Organizational Direction – Connections between organization’s mission, objectives, and goals, and strategic plan

Organizational Direction – Connections between organization’s mission, objectives, and goals, and strategic plan
Organizational Direction
Prepare a 3–5 page report that analyzes the critical connections between the organization’s mission, objectives, and goals, and the development and implementation of a strategic plan. Explain the importance of integrating the needs of stakeholders into the strategic plan, analyze the major sources of organizational resistance to change, and identify methodologies for evaluating the status of the organization in relation to its environment.
Note: The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate the role of an effective planning process in the strategic management of health care organizations.

Identify appropriate methodologies for evaluating the current status of the organization in relation to its broader environment.

Competency 2: Apply strategic management principles to analyze the mission, vision, core values, goals, and governance of health care organizations.

Analyze the critical connections between the organization’s mission, objectives, and goals, and the development and implementation of a strategic plan.
Analyze the major sources of organizational resistance to change.

Competency 3: Analyze the effect of internal and external environments on the strategic planning process within health care organizations.

Explain the importance of integrating the needs and agendas of internal and external organizational stakeholders into the strategic plan.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for business professionals.

Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.



According to Zuckerman (2012), “Identifying organizational direction initiates in earnest the process of looking forward to chart what the organization’s future might be. This activity sets high-level direction encompassing mission, vision, overall organizational strategy, and values” (p. 57).
Part of strategic management includes the ability to analyze the relationship between a health care organization’s mission, core values and goals, and the development of a strategic plan. It also requires the ability to integrate the needs and agendas of various internal and external organizational stakeholders into the strategic plan, recognize the challenges created by organizational resistance to change, and how to select and use appropriate methodologies to evaluate the current status of the organization in relation to its broader environment.
Zuckerman, A. (2012). Healthcare strategic planning (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Questions to Consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the question below and discuss it with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

What do you think would be the consequences of a strategic management plan that did not align to an organization’s mission, vision, and values?


Required Resources
The following template is required to complete Assessment
Organizational Direction
The following resources address the topic of organizational direction:

Zuckerman, A. M. (2012). Healthcare strategic planning (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 4, “Activity 2: Identifying Organizational Direction,”

Mission Statement.

Complete the interactive. This will generate an e-mail of your inputs. You may use this information to complete Assessment 4.

Organizational Leadership
These resources examine the role of leadership in health care organizations:

Schyve, P. M. (2009). Leadership in healthcare organizations: A guide to Joint Commission leadership standards. The Governance Institute. Retrieved from
Lindsey, J. S., & Mitchell, J. W. (2012). Tomorrow’s top healthcare leaders: 5 qualities of the healthcare leader of the future. Becker’s Hospital Review. Retrieved from

Exemplar resources for the course
It may be helpful for you to review these exemplars prior to beginning your work on the assessment.

Johns Hopkins. (2013). John Hopkins Medicine strategic plan. Retrieved from
Niles, N. J. (2010). A case study in strategic financial planning in health service organizations. Journal of Business Case Studies, 6(5), 23–29.
Howard, B. (2015). Michael’s Hospital Strategic Plan 2015–2018 | Transcript. Retrieved from

Strategic Management Case Study
If you do not currently work for a health care organization, or if you prefer not to use the organization where you work for the course assessments, you may choose to use this case study to complete the assessments:

Community Hospital Healthcare System: A Strategic Management Case Study.

Assessment Instructions

You will use the same organization used for the previous assessments.
Complete Worksheet 4, located in the Resources section of this assessment. You may also use the output generated from the Mission Statement media piece linked in the Suggested Resources section. You will not submit the worksheet or the Mission Statement output, but will use the information to develop a report on the organization you selected.
Assessment Requirements
Use the information from Worksheet 4, and the Mission Statement output if you wish, to prepare a 3–5 page report that includes the following:

Analyze the critical connections between the organization’s mission, objectives, and goals, and the development and implementation of a strategic plan.

Briefly describe the organization’s mission, objectives, and goals.
Briefly explain the importance of a strategic plan for an organization.
Explain the importance of a strategic plan to support an organization’s mission, objectives, and goals.

Explain the importance of integrating the needs and agendas of internal and external organizational stakeholders into the strategic plan.
Identify appropriate methodologies for evaluating the current status of the organization in relation to its broader environment.
Analyze the major sources of organizational resistance to change.

Identify the major sources of resistance to change.
Explain the challenges these create for the organizational leader.
Provide strategies for overcoming resistance to change.

Format your assessment as a report and be sure it is organized logically, using headings and sub-headings appropriately. Follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.
Additional Requirements

Report length: 3–5 double-spaced pages, not including title page and reference page.
References: A minimum of three professional resources.
Format: Use APA format for all in-text citations and references. Include a title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study

Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study
Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study
Case Study: Krista Hampton V5.1 PC PL
Chief complaint
New rash
**Please follow the assignment due dates listed in BlackBoard. The due dates listed in the i-Human program are NOT the due dates for the assignments. The dates listed in i-Human are for administrative purposes only. All i-Human cases completed after the due date listed in BlackBoard will be considered late.**
Below is the breakdown of the grading rubric for this Basic DDx case. You will be allowed to push the Interview Progress Button and receive feedback on your history questions, 5 hints for the learning mode cases only.
Place your order now, we write everything from scratch
Your history question limit for your patient is 100 questions, please use them wisely.

a) HPI statement (15% of grade)
b) History (10% of grade)
c) Physical Exam (10% of grade)
d) Diagnostic testing (10% of grade)
c) Appropriate selection and ranking of differential diagnoses (20%)
d) Plan covering all critical components of patient’s final diagnosis (30%)
e) Clinical exercises (5%)

The software platform is designed to help you become proficient in the diagnostic reasoning process (a the steps prior to the final diagnosis), so you can apply this process in the real clinic setting. Key to minimizing medical errors is the clinical consideration of a broad differential diagnosis list and the selection of tests to either “rule in” or “rule out” these diagnoses Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study.
Detailed Instructions Below:
NOTE from your INSTRUCTOR: You are required to complete the HPI portion of the EMR. This section can be found by clicking on the “Patient Record” tab on the left side of your case and is available to access until you complete the case and submit. Once your case assignment has been submitted you cannot go back and change any sections of your case assignment.

Take the patient’s history. You are limited to a maximum of 100 history questions.

○ Assess all aspects of the patients HPI and pertinent related history.
○ Decide if this is a patient that can be treated as an outpatient, i.e., a focused case with fewer history questions needed versus a patient who might be hospitalized for treatment, i.e., comprehensive case where all components of a history should be investigated. Do you have a prior chart to review? Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study.
○ Document the chief complaint
○ Document any abnormal history or complaints on your Key Finding list
○ The Interview Progress Button can be used up to as designated above to give you feedback on how close you are to asking all the authors “required questions”.

Proceed to perform a PHYSICAL EXAM.

○ Assess vital signs and perform the examination appropriate for the type of case identified by the above history. Remember the comprehensive cases require a comprehensive physical.

Document abnormal history and physical findings on your Key Finding list.
Write a concise HPI and include it in the correct place as part of the EMR.

○ Start with the demographic introduction of your patient and their chief complaint. Include data on all aspects of the History of Present Illness as well as pertinent medical history, current medications, and other history data that would help support your diagnosis.

Complete your differential diagnosis list.

○ You may start your differential diagnosis during the history taking section, but after completing the problem statement, reflect and finalize your differential diagnosis list. Remember, this part of the case will be scored on how comprehensive this list is. You will not lose points for having too many, points are lost only if you have too few. The average list contains 5 diagnoses. Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study

Order Tests

○ Order tests for your top 2 diagnoses only and link it to a diagnosis. Some tests are ordered to “rule in” a diagnosis while others are ordered to “rule out” a diagnosis.

Review test results
Select a final diagnosis
Develop a treatment plan as described by your course director
Submit your case and review your case play score

DO NOT try to scam the system by just clicking on everything. The software tracks not only what is done, but also keeps track of the order of completion. Clicking on the first opening question and then just going down the list of questions in the history is viewed as “scamming” the system and can result in a score of ZERO—same principle applies to each section. The time for completion of the case, as well as time spent in each section of the case is also recorded. This data has been shown to correlate with case performance. Very short times have lower scores as do very long times. The former is most likely due to lack of effort while the latter may be because the user is receiving multiple interruptions. The low score then most likely reflects “lack of continuity” of thought. Try to set aside enough time to complete the case in its entirety in a single sitting Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study.
The Avatars and cases in the IHP case library are based on “real patients”. If the Avatar provides confusing information, this is intentional as we often what we find real patients provide incongruent information. For example, the Avatar may use the term “rash” for skin lesions that are not by medical definition a rash—just like real patients. Avatars may refuse to answer questions, just like real patients. Phrasing of questions IS important. Asking a “similar” question that is less specific may not be scored correct if it does not provide the clarity of information needed to narrow the differential. All of these small nuances in the case design were intentional and replicate the challenges you will face with real patients in a clinical setting. My recommendation is to pretend this is a real clinical patient encounter and select a time so you can enjoy the process and not feel pressured for time. Remember, you are not scored on whether you get the correct diagnosis, but rather have you mastered the process. Mastery of the process will help you avoid making diagnostic errors throughout your clinical career. Krista Hampton new rash Ihuman Case Study.

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