A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female

A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female
A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female
Practicum: Decision Tree

Childhood psychosis is extremely rare; however, children that present with psychosis must be carefully assessed and evaluated with appropriate interviewing of parent, child, and use of assessment tools.

For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with early onset schizophrenia.

The Assignment:

Examine Case 3. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this client. Be sure to consider co-morbid physical as well as mental factors that might impact the client’s diagnosis and treatment.


At each Decision Point, stop to complete the following:

· Decision #1: Differential Diagnosis

o Which Decision did you select?

o Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

o What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the Decision. Why were they different?

· Decision #2: Treatment Plan for Psychotherapy

o Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

o What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the Decision. Why were they different?

· Decision #3: Treatment Plan for Psychopharmacology

o Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

o What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.

o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?

. Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients and their families.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of three academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

Case #3  A young girl with strange behaviors



Carrie is a 13-year-old Hispanic female who is brought to your office today by her mother and father. They report that they were referred to you by their primary care provider after seeking her advice because Carrie’s behavior has been difficult to manage, and they don’t know what to do.


Carrie’s parents report that they have concerns about her behavior, which they describe as sometimes “not normal for a 13-year-old.” They notice that she talks to people who aren’t real. Her behavior is calm and “passive.” Her parents noted that when she was younger, she was irritable at times, but have noticed that this has given way to passivity. Her parents state that they understand that it’s normal for younger children to have “imaginary friends,” but they feel that at Carrie’s age, she should have grown out of these behaviors. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. Carrie’s parents report that she has friends that are half-cat and half-human, and “spirits” who speak with her “in her head.” She also reports that the people on television know when she is home and that they have certain shows “just for her.”

Carrie’s parents report that they have taken her to her pediatrician who has given her a “clean bill of health.” Carrie’s parents note that they had some early concerns as she was lagging in meeting developmental milestones. Initially, when she first started school, Carrie managed to keep up with her peers in terms of academic performance, but she was noticed by her teachers to be isolative. It was also noted by her teachers and guidance counselor that Carrie’s social skills do not seem to match what they see in other children her age. Initially the school counselor suspected that Carrie may have been suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (primarily inattentive type), but now is not certain and has recommended a psychiatric evaluation. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. Her grades were “ok” in school up until last year when she left junior high school, and entered high school, where the academic demands began to increase. Carrie’s teachers had wanted to hold her back a grade, but her parents acknowledge that they were “insistent” that this did not happen. Now they are describing some regrets over this as Carrie seems “more lost than ever” in her schoolwork. Carrie’s mother produced a copy of a paper that Carrie had to submit as a homework assignment. You attempt to read the assignment, but there does not appear to be any clarity to the work, and it can best be described as a hodge-podge of thoughts and ideas.

Carrie’s parents want you to know that although they are concerned about Carrie, they are opposed to giving her medications that would turn her “into a zombie.” Carrie’s mother also confides that her husband’s grandfather spent “a few years in the nut house.” When you probe further, she began crying and said, “He was schizophrenic … what if Carrie is schizophrenic?”

During your interview with Carrie, she seems pleasant, but somewhat distant. When you ask her about her friends at school, she shrugs her shoulders and says, “I don’t really have any. I don’t like those people.” You inquire if she is sad or upset that she doesn’t like them, to which she states “no, why should I be? I guess they would be friends with me if I asked, but I’m not interested. I could make them be my friends if I wanted, but I don’t … but if I wanted them to, all that I have to do is make up my mind that they will be my friend and they would have to.” When you ask Carrie if she believes that she can control the thoughts of others with her mind, she puts her index finger up to her mouth and looks toward the door. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. “My mom gets upset when I talk about these things. I try not to think about them either because if she is close enough, she could read my thoughts and they upset her. She may think that I’m into witchcraft or something.”

When you ask Carrie about the homework assignment that you read, she explains that her teacher “is just miserable. She doesn’t understand how I think—I think high, she just can’t get it.”


The client is a 13-year-old Hispanic female client who appears appropriately developed for her age. She is dressed appropriately for the current weather and ambulates with a steady upright gait. She does not appear to be demonstrating any noteworthy mannerisms, gestures, or tics. No psychomotor agitation/retardation apparent. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.


Carries is alert and oriented × 4 spheres. Her speech is clear, coherent, goal directed, and spontaneous. Carrie self-reports her mood as “good.” However, her affect does appear somewhat constricted. Her eye contact is minimal throughout the clinical interview and at times, Carrie seems preoccupied. Carrie is oriented to person, place, and time. She endorses hearing and seeing strange “things that I talk to. They don’t scare me; they come to see me from another world.” No overt paranoia is appreciated. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. She does report delusions of reference (she believes that the people on TV play programs “just for her” and at times, television commercials were designed to tell her what to do), as well as other delusional thoughts (as described above). Carrie denies any suicidal or homicidal ideation.

At this point, please discuss any additional diagnostic tests you would perform on Carrie.

Decision Point One


In your write-up of this case, be certain to link specific symptoms presented in the case to DSM–5 criteria to support your diagnosis.

Early Onset Schizophrenia

Schizoaffective Disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Answer Chosen:  

Early Onset Schizophrenia

Decision Point Two


Refer for psychological testing

Begin Clozaril 100 mg orally daily. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

Begin psychotherapy using a psychodynamic approach

Answer Chosen:

Refer for psychological testing


·  Client returns to clinic in four weeks

·  Although there are no specific psychometric tests available for schizophrenia, the consulting psychologist administered a comprehensive psychological battery of tests in order to assess personality and cognitive functioning as well as to identify any underlying intellectual disabilities that could account for the difficulty Carrie is having in school. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. Tests administered included the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test; Rorschach test; Whitaker Index of Schizophrenic Thinking (WIST) test; Wide Range Achievement Test – 4th Edition (WRAT-4); and the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI). The consulting psychologist opined that early-onset schizophrenia was strongly suspected in this client.

Decision Point Three


Begin Clozapine 100 mg orally daily

Begin family interventions. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

Begin Lurasidone 40 mg orally daily

Answer Chosen

Begin Lurasidone 40 mg orally daily

Guidance to Student

It is not always necessary to procure a consult with a psychologist. However, psychologists by virtue of their advanced training and licensure are able to conduct comprehensive psychological testing on clients more advanced than those tests that could be conducted by the psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner. In this case, we would like to know if the poor academic performance was the result of an intellectual disability, versus poor premorbid intellectual functioning that is often seen in schizophrenia.

In terms of treatment decisions, Clozapine is FDA-approved for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Since the child has not yet been treated with any agent, we have no way of knowing if her schizophrenia is treatment resistant. Additionally, if we were to use Clozapine, the starting dose is approximately 25 mg in adults (perhaps 12.5 mg in a child, depending on body weight). Clozapine 100 mg would most likely cause significant side effects that both the child and parents would find objectionable, thus making compliance an issue. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

Although not FDA-approved for use in children, Lurasidone is used as an off-label drug in this population. There are no legal prohibitions against any prescriber using drugs “off-label”; however, attention must be given to the concept of informed consent A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female. When working with children/adolescents, the PMHNP must explain pros/cons, discuss therapeutic endpoints/goals of treatment, etc. The parent/guardian must have all of the information needed to make an informed consent. Therefore, Lurasidone would be the best choice. Additionally, Lurasidone may be the preferred antipsychotic, as it appears to have the least impact on body weight and lipid profile.

Recall that with any antipsychotic medication, you should determine fasting plasma glucose levels, monitor weight and BMI during treatment, as well as blood pressure and fasting triglycerides.

Family interventions are important as well, as they do have a positive benefit on symptom relapse and admission/readmission to the hospital. Family interventions should include teaching about the disease, medications, and anticipatory guidance.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2014). Kaplan & Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

· Chapter 31, “Child Psychiatry” (pp. 1268–1283)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

· “Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders”

McClellan, J., & Stock, S. (2013). Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with schizophrenia. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(9), 976–990. Retrieved from http://www.jaacap.com/article/S0890-8567(13)00112-3/pdf

Giles, L. L., & Martini, D. R. (2016). Challenges and promises of pediatric psychopharmacology. Academic Pediatrics, 16(6), 508–518. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2016.03.011

Hargrave, T. M., & Arthur, M. E. (2015). Teaching child psychiatric assessment skills: Using pediatric mental health screening tools. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 50(1), 60–72. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/docview/1702699596?accountid=14872

Stahl, S. M. (2014). Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017b). A young girl with strange behaviors [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. A young girl with strange behaviors decision tree case study – Carrie, 13-year-old Hispanic female.

Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3

Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3
Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3
Section 1
Relationship between integrity and writing  
Integrity and honesty are what make a professional writer earn respect and recognition in the field of writing. Academic integrity is seen as an integral part of professional wiring as it promotes transparency and honesty of work done by a writer (Blair, 2016). Therefore, there lies an immeasurable relationship between academic integrity and writing. To promote academic integrity, a wire ensures that they acknowledge the works of the authors and scholars they have used as references in drawing their confusions. In writing, the writer could show high academic integrity levels by avoiding plagiarism and using similar ideas in their work. This act could be done by properly giving citations to any ideas used in the writers’ work and original ideas, which might be based on other authors’’ work.  When writers understand the importance of being honest in their academic work, they promote academic integrity, which promotes honest and fair writing Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
Relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
Professional practices are defined as the noticeable conduct and behaviors of a particular professional.  They promote integrity, honesty and work to improve one’s professional practice significantly, among other benefits.  Scholarly ethics entails observing academic integrity, high ethical standards in a project, and promoting honesty and transparency regarding research, writing, and course work. Professional practices and scholarly ethics have a great relationship (Emmerich, 2020). The two have been top mutually affect each other. For instance, if an individual had observed scholarly ethics, then it is presumed that such an individual will explicitly state high standards of professional practices. When one embraces integrity and ethics in scholarly work, then such an individual will find it easy to maintain quality professional practices in the work environment Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
How academic tools are used to improve academic integrity
To be sure that they have observed high levels of integrity in their wetting, Grammarly is perfect to prove that.  Grammarly ensures that sentences are well constructed, similar ideas and overlapping ones are cleared, and the workflow is perfect. Safe assign and paraphrasing ensure that the writer does not submit plagiarized work. They promote integrity by ensuring that the work submitted includes original ideas and acknowledges other authors’ work and ideas as references. These tools are essential in promoting academic integrity and have been used to improve responses by providing a plagiarism-free paper (Williams, 2018).  The tools were also used as a guide to provide citations and clear any errors in the responses Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
Section 2
Strategies to use to maintain integrity in academic and professional work
To ensure that I maintain integrity and retain a high ethical standard in my program, I would use various strategies. One of the strategies will be to ensure that I use the right tools, such as Safe Assign and Grammarly, to check my work’s integrity and plagiarism status (Emmerich, 2019). This strategy will assist in ensuring that I remain as ethical as possible in my work. Secondly, I will ensure that I give credit and acknowledge the ideas I use from other authors. I will do this by ensuring that I cite all the quotes and ideas properly. The third strategy will be the use of proper paraphrasing to derive an original idea. Making your own idea promotes academic integrity and ethics as it helps prevent copying of using someone’s ideas in writing (Williams, 2018).    Ensuring that I maintain ethics and integrity in my nursing career will ensure that I maintain a high professional code of conduct. I will do this by being transparent, honest, and creating a friendly relationship with my coworkers and patient s. I will also ensure that I improve my skills by attending all sections and training to improve my integrity and ethics as a nursing professional. I will also consult sources that talk about professional practices and the nursing code of ethics. These sources could include works written on the code of ethics in my nursing career, among others Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3. All these strategies will ensure that I maintain high standards of ethics and integrity.
What to use for my academic and professional work
I intend to always use research, especially from the internet and in the library, to gain information.  I also intend to use another approach, such as looking at other authors’ works and using them as references. I will also ensure that I look at the exam system and know how the exam is set and the major requirements, which will help me prepare adequately for the test. As a nurse, I intend to undergo training on the code of conduct in a nursing career. I also intend to use the nursing code of conduct, which is already in existence and do more research on improving my professional integrity as a nurse Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
Blair, L. (2016). Maintaining academic integrity. Writing a Graduate Thesis or Dissertation, 43-47. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6300-426-8_5
Emmerich, N. (2019). Professional ethics for researchers? Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76040-7_34-1
Poff, D. (2020). Academic ethics and academic integrity. Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23514-1_405-1
Williams, P. (2018). Ethics and the professional coach: Challenges and best practices. Professional Coaching. https://doi.org/10.1891/9780826180094.0007
Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to quickly erode…or worse.
Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignments asks you to consider these and how you might apply them to your own work.
In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.
To Prepare:

Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this week in support of academic style, integrity, and scholarly ethics.
Also reflect on the connection between academic and professional integrity.

The Assignment:
Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity
Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Week 1 and continued working on in Week 2, write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

Clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between academic integrity and writing Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
Clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.
Accurately cite at least 2 resources that fully support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.y

Clearly and accurately describe in detail how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity. Include sufficient evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were utilized to improve responses.
Part 3, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by:

Clearly identifying and accurately describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career.
Include a clearly developed review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.



Grid View
List View


Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began, write a 2-3 paragraph analysis that includes the following:
·   Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing.

·   Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.

·   Cite at least 2 resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.

·   Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product. Include sufficient evidence that these tools were utilized in explanation on how these tools contribute to academic integrity.

32 (32%) – 35 (35%)

The response clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between academic integrity and writing.
The response clearly and accurately explains in detail the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.
The response accurately cites at least two resources that fully support the arguments explained Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3.
The response clearly and accurately describes in detail how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity, including sufficient evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were used to improve the responses provided.

28 (28%) – 31 (31%)

The response partially explains the relationship between academic integrity and writing. The response partially explains the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.
The response partially cites at least two resources that partially support the arguments explained.
The response partially describes how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity, including some evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were used to improve the responses provided.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The response vaguely explains the relationship between academic integrity and writing.
The response vaguely explains the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics.
The response vaguely or inaccurately cites at least two resources that vaguely support the arguments explained.
The response vaguely or inaccurately describes how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity, including vague evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were used to improve the responses provided.

0 (0%) – 24 (24%)

The response explaining the relationship between academic integrity and writing is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
The response explaining the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
The response inaccurately cites at least two resources that inaccurately support the arguments explained, or is missing.
The response vaguely and inaccurately describes how Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity, including no evidence that Grammarly and SafeAssign were used to improve the responses provided.

Part 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work
Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:
·   Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.

45 (45%) – 50 (50%)

The response clearly identifies and accurately describes in detail strategies intended to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of academic work while in the MSN program and in professional work as a nurse.
The response clearly reviews and accurately proposes in detail resources and approaches to use as a student and professional.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

The response partially identifies and describes strategies intended to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of academic work while in the MSN program and in professional work as a nurse.
The response partially reviews and proposes resources and approaches to use as a student and professional.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

The response vaguely identifies and describes strategies intended to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of academic work while in the MSN program and in professional work as a nurse.
The response inaccurately reviews and vaguely proposes resources and approaches to use as a student and professional.

0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

The response vaguely and inaccurately identifies and describes strategies intended to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of academic work while in the MSN program and in professional work as a nurse, or is missing.
The response vaguely and inaccurately reviews and vaguely proposes resources and approaches to use as a student and professional, or is missing.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided. Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%) Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. 4 (4%) – 4 (4%) Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%) Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 0 (0%) – 3 (3%) Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding. Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

Total Points: 100

Name: NURS_6002_Week_3_Assignment_Rubric Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 3

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