NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay
NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay
Recruitment and Selection Plan
NURS 6221 Managing Human Resources
Part 1: Job Description Analysis
Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.
Nurse executives have the primary responsibility for administering and managing patient care services. This function sees them oversee planning and development functions regarding procedures and policies. Although they do not have direct contact with patients, nurse executives shape policies related to nursing and health care. Which places them in a unique position to identify nurse personnel needs in terms of competencies and skills, and ensure that the facility has the right mix of nurse personnel. Besides that, they bear responsibility for the facility’s financial accountability, thus placing them in a unique position to determine the facility’s nurse personnel needs authoritatively. Also, they are responsible for establishing ongoing relationships with other nurse personnel to foster a cohesive work environment NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay. These responsibilities strategically position nurse executives to identify the nurse personnel needs of a facility (Finkelman, 2016).
Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.
The job description under analysis was presented by Northwoods Surgery Center, located in Veterans Parkway, Woodruff, Wisconsin, for an operating room nurse. The report gave the licensing and certification requirements. Also, it offered the job summary, expected duties, and preferred qualifications for the candidates (Northwoods Surgery Center, n.d.). The description is detailed and practical since it offers a refined list of duties and requirements. In fact, it is accurate in defining the role and accountability, thus making the expectations clear. The responsibilities have been refined into fewer points with the tasks grouped into main responsibility areas that reflect personnel expectations at the moment NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay. To be more precise, it clarifies expectations, offers a basis for measuring job performance, defines the description of the role, and prevents arbitrary interpretation of role content and limits. Still, there is a need for greater clarity, particularly with regards to pay and grading systems to offer greater job clarity (Hunt, 2015).
Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.
The job description has defined the personnel attributes for the job. Firstly, it has identified the certification and licensure requirements, a regulatory need that ensures the practice is regulated to ensure professionalism and protect patients. Secondly, it identifies the essential duties and responsibilities, thus clarifying expectations. Finally, it presents the preferred requirements for the candidates as qualities that increase their odds of getting hired (Hunt, 2015). As such, the job description offers a detailed definition of the required personnel attributes for the job.
There have been some changes in the responsibilities of operating room nurses since the Northwoods Surgery Center presented the job description. The facility does not include providing care to patients as operating nurse during al facets of the surgery processes such as before, during, and after surgery. Since then, there have been additional responsibilities that require operating room nurses to provide patient education and prepare the operating room equipment and instruments within a sterile field (Nursing Jobs, 2020) NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay.
Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.
A revision is warranted for the job description for operating room nurses presented by Northwoods Surgery Center. The review would retain the primary responsibilities and add that they would have the responsibility of providing patient education, and prepare the operating equipment and instruments within a sterile field. Also, education and training requirements would be listed to include education programs, the duration of study, and practicing experience. Besides that, a salary and benefits quote should be included since this will help in identifying the facility as a competitive employer, thereby helping it attract the best talent (Nursing Jobs, 2020).
Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.
Social media and online job search technology will be used to find and make connections with quality candidates. The two approaches help in reaching elusive passive candidates, finding great culture fits, filtering bad candidates, and saving money. Two different strategies would be applied. The first strategy targeted at social media recruiting would focus on participating in the right conversations, promoting the facility culture, targeting niche networks, involving personnel, and growing social media presence as a recruiter. The second strategy aimed at online job search technology, such as LinkedIn, would create and complete a brand page, use filters to find candidates, and reach out with a personal touch (Hunt, 2015) NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay.
Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.
The first example is off M.P. Shah Hospital that presented a job advert on its Facebook page. The facility offers a description of its expectations of the successful candidate, job responsibilities, and how to apply (see Figure 1). The second example is off DaVita Medical Group that placed an advert for an operating room nurse on a LinkedIn page. The description includes the employment location, functions, responsibilities, preferred experience and credentials, and type of employment: full-time (see Figure 2).
Figure 1. Facebook page of job advert by M.P. Shah Hospital
Figure 2. LinkedIn page of job advert by DaVita Medical Group
Part 2: Interview and Selection Plan
Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.
Five skills would be assessed during the interview process to identify the ideal candidate. The first skill is the ability to work as part of a team. The operating room is a dynamic and complex environment requiring the operating room team members to share the traits of anticipation, organization, respect, and good communication. Another skill includes the possession of excellent communicating abilities. The operating room is a high-stress environment, and it is not uncommon for tensions to run high. Operating room nurses working in these environments must be able to communicate effectively with other team members in a professional and calm demeanor. Communication skills are also useful in easing the fears of family members and educating the patients. The third skill is organization. An operating room nurse must be very organized concerning charting and organizing actions and supplies to ensure the best outcomes throughout the surgical procedure. The ideal candidate must be able to find surgical medical and items quickly, and this is not possible unless the individual is highly organized. The fourth skill is attention to detail. The ideal candidate should be detail-oriented, knowing the location of everything and monitoring them. This requires the ability to pay attention to small details and the overall picture, and always staying alert to the needs of the team, equipment, and patient NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay. The final skill of critical thinking and problem-solving. The ideal candidate should be confident and capable of making critical decisions as well as being an excellent problem solver. The individual must be able to judge, evaluate, and respond appropriately and quickly to changing situations (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2013; Finkelman, 2016).
Explain an overview of your process to identify and select that candidate.
Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why
Since hiring is a significant decision, there is a need for an intelligent and robust hiring team that can implement an effective hiring process. The first member is the hiring manager who administers the whole hiring process. This individual is responsible for interviewing, screening, communication, and decision making with other team members for the recruitment process. The second member is the HR manager, who is responsible for creating a well-organized and professional process. This individual offers administrative support and acts as a link between the team and the candidate to deliver sound decisions. Also, this individual acts as a neutral party when negotiating salary and benefits. The third member is the direct reporting manager who knows all about the requirements and workings department to which the new personnel will be added. This individual can judge if the candidate has the required abilities. Given that this individual is likely to supervise the candidate if successful, then it is only fair for the individual to evaluate the candidates. The final member is the nurse executive who evaluates the candidates for skills and knowledge (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2013).
Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits
Pre-screening the candidates before the interview in order to identify those not meeting the basic requirements.  Such as the position terms of salary requirements, willingness to relocate, education, and work experience. Identifying this occurs through three approaches. The first approach is to evaluate the application and review resumes. The second approach is to conduct telephone interviews, an initial phone conversation that offers information on the candidate’s professionalism, attitude, ability to listen, sense of humor, and communication skills. The third approach is social media and online searches that present private information on the individual to include a snapshot of the candidate’s professional persona, employment status, volunteer activities, organization alignments, and social values (Ozbiglin, Groutsis & Harvey, 2014).
How interview outcomes would be compiled, and how differences in interview ratings would be resolved
Interview outcomes will be collected using scorecards. Through using standardized interview questions, it becomes possible to develop a single scorecard that will be used on all the candidates. Also, a section on comments will be included in which the interview team members will write down their feedback. The interview outcomes will be determined based on average scores. In case of differences in interview ratings, justifications for the ratings will be discussed before settling on the final candidate (Ozbiglin, Groutsis & Harvey, 2014) NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay.
List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.
The questions would be presented in three groups. The first group is operational and situational questions. These questions are intended to evaluate attention to detail and critical thinking. The two questions to be asked are:

Suppose you were asked to prepare for an operation for which you have no experience. What would you do?
What are the three questions you would ask a patient before surgery?

The second group is role-specific questions the evaluate a nurse’s understanding of the circulating and scrub roles. The two questions to be asked are:

Why is it essential to conduct surgical skin preparation?
What are the legal aspects of an OR nurse?

The third group is people behavioral questions that evaluate people skills. The question to ask is:

Tell me about a time when you had a panicked and anxious patient. How did you calm the patient?

Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.
Candidates who present for the interview are those who are determined as having the professional qualifications for the job. The interview goes on to evaluate them for operational and situational competence, role-specific capacity, and behavioral competence. Also, they would be assessed for five skills. The first skill is cultural competence that evaluates the ability to provide care to patients with various behaviors, beliefs, and values. The second skill is the flexibility that assesses openness to learn new things and the ability to tolerate a change in response to the rapidly changing practice environment. The third skill is positivity, that assesses a nurse’s ability to maintain a positive attitude. The fourth skill is emotional intelligence that evaluates the ability to work in teams collaboratively and effectively deal with conflicts. The final qualification is passion that assesses attitude towards work tasks (Hunt, 2015). NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay
Crawley, E., Swailes, S. & Walsh, D. (2013). Introduction to international human resource management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and management for nurses: core competencies for quality care (3rd ed.). London: Pearson Education.
Hunt, D. (2015). The nurse professional: leveraging your education for transition into practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
Northwoods Surgery Center (n.d.). Operating room nurse (RN) – job description. Retrieved from
Nursing Jobs (2020). Operating room (OR) nurse jobs and salary.
Ozbiglin, M., Groutsis, D. & Harvey, W. (2014). International human resource management. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. NURS 6221 Recruitment and Selection Plan Nursing Essay

Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines

Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines
Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines
The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide an opportunity to develop a community health nursing intervention and evaluation plan for a community health problem that you identified in your community (described in Milestone 2: Vulnerable Population Assessment). You will apply the components of the nursing process to assist this vulnerable population and develop a proposal that could be presented to community leaders.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Apply principles of nursing theory to the public health system by analyzing determinants of health and the public health intervention wheel. (PO 1)
CO3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. (PO 4, 8)
CO4: Evaluate the delivery of care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)
Due Date
Submit your Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines PowerPoint presentation by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday by the end of Week 6.
This Caring for Populations: Intervention and Evaluation PowerPoint Guidelines assignment is worth a total of 225 points.
You are a community public health nurse (C/PHN) working with the vulnerable population you identified in Milestone 2. You will choose a specific community health role that would serve this population. You have analyzed the data collected from your windshield survey and vulnerable population assignments (the first two milestones) and identified one community health problem that a nurse can impact. Now, review the scholarly literature or scholarly websites listed below and identify one specific evidence-based nursing intervention that has the potential to improve the health of this group. Then develop a proposal to implement this intervention and a plan to evaluate the outcomes of this intervention. Create a PowerPoint that you could use to present to an organization in your community to request approval for funding and support for this intervention. (You are not required to implement the intervention or present your PowerPoint, though you may want to consider implementing your project in the future).
Watch the Milestone 3 tutorial at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Introduction: (average of 2-3 slides)

Describe the identified problem

Include at least two important findings that demonstrate that this is a problem in your community.

Describe your specific community health role: Some examples of roles are school nurse, parish nurse, home health nurse, occupational nurse, health department nurse etc.
Identify the purpose of the presentation which is related to proposing a community health intervention and evaluation plan.

Identify an evidence based intervention: (average of 2-3 slides).

Find an evidence-based nursing intervention from a peer-reviewed journal article OR one of the following databases. These databases evaluate research evidence about community health interventions. Be sure that your intervention is one that is recommended. Cite your source on the slide with the author or organization and year.

Use at least one of the following to identify an evidence based intervention:

A peer reviewed journal article demonstrating that your intervention has been successful
The Community Guide ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) Choose one of the topics in the topic tab to find interventions.
The CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator Database of Interventions ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Healthy People 2020 evidence-based interventions. Find a relevant topic area at ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), click on that topic area, and then click on the “Interventions and Resources” tab to see the evidence-based interventions list for that topic area
Provide a brief overview of your intervention.
Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).

Intervention Implementation: (average of 3-4 slides).

Describe how you would implement your community health nursing intervention in your community

Discuss the actions will you take as the community health nurse to accomplish this intervention.

Relate your actions to the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, 2015, p. 14, Figure 1-3)

Identify your target population.
Describe how you will reach out to your target population.
Include strategies to engage your target population.
Describe where the intervention will take place.
Identify when your intervention will take place
Will it take place once or multiple times?
Identify those in the community that you will collaborate with (e.g., physician’s office, church, local resources, etc.).
Explain what level(s) of prevention is your intervention addressing (primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention)?

Proposed Evaluation Methods: (average of 2-3 slides)

Your presentation must include at least one proposed quantitative or qualitative evaluation method that you would use to determine whether your intervention is effective. Outcome measurement is a crucial piece when implementing interventions.

Describe the method you would use to evaluate whether your intervention was effective. (The Qualitative and Quantitative Education Methods (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. handout can help with understanding qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation).
Identify the outcomes you would track to show whether your intervention works (eg. BMI would be one outcome you could track for a weight loss intervention).
When would you measure these outcomes?
Describe the short-term and long-term impact on your community if the intervention is successful.

Summary: (average 1 slide)

The summary should reiterate the main points of the presentation and conclude with what you are asking to be accomplished; for example, “Based on ABC, it is imperative our community has XYZ. Can we count on your support? Thank you for your consideration.”

In addition to the slides described above, your presentation should include a title slide with your name and role and a reference slide. Cite all sources used with (Author, year) on the PowerPoint slide.
The slides should include the most important points in short bullet pointed phrases. Do not include full sentences or paragraphs on the PowerPoint slides. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor.
The slides should be visually appealing and not overcrowded. Use an interesting template and include some clipart or graphics for interest.


Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or later.
Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
Save the assignment with your last name in the file title: example: “Smith Intervention and Evaluation.”
Submission: Submit your PowerPoint file by 11:59 p.m. Sunday by the end of Week 6.
Late Submission: See Policies on late submissions.
Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The SSP Chamberlain Student Success Strategies offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found on your course list in the student portal.

Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint
The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

Be creative.
Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.
Review directions thoroughly.
Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.
Proofread prior to final submission.
Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

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