Respiratory Shadow health Assignment

Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Respiratory Shadow health Assignment Transcript

All Lines (285)Interview Questions (220)Statements (0)Exam Actions (65)

Tina Jones.

and your date of birth

February 17th.

what is the year of birth please

I was born in . . . [Ms. Jones reports correct birth year.]

how old are you ms. jones

I’m 28.

what brings you in to the clinic today?

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, and my inhaler just isn’t working the way it normally does.

what made you seek medical treatment ms. jones?

Brian Foster Chest Pain Shadow Health Assessment
Subjective Data Collection: 21 of 21 (100.0%)

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Scored Items
Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.

Patient Data
Not Scored
A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.

Chief Complaint

Established chief complaint

Reports increased breathing problems and shortness of breath
Pro Tip: Foundational questions about general well-being are important in assessing how a patient feels at the current moment. This creates a space for Tina to contextualize her current feeling in relation to a chief complaint.
Example Question:
What brings you in today?

Reports decreased effectiveness of inhaler
Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with.
Example Question:
Why did you decide to seek treatment?

History of Presenting Illness

Asked about onset of symptoms

Reports symptoms began two days ago
Pro Tip: Determining the onset of a health problem is the first step to understanding if the underlying condition is acute or chronic. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment.
Example Question:
How long have you had breathing problems?

Asked about frequency and duration of SOB episodes

Reports exacerbations lasting several minutes
Pro Tip: Knowing the duration of an asthma or shortness of breath episode will give you insight into how effective the patient’s interventions are, and how severe the episode is.
Example Question:
How long do your asthma episodes last?

Reports exacerbated breathing about every 4 hours since original episode
Pro Tip: The frequency of asthma episodes or shortness of breath might vary over time. Asking Tina about her recent experience will expound upon her current condition. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
How many times have you had breathing problems in the past two days?

Reports waking up twice a night with asthma the past 2 nights
Pro Tip: Many patients with asthma report trouble sleeping. Asking Tina if she has trouble sleeping can indicate the severity of her asthma.
Example Question:
How many times in the past two nights did asthma wake you up?

Asked about severity of symptoms

Describes asthma severity as “not full attack,” but worse than usual
Pro Tip: Asthma severity might change over time for a variety of reasons. Asking Tina about the severity of her asthma will allow her to assess her condition. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
How severe is your asthma?

Reports asthma has been interfering with activities of daily life
Pro Tip: Severe asthma can interfere with daily life. Asking Tina the degree to which asthma impacts her daily life can be illustrative of the relative severity of her asthma.
Example Question:
Is there anything you can’t do because of your asthma?

Asked about character of symptoms

Reports recent wheezing
Pro Tip: Some people who experience chronic asthma may be accustomed to wheezing and, as a result, might not volunteer this information. Asking Tina if she’s been wheezing illustrates how her asthma is presenting.
Example Question:
Do you wheeze during an asthma exacerbation?

Reports chest tightness
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina to describe what happens when her asthma acts up will indicate how her individual symptoms manifest.
Example Question:
What happens when your asthma acts up?

Denies chest pain
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina whether she experiences chest pain during an attack will indicate how her individual symptoms manifest.
Example Question:
Are the shortness of breath episodes associated with chest pain?

Asked about cough

Reports cough
Pro Tip: A shallow history of a patient’s condition can provide a comparative baseline for juxtaposing an attack, exacerbation, and more regular breathing. Soliciting this information from Tina allows her to explain any recent developments with her asthma. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
Have you been coughing?

Cough has persisted since original asthma exacerbation 2 days ago
Pro Tip: Some people who experience chronic asthma may be accustomed to coughing and thus might not volunteer this information. Asking Tina how long she has been coughing illustrates how her asthma is presenting.
Example Question:
How long have you had a cough?

Describes cough as “dry”
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina to describe her cough specifies the way her individual symptoms manifest.
Example Question:
How would you describe your cough?

Describes cough as “small” and not severe
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina to describe her cough specifies the way her individual symptoms manifest.
Example Question:
How severe is your cough?

Reports cough slightly relieved by drinking water
Pro Tip: Coughing can be a symptom of a constricted airway. Assessing what relieves Tina’s cough can open up a conversation about asthma management.
Example Question:
What makes your cough better?

Has not treated cough with medication or home remedies
Pro Tip: Some people who experience chronic asthma may be accustomed to coughing and thus might not treat this symptom. Asking Tina how she is treating her cough might reveal her current symptom management and health literacy. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
Have you tried to treat your cough?

Asked about aggravating factors

Reports symptoms worse at night
Pro Tip: Sometimes a condition will fluctuate during the course of the day. By asking Tina how her asthma differentially impacts her both during the day and at night, you are assessing an important change over time.
Example Question:
Is your asthma worse at night?

Reports symptoms increase when lying flat on back
Pro Tip: Asthma can be aggravated by movements that constrict the respiratory airways. By asking Tina if lying down causes shortness of breath, you’re assessing which positions might cause exacerbation.
Example Question:
Does lying down make your asthma worse?

Reports symptoms aggravated by movement
Pro Tip: Asthma can be aggravated by movements that constrict the respiratory airways. Inquiring into what activities make Tina short of breath can indicate possible triggers.
Example Question:
Is there anything you can’t do because of your asthma?

Medical History

Confirmed use of medications

Confirms medications (no new medications reported)
Pro Tip: Determining what, if any, medications a patient is taking is a crucial element of a thorough health history and will help you avoid unwanted drug interactions.
Example Question:
What medications do you take?

Followed up about inhaler use

Uses an inhaler to treat asthma symptoms
Pro Tip: It’s essential to ask specifically what medications a patient is using to treat her current complaint or any ongoing medical conditions.
Example Question:
Do you use an inhaler for your asthma?

Inhaler is Proventil
Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Asking Tina what medication she takes for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it.
Example Question:
What is the name of the inhaler you are currently using?

Reports most recent inhaler use was this morning
Pro Tip: Soliciting a shallow history of a patient’s medication history can reveal recent exacerbation. Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment.
Example Question:
When did you last use your inhaler?


Reports using inhaler every 4 hours or so since exacerbation
Pro Tip: After an asthma exacerbation, patients often will become more reliant on medical tools like inhalers. Asking Tina how many times she’s used her inhaler in the past two days will point to the severity of her recent exacerbation.
Example Question:
How many times have you used your inhaler in the past two days?

Prescribed usage is 2 puffs
Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Asking Tina how many puffs of her inhaler she’s prescribed will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
How many puffs of your inhaler are you prescribed?

Reports needing more than 2 puffs to resolve asthma symptoms
Pro Tip: Inhaler effectiveness can vary over time for a variety of reasons. Asking Tina about the number on inhaler puffs she needs to resolve symptoms can indicate whether her asthma has worsened or point to potential problems like poor inhaler technique.
Example Question:
How many inhaler puffs do you need?

Confirmed allergies

Confirms allergies (no new allergies reported)
Pro Tip: It’s best practice to ask a patient about her allergies each visit, even with an established patient, to uncover any new allergy triggers or symptoms.
Example Question:
Do you have any new allergies?

Followed up on exposure to allergy and asthma triggers

Reports cat allergy triggered recent episodes
Pro Tip: Questions about what factors might have caused an illness can point to a patient’s environmental stressors, habits, and general wellbeing. Asking Tina what caused her asthma might indicate her health literacy and understanding of what factors impact her breathing.
Example Question:
What started your recent asthma problems?

Reports dust as a known trigger
Pro Tip: Environmental factors can often be primary allergy triggers. Asking whether Tina has a dust allergy can reveal one such trigger.
Example Question:
Does being around dust trigger your asthma?

Reports activity such as walking up stairs as a known trigger
Pro Tip: Shortness of breath or asthma can be exercise-induced. Asking whether climbing stairs can be a trigger for Tina might reveal a possible provocation. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
Does climbing stairs trigger your asthma?

Denies seasonal pattern
Pro Tip: Discerning what’s making Tina’s asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movement that may have a bearing on Tina’s breathing. Asking Tina whether she has seasonal triggers will indicate, in part, Tina’s health literacy.
Example Question:
Do you have seasonal asthma triggers?

Denies changes in weather as a trigger
Pro Tip: For some patients, weather changes can be asthma irritants. Asking Tina if the weather impacts her asthma will indicate if weather is an irritant for Tina’s condition.
Example Question:
Do changes in weather make your asthma worse?

Reports minimal exposure to asthma triggers at work
Pro Tip: Environmental factors at home or work can often be primary allergy triggers. Asking Tina about possible allergens at work might indicate a relevant factor in her recent exacerbation.
Example Question:
Does anything at work make your asthma worse?

Asked detailed questions about asthma history

No current asthma doctor
Pro Tip: Seeing a specialist, like an asthma doctor, can help patients to manage symptoms. Asking whether Tina is seeing an asthma doctor will allow you to assess her current treatment plan and healthcare access.
Example Question:
Do you have an asthma doctor?

Diagnosed with asthma in childhood
Pro Tip: By determining the onset of asthma you can get a sense for Tina’s asthma history, instance, and frequency of exacerbation.
Example Question:
How long have you had asthma?

Age of diagnosis was 2 1/2 years old
Pro Tip: By determining the onset of asthma you can get a sense for Tina’s asthma history, instance, and frequency of exacerbation.
Example Question:
How old were you when you were diagnosed with asthma?

Asked about hospitalizations for asthma

Reports prior hospitalizations for asthma
Pro Tip: Hospitalization for a condition, like asthma, can reveal its severity. By asking Tina if she’s been hospitalized, you are soliciting information about the history and severity of her condition.
Example Question:
Have you ever been hospitalized for asthma?

Reports last hospitalization was age 16
Pro Tip: Hospitalization for a condition, like asthma, can reveal its severity. By asking Tina when she was last hospitalized, you are soliciting information about the history and severity of her condition.
Example Question:
When was your last hospitalization for asthma?

Estimates 5 total hospitalizations for asthma
Pro Tip: Hospitalization for a condition, like asthma, can reveal its severity. By asking Tina the number of times she’s been hospitalized, you are soliciting information about the history and severity of her condition.
Example Question:
How many times have you been to the hospital?

Reports she has never been intubated
Pro Tip: Intubation for a condition, like asthma, can reveal its severity. By asking Tina if she’s been intubated, you are soliciting information about the history and severity of her condition. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment
Example Question:
Have you ever been put on a breathing tube?

Followed up about non-medication forms of asthma management

Denies record keeping of asthma exacerbation or shortness of breath episodes
Pro Tip: For some patients, keeping records of asthma exacerbation allows them to monitor their conditions. Soliciting this information from Tina will show health literacy.
Example Question:
Do you use a chart to monitor your asthma?

Denies using peak flow meter
Pro Tip: A peak flow meter measures how well a patient’s lungs can expel air. By asking whether Tina uses a peak flow meter, you are asking about her health literacy and what kind of medical tools she uses to manage her asthma.
Example Question:
Do you check your peak flow regularly?

Denies nebulizer use
Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Asking Tina if she uses a nebulizer for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it.
Example Question:
Do you use a nebulizer?

Social History

Asked about exercise and activity level

Reports general low activity level
Pro Tip: Learning about a patient’s typical exercise habits helps
Example Question:
Do you exercise?

Reports diminished activity due to asthma
Pro Tip: Asking a patient if her current complaint affects her exercise level or (vice version) helps you understand if there is a causal relationship in symptoms.
Example Question:
Have you been able to exercise?

Asked about environmental control

Reports living situation is tidy and free of dust
Pro Tip: Environmental factors at home or work can often be primary allergy triggers. Asking Tina about possible allergens at home might indicate a relevant factor in her recent exacerbation.
Example Question:
Have you noticed anything at home that aggravates your asthma?

Reports hypoallergenic bedding hygiene
Pro Tip: Bedding provides the perfect environment for dust mites and other allergens. By asking Tina if she regularly changes her bedding, you’re soliciting information about environmental factors that might exacerbate her condition. Hypoallergenic bedding can provide relief to those who suffer from sensitivity to dust mites, allergies, or asthma. Discovering that Tina uses hypoallergenic bedding can indicate a reason why she might feel asthma relief at night.
Example Question:
Do you change your bedding regularly?

Avoids animals and has no pets at home
Pro Tip: Environmental factors can often be primary allergy triggers. Asking whether Tina has any pets can reveal one such trigger.
Example Question:
Do you have pets at home?

Avoids exposure to secondhand smoke
Pro Tip: Secondhand smoke can be particularly triggering for asthmatics. Asking whether anyone in Tina’s household smokes might indicate a proximate environmental trigger.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your house smoke?

Asked about possible contributing factors in health history

Denies history of eczema
Pro Tip: Children with eczema are often at a higher risk of developing asthma. In soliciting a medical history from Tina, you are getting a sense for the history of Tina’s asthma and related conditions.
Example Question:
Have you had eczema?

Denies history of sinus problems
Pro Tip: People with asthma are likely to also experience sinus problems. It is important to determine whether Tina has sinus problems as they can cause complicating symptoms in patients who also experience asthma.
Example Question:
Do you have a history of sinus problems?

Denies history of GERD, heartburn, or indigestion
Pro Tip: People with asthma are almost twice as likely to also experience GERD. It is important to determine whether Tina has GERD as GERD can cause shortness of breath in patients who also experience asthma.
Example Question:
Do you have gastroesophageal reflux disease?

Denies history of COPD or emphysema
Pro Tip: For a patient with a known history of COPD or emphesyma, the symptoms of cough or shortness of breath could be caused by that disease.
Example Question:
Have you ever been diagnosed with COPD?

Asked about smoking, inhalants, or tobacco

Denies history of tobacco use, including cigarettes
Pro Tip: Smoking or inhaling substances can have adverse respiratory effects. Asking Tina is she ever smoked cigarettes can help you to discern whether smoking was an exacerbating factor for Tina’s asthma.
Example Question:
Have you ever smoked cigarettes?

Reports past history of marijuana use
Pro Tip: Smoking or inhaling substances can have adverse respiratory effects. Asking Tina is she ever smoked marijuana can help you to discern whether smoking was an exacerbating factor for Tina’s asthma.
Example Question:
Have you ever smoked marijuana?

Last use of marijuana was age 20 or 21
Pro Tip: Smoking or inhaling substances can have adverse respiratory effects. Asking Tina is she ever smoked marijuana can help you to discern whether smoking was an exacerbating factor for Tina’s asthma.
Example Question:
When was the last time you smoked marijuana?

Denies inhaling substances
Pro Tip: Smoking or inhaling substances can have adverse respiratory effects. Asking Tina when she quit smoking marijuana can help you to discern whether smoking recently exacerbated Tina’s asthma.
Example Question:
Have you ever experimented with inhaling substances?

Review of Systems

Asked about general symptoms

Denies recent respiratory or other illness
Pro Tip: Broad, open questions will allow Tina to describe, in her own words, the specific pain and discomfort that she is experiencing.
Example Question:
Have you been sick recently?

Denies fever
Pro Tip: The presence or absence of fever can indicate if an infection is approaching sepsis, a life-threatening condition.
Example Question:
Have you had any fever symptoms?

Denies nausea or vomiting
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is experiencing with her pain, like nausea, details the way her individual symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Have you had nausea or vomiting?

Denies chills
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is experiencing with her pain, like getting chills, details the way her individual symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Have you had chills?

Reports low energy level
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is experiencing with her pain, like fatigue, details the way her individual symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Are you fatigued?

Denies night sweats
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is experiencing with her injury, like night sweats, details the way her individual symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Have you had night sweats?

Asked review of systems for respiratory

Denies phlegm or sputum
Pro Tip: A productive asthma cough can expel sputum from the lungs. By asking whether Tina has been coughing up phlegm or sputum you are discovering the nature of Tina’s cough since exacerbation.
Example Question:
Have you been coughing anything up?

Denies sore throat, swelling, or difficulty swallowing
Pro Tip: Difficulty swallowing could indicate a more severe allergic reaction, or a physical problem with the throat.
Example Question:
Do you have any problems swallowing?

Denies nasal drainage
Pro Tip: Nasal drainage could suggest that the patient’s symptoms are caused by a viral or bacterial infection, or an allergy attack.
Example Question:
Do you have any nasal drainage?

Family History

Asked about relevant family history

Reports no recent illnesses with family members at home
Pro Tip: For people with asthma, getting sick can increase their risk for exacerbation. If Tina’s had any family members recently sick, that might have caused her recent exacerbation.
Example Question:
Has anyone at home been sick?

Reports younger sister as only family with asthma
Pro Tip: Soliciting a family history helps you to determine which, if any, conditions are inherited. In asking Tina whether anyone in her family has asthma, you’re ascertaining whether Tina’s condition is inherited.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your family have asthma?

Reports younger sister as only family member with allergies
Pro Tip: A family history of allergies is an important factor to determine whether a patient is at risk for developing allergies.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your family have allergies?

Reports no family history of eczema
Pro Tip: People with a family history of eczema are often at a higher risk of developing asthma.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your family have eczema?

Reports no family history of chronic nasal or sinus problems
Pro Tip: People with a family history of sinus problems are often at a higher risk for asthma. If Tina has a family history of sinus problems, this could suggest inherited sensitivity.
Example Question:
Do you have a family history of sinus problems?

Reports no family history of COPD or emphysema

Objective Data Collection: 5.67 of 6 (94.5%)

 Partially correct


 Inspected chest
1 of 1 point

Symmetry (1/2 point)


Appearance (1/2 point)

 No visible abnormal findings
 Rash or lesion
 AP diameter abnormal
 Intercostal retraction while breathing
 Excessive use of accessory muscles while breathing
 Pectus excavatum
 Evidence of trauma (scar, laceration, or bruising)

 Palpated chest expansion
1 of 1 point

Symmetry (1/1 point)

 Equal bilaterally
 Unequal bilaterally

 Palpated tactile fremitus
1 of 1 point

Symmetry (1/2 point)

 Equal bilaterally
 Unequal bilaterally

Vibration (1/2 point)

 Expected fremitus
 Decreased fremitus
 Absent fremitus

 Percussed chest wall
1 of 1 point

Observations (1/2 point)

 All areas resonant
 Some areas of dullness

Location (1/2 point)

 No areas of dullness
 Dullness, anterior right upper lobe
 Dullness, anterior right middle lobe
 Dullness, anterior right lower lobe
 Dullness, anterior left upper lobe
 Dullness, anterior left lower lobe
 Dullness, posterior right upper lobe
 Dullness, posterior right lower lobe
 Dullness, posterior left upper lobe
 Dullness, posterior left lower lobe

 Auscultated breath sounds
0.67 of 1 point

Breath Sounds (1/3 point)

 Present in all areas
 Diminished in some areas
 Absent in some areas

Adventitious Sounds (1/3 point)

 No adventitious sounds
 Fine crackles

Location (No point)

 All areas clear
 Adventitious sounds in anterior right upper lobe
 Adventitious sounds in anterior right middle lobe
 Adventitious sounds in anterior right lower lobe
 Adventitious sounds in anterior left upper lobe
 Adventitious sounds in anterior left lower lobe
 Adventitious sounds in posterior right upper lobe
 Adventitious sounds in posterior right lower lobe
 Adventitious sounds in posterior left upper lobe
 Adventitious sounds in posterior left lower lobe

 Auscultated for bronchophony
1 of 1 point

Bronchophony (1/1 point)


Documentation / Electronic Health Record

Document: Provider Notes

Document: Provider Notes

Student Documentation
Model Documentation

I have been having been having breathing problems and the inhaler doesnt work

Return to Canvas to complete your SOAP note for this assignment.

Ms. Jones is a 28 year pleasant female presents with chief complaint of shortness of breath (SOB) RR20, Bpm bilateral breathsounds are diminished in the lower lobes with wheezing, HR is 87 bpm with brisk capillary refil , skin is warm and dry BP 140/81. She started having shortness of breath and cough and ineffectiveness of her inhaler after the allergies were triggered by the cat at the cousins house a couple of days ago , she states her symptoms are worse at night when she lays down other known allergies includes , dust and penicillin. Patient takes proventil inhaler 90 mcg HFA 2 puffs -3 puffs every 4 hours as needed for asthma attacks, she describe the symptoms as chest tightness and poor taking in air. RIGHT HAND SPO2 P87, HR 89 LEFT HAND SPO2, P 87, HR 89 SPIROMETER FVC 3.91 L, FEV1 3.15L PROVENTIL(Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Aerosol ) FOR ORAL INHALATION WITH PROVENTIL HFA ACTUATOR ONLY 200 METERED INHALATIONS NET CONTENT 6.7g EXP 06/14*2020

Return to Canvas to complete your SOAP note for this assignment. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment


LifespanActivity Time: 21 min

Tina’s second cousin was diagnosed with asthma at age 5. What would be included in your treatment plan? What factors might concern you related to compliance?

Student Response: I would instruct Tina to have her cousin see a medical professional if she has trouble breathing for further evaluation. Since asthma is related to lower social economical status as well as exposure to specific irritants a you children and infants.factors that concern me related to compliance are are educational as welll as transportation to appointments and insurance. Younger patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma are treated with the same medications as adults, dosages are based on the weight of the child usually lower than the adult dose. Pediatric patients usually use a spacer between the inhaler and after a puff, he or she must be instructed to breathe in and out for 10 times. There is an option to use nebulizer to give the medication but for pediatric patients they are usually afraid of the nebulizer, this is less effective The provider should advise the parents to always have her carry a rescue inhale in school for sudden asthma attacks and give them a note allowing her to have an inhaler in school. The parents should be educated on the importance of having an inhaler close to her at all times to use it as needed. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment

Model Note: Younger patients with asthma are treated with the same medication as adults. Some medication dosages are based on weight. She should use an inhaler with a spacer attached for proper medication administration and her caregiver should always assist her. Studies have shown that nebulizer treatments are a less efficient way to administer medication. The provider should acknowledge that she may have an asthma attack while in school, and therefore needs a note to allow her to use it as needed. The patient and her caregiver should be educated about the importance of having her inhaler close-by and how to use it.

Consider that Tina’s uncle is now 68 years old and has smoked heavily every day since he was fifteen. What would you expect to find in his respiratory assessment? How would this affect your oxygenation goals for this patient?

Student Response:

Review QuestionsActivity Time: 11 min

If Tina had mentioned that she was just diagnosed with pneumonia, what would you have expected to find during percussion?
 Correct: Dull percussion sounds are expected over the areas of diffuse infiltrate (accumulation of fluid and by products of inflammation) in a patient with pneumonia.

Dullness (Correct Response)

If the results of Tina’s pulse oximetry had been 97%, which of the following would have been true?
 Correct: Pulse oximetry measures the percent of hemoglobin molecules that are filled with oxygen. Oxygen-saturated hemoglobin absorbs light wavelengths differently than unsaturated hemoglobin. The oximeter emits a light and reads the extent of wavelength absorption. Respiratory Shadow health Assignment

Partial pressure O2 = 97%
Unbound oxygen level = 97%
PaO2 = 97%
Arterial hemoglobin saturation = 97% (Correct Response)

Suppose that, during your lung exam on Tina, you had heard bronchial breath sounds in the left lower lung posteriorly. What would you have suspected based on this finding?

Self-ReflectionActivity Time: 12 min

After completing this Respiratory Shadow health Assignment assessment, what goals can you set for yourself for the next time you complete a similar assessment? Think about efficiency, organization, time management, and holistic care of the patient.

Student Response:

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