peer review article goes into great detail about the psychological understanding of stress and burnout that the internet article does and can not because it is meant for the public, not a specific audience Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library.
As a professional, I would definitely use the peer reviewed article over the one from the internet. Peer review articles are put through massive changes and alterations by other professionals before it can be published. Articles found on the internet might not be reviewed at all, leading to misinformation and incorrect findings. Peer reviewed articles have a higher respect in any profession as opposed to internet articles.
Peer Reviewed Article –
Garinger, L., Chow, G., & Luzzeri, M. (2018). The effect of perceived stress and specialization   on the relationship between perfectionism and burnout in collegiate athletes. Anxiety,       Stress, and Coping, 31(6), 714-727. https://doi.org/10.1080/10615806.2018.1521514
Internet Article: Managing Stress in Sport — Gunter Psychological ServicesGunter Psychological Services (drkensagunter.com)
Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library

Scholarly information comes from a wide variety of sources including academic books, encyclopedias, handbooks, and journals. “Scholarly” is a broad term for publications written by and for researchers and scholars. These publications are typically not found in your local bookstore or public library because they are written for a very specific audience. They are mostly available in university and specialized libraries, not freely available online. This is why it is essential to learn to navigate the Walden Library and use it often!
During your time at Walden, you will be focusing on peer reviewed journal articles, a specific type of scholarly publication that goes through a specialized review process. These types of articles may report on original research or review the work of other researchers.
As you use the Walden Library to search the peer reviewed literature to support your discussion posts and assignments, it is important to understand how the Library is organized. Most modern libraries make their materials available electronically through searchable databases. Here in the Walden Library, you have access to specialized academic databases, many of which are specific to psychology and the social and behavioral sciences Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library.
As part of this week’s Discussion, you will explore the databases in the Walden Library and compare and contrast peer reviewed articles found in these databases to those found online.
To prepare for this Discussion:

Review Learning Resources for this week and familiarize yourself with navigating the Walden Library, searching Library databases, and limiting your searches to full text, peer review, and publication date.
Search the “APA PsycINFO database” in the Walden Library and locate a peer reviewed article on a psychology topic you would like to explore relevant to your area of specialization in your program.
Next, search the Internet and locate an article related to the same topic.
Reflect on the sources of both articles, and evaluate each article using the evaluation methods listed in the Learning Resources.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the articles you found. Next, compare and contrast the articles and explain the differences you noticed between them.  Further explain how the use of peer review articles will improve the arguments  in your scholarly writing. As a professional in the field of psychology, which article would you use as evidence to support your ideas? Provide the article title and journal name for the article you find in the Library and the URL for the article you found online Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to this week’s Learning Resources.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5

Respond to two of your colleagues and continue the discussion through Day 7. When researching a topic, often leads to another. Choose one of your colleague’s posts and search the Walden Library databases to locate another peer reviewed article on the same topic as your colleague’s article. Describe the article you found and why it might be of interest to your colleague. Include the name of the database where you found it (i.e., APA PsycINFO, etc.) and further provide the citation to the article in APA format (author, publication, year, article title, journal title, and volume/issue/page numbers).

In recent years, I developed interest in mental health of the individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  From the Walden University library’s PsycInfo database, I was able to find several peer-reviewed articles about this topic.  One of them that particularly caught my attention is a research article named “Repeat Emergency Department Visits for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Psychiatric Disorders” by Durbin et al. (2019), which found that individuals with dual diagnosis are more likely to repeat emergency department visit within 30 days from the initial discharge (p. 206).  On the other hand, from internet search, I also found another article related to mental health of the individuals with intellectual disabilities: “Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Developmental Disabilities” written by Quintero and Flick (2010).  In this article, the authors cautioned that mental health needs of those with dual diagnosis are not adequately met through the current mental health care system, and introduced a specific rehabilitation program consisting of a multidisciplinary team situated in Houston, Texas (paras, 12) Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library.
In comparison, the authors of the two articles made similar arguments that the mental health needs of those with dual diagnosis are not adequately met through the current mental health care system.  However, Quantero and Flicks (2010) did not cite any specific study to back up this claim.  They only cited one article published in 1997 (Silka & Hauser, paras 7) to explain that overshadowing often occurs when clinicians mistakenly attribute psychiatric symptoms to one’s intellectual and developmental disabilities, and as a result leave those symptoms untreated.  On the contrary, Durbin et al. (2019) attempted to find out how under-treated psychiatric disorders in individuals with dual diagnosis may impact the health care system by comparing and contrasting repeat emergency department visits by group identities (i.e., psychiatric disorder with or without IDD).  They used population-base retrospective cohort study (Durbin et al., 2019, p. 207), stringent data collection, statistical methods, and specific variables to ascertain their findings.  Furthermore, they also noted the limitations in their study in not being able to rule out other socioeconomic factors as potential extraneous variables, which may have impacted repeating emergency department visits (Drubin et al, 2019, p. 213). 
Working towards becoming a professional in the field of psychology, it is my belief that we should emphasize facts over opinions by focusing our search in peer-reviewed scholarly journals to strengthen our arguments.  According to Walden University library (2021), peer-reviewed journals “use a specific… process to try to ensure the accuracy and reliability of published articles (paras 2).”  Although reading popular articles on the internet may help us understand the common beliefs and concerns shared by the general public, peer-reviewed scholarly articles should be what we focus on in our effort to further understand specific clinical issues and contribute to more understanding in the field in psychology Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library. 
Durbin, A., Balogh, R., Lin, E., Wilton, A. S., Selick, A., Dobranowski, K. M. & Lunsky, Y. (2019). Repeat Emergency Department Visits for Individuals with Intellectual and developmental Disabilities and Psychiatric Disorders.  American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 124(3), 206-219.
Quantero, M. & Flick, S. (2010).  Co-occurring mental illness and developmental disabilities.  Social Work Today, 10(5), 6.  https://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/092310p6.shtml

Silka, V. R., & Hauser, M, J. (1997). Psychiatric assessment of the person with mental retardation. Psychiatric Annals, 27(3). http://www.pipatl.org/bibliography/hauser/assessment.html
Walden University (2010).  Evaluating resources: Peer review.  Retrieved October 19, 2021, retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/library/evaluating/peer-review Discussion 1: Scholarly Sources and the Walden Library


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