Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines

Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO2)
CO3: Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO3)
CO7: Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO7)

Milestone 3 is worth 200 points.
You are required to use one of the required articles from the Week 3 Milestone 1 assignment or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required article will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation.
After the due date, there will be no opportunity for revision or resubmission of assignments that have been uploaded to the submission area. It is your responsibility to submit the correct assignment to the correct submission area. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines

A tutorial with tips on completing this assignment may be viewed at to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project.
The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. to an external site.)Links to an external site. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (SSPRNBSN) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. You can access SSPRNBSN from  your Canvas course list.
The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15-20 slides; excluding the title and reference slides.
Below are the main topics or bullet points for your slides:
Title slide
Description of the Ace Star change model that you have used for this project.
Practice Issue (Using the one of the required articles)
Scope of the problem—use basic statistics from what you know of the problem in your work area.
Your team/stakeholders
Evidence to support your need for change—from your Evidence Summary
Action Plan
Timeline for the plan
The nurse’s role and responsibility in the pilot program
Procedure (what steps are to be taken to complete this change process, from start to finish?)
Forms that will be used (if applicable)
Resources available to the staff—including yourself
Citations and References must be includedto support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. Citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means choose peer-reviewed journals and credible websites. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines


Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or later.
Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be between 15-20 slidesin length (not including the title slide and reference list slides).
Submission: Submit your by 11:59 p.m. Sunday by the end of Week 6.
Late Submission: See the Policies on late submissions.
Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. to an external site.)Links to an external site. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found under your course list in the student portal. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines

Best Practices in Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation
The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

Be creative.
Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

NR451_Milestone3_2  Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Problem
Summary of change model discussed. Practice Issue is stated. Scope of the problem includes information and/or statistics as it relates to your work area and scope of problem to healthcare as a whole discussed. Team and stakeholders and their role/reason chosen is discussed as is logical.

30.0 pts
Summary of change model and Practice issue addressed. Information as it relates to work area, scope of problem to healthcare as a whole, is discussed. Team, stakeholders and role/reason chosen is discussed and is logical.
26.0 pts
One of the elements of the problem summary/practice issue listed in the first column is missing OR lacks detail.
24.0 pts
Two of the elements of the problem summary/practice issue listed in the first column are missing OR lack detail. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
11.0 pts
Three of the elements of the problem summary/practice issue listed in the first column are missing OR lack detail.
0.0 pts
None of the elements were present.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Evidence
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes of the multiple views given in the Systematic Review. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. Include the optional scholarly source if used.

35.0 pts
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes the author/s pull from the multiple articles in the approved Systematic Review. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but as an Evidence Summary synthesized into concepts discovered. (Include the optional supplemental scholarly article, if used.)
31.0 pts
Discussion of the evidence is adequately described and contains all elements in the first column.
28.0 pts
Discussion of the evidence is briefly described.
13.0 pts
Discussion of the evidence provides a minimal description OR is missing one or more elements from the first column.
0.0 pts
There is no discussion of the evidence.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Action Plan
Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical. Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.

35.0 pts
Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical. Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.
31.0 pts
Plan of action described but not all important elements included OR timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements.
28.0 pts
Plan of action and timeline are briefly described.
13.0 pts
Plan of action and timeline are minimally described.
0.0 pts
Plan of action is not present. The timeline is not present.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Nurse’s Role
The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear. Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise, from start to finish.

25.0 pts
The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear. Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise.
22.0 pts
The nurses’ role is described but not clear OR procedures are discussed but not clear.
20.0 pts
The nurses’ role and procedures are discussed but are not clear.
10.0 pts
The nurse’s roles and procedures are minimally discussed and lack detail.
0.0 pts
Nurses’ roles are absent. Procedures are absent.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Resources
Tracking process described and/or form for tracking the outcomes during pilot plan is included. Resources the nurses will need to help implement the plan are included. At least three resources are included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources the staff needs is included.

20.0 pts
Process description and/or form for tracking outcomes during pilot study is included. Resources (to help with the project) the nurses need are included. At least three resources included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources are included.
18.0 pts
Process description and/or form for tracking outcomes included. At least three resources the nurses need to help with the project are included but the resources were not the best suited resources for the project.
16.0 pts
Process description and/or form are missing 2 or more elements from the first column. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
8.0 pts
Process description and/or form are missing multiple elements from the first column and lack detail.
0.0 pts
Process description and/or form for tracking outcomes is absent. No appropriate resources are listed.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Summary
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals in terms of success.

10.0 pts
Summary slide reiterates the problem; purpose of the plan; and, measurable goals.
9.0 pts
Summary slide reiterates the problem AND purpose. Goals are stated but are not measurable.
8.0 pts
Summary slide reiterates the problem OR the purpose, but not both. Goals are stated.
4.0 pts
Summary slide reiterates the problem OR the purpose, but not both. Goals are not mentioned.
0.0 pts
Summary slide is not shown.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Presentation
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read. Speaker notes are present.

20.0 pts
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing and includes creativity. Font is easy to read. All elements addressed.
18.0 pts
Presentation is accurate and covers most elements.
16.0 pts
Presentation content is accurate and can be followed, but lacks flow and creativity.
8.0 pts
Presentation lacks organization and creativity. Is difficult to follow.
0.0 pts
Presentation lacks any attempt at organization and comes across as chaotic.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
Includes title slide. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. References are properly cited in APA within the presentation. Reference slide includes all citations. Evidence of spell and grammar check.

25.0 pts
Excellent mechanics. Includes title slide. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. References properly cited within the presentation. Reference slide includes all citations within the PowerPoint presentation. Evidence of spell and grammar check. Minimal errors in all.
22.0 pts
Good mechanics and formatting considering the elements in the first column.
20.0 pts
Fair mechanics and formatting considering the elements in the first column.
10.0 pts
Poor mechanics and formatting considering the elements in the first column.
0.0 pts
Very poor mechanics and formatting such that the presentation was difficult to follow and comprehend.

25.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0

Use speaker notes(found under the section View and “Notes” in the PowerPoint template you choose. These are for your personal use to use as a reference if you are giving your presentation to an audience and they help faculty identify what you will speak to your audience about. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
Review directions thoroughly.
Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.
Proofread prior to final submission.
Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission. Capstone Project Milestone 3 PowerPoint Project: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines

200 Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

200 Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics
You have to write a medical persuasive speech but have no idea the topic to choose. Worry not. This guide highlights the best 200 medical persuasive speech topics you can write about in your academic assignment. 200 Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics:
As a medical student, you have to write speeches regularly in college. Your professor can provide a topic or ask you to find medical persuasive speech topics to write about. Many students find it challenging to choose the best topics to grab the attention of their professors.
With this guide, you do not have to worry anymore about medical persuasive speech topics to use. Before looking at the issues, it is essential to understand the definition and the features of the best medical persuasive speech topics.
What is a medical persuasive speech?
A medical persuasive speech is a type of writing intended to convince the audience in the medical field to adopt a particular perspective. The aim is not easily attainable, and the success of the speech is measured by the capability to convince the audience to take a specific stand.
Features of good medical persuasive speech topics
In all likelihood, you could create a compelling, instructive medical persuasive speech on any topic. Finding a fascinating subject, however, that will attract a crowd and be illuminating enough to make your point is a difficult line to navigate.
Consider it similar to drafting a research report. You must establish a focus. It must be focused enough to suit a speech while allowing you to access reputable sources and relevant information.
As your audience will have to attempt to comprehend your speech if it diverges in various directions, this is also crucial for organization and structure. To determine an aspect or a perspective for your issue using the 5 Ws of a problem – solving skills, consider the following, according to Lumen Learning:

Who is affected by your topic or problem?
Why is this subject significant? What drives the exploration of it?
What is the most crucial argument or point of view?
What regions of the globe does the topic affect, or where is it located?
When was/is, this topic discussed? Is time a crucial component?


This is an essential feature of good medical persuasive speech topics. Choose a topic that is not very common to avoid the debate areas that have already been exhausted. To come up with unique issues, try researching new and trending topics.

Should be interesting

Finding good medical persuasive speech topics can be challenging since you want to be unique and engaging while providing your audience with enough information. A medical speech might quickly lose its interest or become dull.
When choosing medical persuasive speech topics, ensure you select an interesting topic for you and your audience. Consider areas that you love most in the field of medical research. Ensure that the subject is realistic in complexity and magnitude. To find an exciting topic, you should conduct thorough research and consider your audience’s preferences.

Choose a topic that appeals to your audience

When choosing a speech topic for your medical paper, keep your audience in mind. Consider the experiences and knowledge of your audience to deliver your speech effectively. Selecting appealing topics will lead to composing an excellent medical persuasive speech.


One of the most crucial characteristics of compelling medical persuasive speech topics is this. It requires ensuring that your presentation topic is appropriate for the occasion. Regardless of how entertaining the ideas for persuasive speeches could be, they must be suitable for the occasion. For instance, persuasive speech topics on diabetes might not be appropriate for an event on autism.

Use simple language

Your topic or issue must be appropriate for the listeners you are addressing. For instance, in a beginner-level lesson, you should be careful not to use too much scientific or technical jargon that your audience won’t comprehend when discussing a recent scientific discovery. Regardless of the topic, you’re writing about, the most common and fastest method of losing your audience’s interest is to employ excessive jargon or niche-specific language.
Your creative options may be severely constrained when given a specific theme. The key is in your writings and communicating when that occurs, and you’re working on a hardly engaging subject.

Get facts right

When you give a medical speech to a crowd, you assist them in learning more about a particular issue by providing details and facts about it. As a result, you must ensure the information you provide comes from dependable, accurate, and authoritative sources. Begin brainstorming and list anything you can think of that relates to your theme. Then, make an effort to address any gaps using research.
To ensure that you’re developing a unique and convincing opinion that won’t mislead anyone, adhere to textbooks, reports, research, scholarly journal articles, and other peer-reviewed resources. Verify your sources for bias.
Don’t rely on resources from a vegan blog, for instance, if you’re producing an educational speech about the effects of the meat business on the environment. Use scientific and technical studies that offer precise, verifiable information that isn’t distorted by personal prejudice or point of view.
When evaluating the integrity and dependability of a resource for persuasive essay topics medical field, use the CARS Checklist:

C – Credibility (verify the author’s background and the reliability of the sources they cite)
A – Accuracy (search for comprehensive facts and entire information, and make sure there are no gaps)
R – Reasonableness (search for a fair, valid argument that’s not opinion-biased)
S – Support (verify reader comments and any endorsements publicly disclosed by other subject-matter experts)

The best medical persuasive speech topics
Are you prepared to do this? You will get a comprehensive list of 200 subject-specific medical persuasive speech topics. These thoughtfully chosen subjects include a variety of perspectives, approaches, and contentious components.
The list of good persuasive speech topics in the medical field will provide you with opportunities to craft an engaging and original medical persuasive speech. You can use the ideas on this list as a starting point for brainstorming your speech.
Medical persuasive speech topics

Top activities to engage in to enhance the performance of your heart and brain
Diet drinks do not genuinely cause weight loss
Do cell phones have an impact on our brains?
Is biohacking healthy for you?
Mental health disorders impact the entire society
Couples’ stress levels and bad lifestyle choices are linked to infertility
Alternative medicine: Facts and fiction
Your health will be impacted by how much salt you use in your food
How can back pain be treated? several alternatives for treatment
Blood should be donated annually by everyone
Maintaining a robust immune system is essential
Obesity is a result of the food business
On the lists for organ transplants, non-smokers ought to come first
At work or school, migraines are typically disregarded
Your oral health depends on using mouthwash right after brushing your teeth

Scientific persuasive speech topics

The use of supplements needs to be monitored
The pace of change in science is unacceptably rapid
Painkiller use is unhealthy
Genetically modified foods are harmful to our health when consumed
Our physical and mental health can be improved through the ability of crystal healing
establishing regulations to govern stem cell research
How might science help people with physical disabilities live better lives?
People should rely primarily on renewable sources of energy
The most critical condition that doctors should investigate right now is cancer
How some health issues can start because of your diet
Spending money on space exploration will make human life better

 Persuasive speech topics about health

Migraine is frequently misunderstood in workplaces
We are all impacted in some manner by mental health difficulties
Programs for exchanging needles aid in limiting the transmission of blood-borne infections
Compared to typical kids, children with ADHD problems have trouble focusing on their studies
Drugs intended for broad use shouldn’t have a 20-year patent
For the nurses at many hospitals, ethical codes are essentially operating as an injustice
Speech recognition in medicine and pathological experiences
From the very start of the growth processes, parents can identify children who have hyperactivity condition

Health persuasive speech topics

Doctors constantly treat nurses as inferiors and take advantage of them on a professional level
Patients who have blood cancer are not helped by bone marrow transplantation
Veterans of war with post-traumatic stress disorder do not receive timely treatment
How giving to a local Alzheimer’s organization benefits them
Clinical psychology makes it quite simple to help a patient who is depressed get well
Organ donation should not be made on newborns without brains
Human blood has a low concentration of red blood cells, which causes fainting and early weariness.
A heart-healthy diet should be balanced and contain the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Alzheimer’s patients will benefit from research using fatal human tissue
Nurses have a societal obligation to contribute to the creation of a disease-free society
The death rate brought on by cancer-related illnesses is rising right no
Clinical psychology is a more effective treatment for half of the psychological issues than allopathy or another traditional method of treating psychological ailments.
To control the peaks of hyperactivity, caregivers of ADHD children should visit a doctor as early in the developmental stages as possible
Patients with Tourette syndrome must suffer through it; let’s assist them
Trans fats, which are present in packaged foods, should be avoided if you want to prevent heart disease permanently
How dangerous is it to use a known sperm donor?

Healthcare persuasive speech topics

Chemical drug addiction in humans can occasionally result in a person’s abrupt demise
Through counseling, you can control a person’s abuse of substances by diverting his attention away from his depressing mental state
The contraceptive pill poses risks
Obesity should indeed be attributed to the food business.
A more excellent evaluation of transgenerational techniques and approaches is required.
To protect a nurse’s human rights, the authorities should specify the maximum number of hours she can work at a particular institution
The hospital’s management fails to hire an adequate number of nurses, which leads to existing nursing staff members being overworked
Problems with self-esteem and self-acceptance result from stuttering.
Children with attention deficit disorder may exhibit behavioral alterations if their cognitive development is vital.
In pharmacies and drugstores, the daily pill must be openly prescribed
Red blood cell counts naturally increase on the highest mountain summits; they should not be mistaken for malignancy
Patients nearing death should feel free to rely on a medical hospice program.
The E Coli bacterium is not adequately explained
The heart and blood arteries are also indirectly harmed by the elevated blood sugar level
Without a prescription, The Morning-After Drug should be made available.

Medical persuasive essay topics

Does deficit hyperactivity disorder add affect certain people since childhood?
Is it possible to solely cure someone with anxiety and various phobias with medication since psychological treatment is also necessary?
An illness is a food allergy
Food allergies can cause behavior problems.
Everyone ought to give blood
Early blood cancer is complicated to identify since it causes an increase in red blood cells, which can also happen spontaneously
The best strategy to stop Oxacillin Staphylococcus aureus MRSA diseases from spreading is isolation
Even with treatment, substance abuse is a habit that is exceedingly difficult for those addicted to breaking
Everyone should donate their organs
Dental insurance is required for everyone
What options are there for medical professionals to help someone with poor cognitive development comparable to what psychological counseling can achieve?
Does deficit hyperactivity disorder (add affect certain people since childhood?
Is it possible to solely cure someone with anxiety and various phobias with medication since psychological treatment is also necessary?
An illness is a food allergy
Food allergies can cause behavior problems.
Everyone ought to give blood
Early blood cancer is complicated to identify since it causes an increase in red blood cells, which can also happen spontaneously
The best strategy to stop Oxacillin Staphylococcus aureus MRSA diseases from spreading is isolation
Even with treatment, substance abuse is a habit that is exceedingly difficult for those who are addicted to break
Everyone should donate their organs
Dental insurance is required for everyone
What options are there for medical professionals to help someone with poor cognitive development comparable to what psychological counseling can achieve?

Persuasive speech topics for medical students in nursing

Can a woman be too old to bear children?
Are air ambulance helicopters the best way to assist road accident victims?
Beauty is not a good enough justification for cosmetic plastic surgery
The amount of radiation from cell phones is hazardous
Clinical psychology can help a patient who is suffering from severe alcoholism
Children ought to come first on transplant waiting lists
The dentist is not something you can avoid by cleaning your teeth at least twice a day
Repetitive strain injuries are caused by using computers
Cancer doesn’t have unusual symptoms; instead, it exhibits them through other illnesses.
There is no quick way to lose weight with Atkins

Medical speech topic ideas about relationships

Intimacy is the secret to a long and prosperous relationship
Why you should stay with your engagement partner before marriage
Do household duties breed obedient kids?
Women are more likely than males to cheat on their partners
Why are families being torn apart by social media?
What effects domestic violence has on children?
Long-distance relationships’ effect on a young couple
Do marriages today still work?
Activities involving sports that unite a family
Counseling can help with a variety of relationship issues
The most crucial thing is to make an excellent first impression!
You can have a healthy long-distance relationship because men and women view love differently
Teenagers ought to attend sleepovers at least once every week.
Sometimes, envy is a disease
Should college students date someone, they meet online?
Why is it so difficult to leave a dishonest partner these days?
Divorce’s impacts on teenage children
Should a woman go to work or keep her kids at home?
Should you persevere in an unhealthy or abusive relationship if you respect your partner?

Interesting medical persuasive speech topics

The benefits of regular exercise
Pet ownership is essential for reducing stress and anxiety
Exercises: how important are they for someone who just had a heart attack?
Young girls should use contraceptive pills, even if their guardians are unaware.
Fast-food consumption has adverse health effects.
All passengers are kept safe by safety belts.
For those who are obese, going to the gymnasium is advised
A great way to guarantee a long and happy life is to eat a balanced diet.
Why is pornographic material terrible for a child’s developing mind?
Is it ok for doctors to recommend contraceptives to young girls?
It is practical to conduct medical research on animals
For the body to mature, getting up before sunrise is ideal.
Advantages of a universal healthcare system
Biking is a more adequate exercise than biking, jogging, or walking.
Should cell scientists treat diseases with organs from unborn infants?
Compared to other drugs, smoking tobacco has to be outlawed.
To prevent allergic reactions, eateries should include a list of all of their ingredients.
Tall people typically engage in physical activity
Do you still think free condoms should be distributed in educational facilities?
Fast food producers must make healthier foods!

Medical topics for informative speech

Why do the majority of teenagers detest doing homework?
Exchange learning opportunities have to be accessible to all students
Every teenager should study a foreign language
If your child does chores, should you pay them?
Arguments in favor of students eating freely in school
Teenage girls are more in danger than teenage boys
Why use birth control methods for adolescent girls?
Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
A lot of adolescents are fascinated with amusing videos they find online
Boys or teenage girls, who are lazier?
Music with explicit content ought to be prohibited in educational settings
To pursue their goals, should youngsters “divorce” their parents?
Teenagers who play violent video games become aggressive
Teenage girls’ experiences with rape and how it impacts their studies
Kids who have too much spare time often get into trouble
Should you permit your adolescent child to work a weekend job?
Facts that show why being famous is not fun
Sex education is a critical component of the academic program
Bullying and jokes essentially mean the same thing
The drawbacks of teaching boys and girls in different schools

Excellent medical persuasive speech topics

Controlling persistent pain in a particular location
Habit-based diet control strategies
Why do some animal species become extinct or just become endangered?
Significant chemistry developments from the 20th and 21st centuries, number
How people may help the environment by “becoming green.”
118. The adaptability of species to the threat posed by climate change and their evolutionary development
105. Environmental effects of hybrid vehicles
106. Medical marijuana’s advantages and disadvantages
Dehydration and the significance of water in our daily lives
Benefits and drawbacks of using solar or wind energy for power generation
Examine the nutritional effects of a popular diet (such as paleo, keto, or veganism) on the human body.
Long-term advantages and consequences of LASIK surgery
The risks of refined sugar, paragraph
The use of DNA testing and radiometric dating
 Aromatherapy and its applicability to science and medicine
Organic farming becomes a commodity
 Protecting the survival of the rainforests
Techniques for energy conservation that support sustainable living
 The effects of caffeine on the body (good and bad)
 Animal experimentation in academic settings

To sum up
To write a compelling medical persuasive speech, you must have a good topic. Developing an exciting topic for your medical persuasive speech may be challenging. This article has highlighted the 200 best medical persuasive speech topics you can write about.
Consider an exciting and researchable topic by looking at your interests. Use simple language to relate to your audience and ensure your issue is unique to avoid over-explored subjects.
Contact us for assistance if you still need help choosing a good topic for your medical persuasive speech. We provide academic writing help to all level students at affordable rates.

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