Discussion: Stimulus Control

Discussion: Stimulus Control
Discussion: Stimulus Control
Cooper, Heron, and Heward (2020) describe stimulus control as, “A situation in which the frequency, latency, duration, or amplitude of a behavior is altered by the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus” (p. 800). In operant conditioning, the three-term contingency refers to antecedent – behavior – consequence. To establish stimulus control, a discriminative stimulus must reliably be followed by reinforceable response, and the probability of receiving reinforcement must be greater under the presence of the SD than in its absence (Borgen, et al., 2017). Each stimulus – response – reinforcer contingency strengthens stimulus control, while each stimulus – response – no reinforcer contingency will weaken stimulus control (Borgen, et al., 2017). For example, my dog has established stimulus control over my letting him outside. He approaches me and makes a very specific sound (SD) which is followed by my opening the door (response) so he can go outside to play (reward) Discussion: Stimulus Control. The first time he made the sound, it had no effect, or control over the environment, but with repeated pairings of the SD with the desired response and reinforcement, stimulus control has been established. If I decided the sound were aversive, I could stop letting him outside when he made the noise. He would eventually stop making the noise and find a new SD to elicit his desired reinforceable response.
Borgen, J. G., Mace, F. C., Cavanaugh, B. M., Shamlian, K., Lit, K. R., Wilson, J. B., & Trauschke, S. L. (2017). A method to establish stimulus control and compliance with instructions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50(4), 830–842. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.419.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.
Discussion: Stimulus Control

Photo Credit: zenstock – stock.adobe.com

In the context of ABA, the applied behavior analyst often seeks to increase socially desirable behaviors and decrease socially undesirable behaviors. When a behavior is triggered (i.e., promoted or inhibited) by the presence or absence of some stimulus, the situation is said to have stimulus control. In operant conditioning, the stimulus control originates in something that comes before the behavior, called the antecedent. Therefore, in order to change a behavior, it is useful to understand what antecedents might promote or inhibit a behavior Discussion: Stimulus Control.
For this Discussion, you will consider examples of stimulus control in your environment, including identifying the stimuli that evoke certain desired and undesired behaviors.

To Prepare

Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media program, to gain an understanding of stimulus control. Note: It is important for you to review the media for this week prior to completing this Discussion.
Consider stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.
Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Stimulus Control Knowledge Check.”

By Day 4 of Week 10

Post what is meant by stimulus control and describe stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.
Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 10

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of what is meant by stimulus control and whether you would respond in a similar way to the stimulus.
Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments Discussion: Stimulus Control.

Stimulus control occurs when a behavior happens when a particular “stimulus” is there, and does not happen when that “stimulus” is not there (Cooper et al., 2020, p. 40). An example of stimulus control that I experience in my everyday life is traffic lights. In the presence of a red traffic light, the behavior of stopping my car by pressing on the brake is increased. In the presence of a green light, the behavior of putting my foot on the gas is increased. In the case of a yellow light, the behavior of slowing my car by taking my foot off the gas is increased. Another example of stimulus control is my phone making a noise, whether it be a notification or ring. In the case of a notification or ring, I pick up my phone to check it. In the absence of these notifications, I do not typically check my phone. Additionally, after my kids go to bed, I close doors more quietly and walk more quietly throughout the house. These quiet behaviors are increased by my children being asleep, and do not occur when they are awake.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson Discussion: Stimulus Control.

How to Write a Nursing Career Goals Essay: Topics, and Examples

How to Write a Nursing Career Goals Essay: Topics, and Examples
Nursing is a career that has recently gained popularity among college and university students. Most students are driven by different career goals that push them to pursue a career in nursing. Writing a nursing career goals essay is the first step to showcasing your dedication to pursuing this noble career.
Drafting a nursing goals essay is a task that requires diverse skills and commitment to subscribe to the program. If you are stuck on how to start a nursing goals essay, we have taken the step to help you get out of the mud in this article. You can use the guide below to reduce your migraine in writing your nursing career goals essay. 
Definition of nursing career goals essay
Nursing career goals are vital in the expert existence of a nursing practitioner. As a nursing practitioner, you may be expected to give sharp nursing career goals essay examples on how to deal with different situations. A nursing career goals essay can be defined as a well-detailed document that explains other motives that drive an individual to choose nursing as their career.
Career goals can be defined as objectives that individuals could use to succeed in their careers. Without uncertainty, a decent handle on nursing career goals will be helpful while composing a nursing career goals essay. Any genuine understudy or specialist should have intricate professional goals in a nursing essay.
The writing process must be meticulous, where it ought to mirror the target of the career goals essay. Before you begin drafting your paper, it is important to understand the various career fields for nursing practitioners. These careers can be ordered under three significant gatherings that include:
1.      Direct Patient Registered Nurse
This career way involves working at the patient’s bedside as a feature of an interdisciplinary group. The essential job of the medical caretaker involves working “actively” with patients.
2.      Indirect Patient Care Registered Nurse
This career way includes working with an interdisciplinary group of various medical services professionals, including the bedside attendant, to help with patient consideration. It emphasizes more working in managerial and the executives’ limits. Work settings for this nurse might include:

Outpatient settings
Insurance companies
Correctional healthcare facilities
Skilled nursing facilities
Community health
Physician offices

3.      Advanced Practice Registered Nursing
This is viewed as the embodiment of a nursing career. The career way goes about as a scaffold among nursing practitioners and doctors. Such medical attendants perform undeniable level obligations and manage the nursing staff. APRN areas of practice include:

Nurse anesthetist
Nurse practitioner
Clinical nurse specialist
Nurse midwife

How to develop educational goals essay for nursing
Creating reasonable goals is one of the significant areas of concern when composing an essay on nursing career goals. Likewise, there is a heap factor you ought to consider to guarantee that your goals are lined up with your scholarly and professional pursuits. It is, in this way, vital to ensure a first-class essay.
Writing future career goals in nursing essays demands a good understanding of the goal development process. Generally, when developing such goals, you should deliberate on several factors, including:
1.      Factors what drive you to pursue nursing 
A nurse is considered the first line of contact in healthcare provision and saving of life. As a nurse, you are obliged as the first person to identify any patient who may require emergency attention. Practicing nursing services is demanding in its nature of work, requires high concentration levels, and can be mentally draining practice.
This is more serious in some fields of nursing practice than others. In light of this, drafting a career goals essay for nursing graduate school requires a legitimate individual assessment to decide the explanation that draws you to practicing nursing activities. Recognizing this reason will assist you in making suitable choices to help you follow your dream. 
2.      A working environment that suits you 
This is another factor to consider when writing a nursing educational and career goals essay. It is essential to appreciate that respective nursing careers are practiced in different environments.
Other nursing careers might expect you to work from home, travel frequently and broadly, practice in well-known emergency clinics, stroll around in communities delivering healthcare, hold meetings and educative programs, or even work in educating foundations. Consequently, it is fundamental to consider the different work settings while composing your nursing targets and goals. This is key in deciding if you have the essential individual qualities and traits for working in particular conditions and nursing careers. 
3.      The community you aim at delivering healthcare services to
Close to your environment, the type of society you wish to consistently collaborates with is another significant component to consider while composing a frontier nursing goals essay. This glances at the patients, associates, and individuals you report to. Nursing careers allow you to connect easily with the patients, local area individuals, scholars, and intellectuals.
In some nursing careers, interacting with individuals, either patients or the general population, is restricted. The prerequisites to answer to your superiors vary depending on your nursing career. It would be best to comprehend where your character suits most while fostering your nursing professional goals statement.      
4.      The requisite academic qualifications 
Your academic qualifications are essential in every path you take when writing an essay on nursing career goals. All these career paths are more demanding academically than other careers. Other career paths will only require an undergraduate degree, while others require a master’s or a doctorate degree.
This places you in a position to consider factors like your age, financial capacity or plans, and other life issues like craving for additional time with family. The more specific the nursing career is, the higher the academic requests. 
How to set your nursing career goals
To develop proper examples of nursing career goals, you will be expected to have the essential objective setting information and abilities. Note that the method involved laying out attainable nursing career goal requests that you take on the SMART goals approach. The SMART goals are explained in detail below.
It is important to note that SMART is an acronym for:
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Realistic
T: Time-bound   
v  Specific
It is essential to guarantee that the goals you include in your nursing professional goals articulation are not very expansive. All nursing career goals essay examples should be presented in a way that they can be easily translated. It would be best if you comprehended that long-term goals as a nurse practitioner specifically are exposed to pessimistic impacts of progress by the change in environment and individual perspectives.
It would be best to be specific with your nursing career goals enough to avoid situations of outrageous differences. The goals ought to be just about as engaged and point by point as expected. 
v  Measurable
All nursing career goals should be quantifiable. Measurability is critical concerning how to accomplish nursing goals. This is significant in deciding on advancement in your nursing career.
This progress could be explored using different examples of nursing goals for yearly evaluation. Measurability is also essential in helping demarcate achievements that act as a source of motivation. Your nursing career goals should incorporate clear milestones that have a defined ending.  
v  Attainable
This pertains to how to achieve nursing goals. There is a significant attainability challenge, mainly when writing a long-term goals nursing essay. This is because such nursing career goals could demand tools and resources beyond the reach of the nurse.
Ensuring that your nursing goals are incognizant of required resources, including time frames, skills, and funds, is essential. This requires you to break down your goals into smaller ones, especially in incidences where the main goal is quite complex. You can begin by exploring the most appropriate examples of nursing goals for yearly evaluation.   
v  Realistic
About being realistic, you need to guarantee that every one of the examples of nursing career goals you decide to embrace is sensible concerning the setting of nursing practice. You ought to consider various elements to conclude whether your nursing career goals are reasonable. Such factors might include their degree, required abilities, existing frameworks, and individual limits.
Specifically, long-term goals for a nursing specialist can represent genuine difficulties in being practical. As a nurse, you should try to make career goals that are grounded and adjusted to the setting of nursing practice. 
v  Time-bound
Time-frame is another significant facet regarding how to accomplish nursing career goals essay. It involves joining a particular course of events to achieve your nursing career goals. Every goal should include a study of events inside which the goals are supposed to have been accomplished.
This needs you to develop various examples of nursing goals for the yearly assessment. The timetables should function as signs of progress and a wellspring of inspiration on the direction you should take as a nurse. 
Steps to take when writing career goals essay for nursing graduate school
Step 1: Planning your essay 
Before composing, begin by brainstorming your goals and what you need to achieve as a medical caretaker. This stage is tied in with gathering different ideas.
a.       Brainstorm different nursing career paths
Every registered nurse can work in a specialist’s office, clinics, schools, long-term care offices, facilities, prisons, and traveling nursing all around the United States and other foreign nations.
b.       Plan your nursing career content
After you have narrowed your ideas about your career as a nurse, it is time to plan how to get your message across. Here is a list of factors you should consider before writing your nursing education and career goals essay: 

Who is your audience? 
A list of items that interest you as a nursing student and why you find them interesting
Why did you select the nursing program that you did?
Prior preparation for becoming a good nurse
What makes you stand out?
Any medical training or patient care
What traits do you have that will make you a good nurse?
Why the nursing school should accept you as a student
What work environment do you prefer? Hectic and fast-paced? Slow and steady and quiet?

Step 2: Outlining your essay
Usually, you will start with the introduction, write the main content in your essay’s body paragraphs, and finish with a conclusion. To write an outstanding essay about nursing career goals, you can consider the following steps as your cheat sheet:

Develop eye-catching essay topics on career goals in nursing.
Draft a powerful personal statement or an introduction to hook your audience. You can make it enjoyable by writing a personal story.

Begin to draft your essay’s body by highlighting your long-term and short-term goals. You can take it further by writing about what drives you to pursue a nursing career.

Every essay has a beginning and ending, so does a nursing career goals essay. You should emphasize your discussion topic and leave an impression on your audience.

Step 3: Writing your nursing career essay 
It’s time to put your pen to work. Even if you develop a rough draft, you have to begin writing your essay. 
Ø  Title
The title of an essay is one of the essential pieces of a paper. While making your title, think about your crowd. If you decide to draft an admission essay, it is always important to understand that your crowd will be an admissions committee.
Ø  Essay introduction 
Your introduction is an essential facet of your work. To showcase your expertise, you should develop a solid personal statement. The personal statement should be a novel or recount an individual diminutive story. The presentation is where you arouse your audience’s curiosity and catch their consideration, so they need to continue to peruse.
One answer that should shine through is why you want to be a nurse. This question’s answer serves as a great transition between your career goals essay’s introduction and body.
Ø  Body of your nursing career goals essay
A nursing school essay’s body tells the nursing school administrators why they want to be a nurse and why they should select you to be a student in their program. You can incorporate a real-life story if you have one.
Long-term goals and short-term goals 
This will be the primary piece of your essay. You ought to devote most of your paper to your nursing career goals. You will have goals that you can accomplish quicker than different goals. One method for seeing it is to have momentary goals and long-term goals. Momentary goals will be goals you can accomplish in under one year, though long-term goals require a touch more determination and vision.
Presenting your short-term and nursing career goals in 5 years shows that you are aggressive and have a dream for your career. These goals should underline the effect you wish to make once you enter the nursing force. Here is a cheat sheet to introduce your goals:

State your goal clearly
Describe how this goal connects to your personal life
What motivates you to achieve this goal?
Explain your plan on how you will accomplish this goal
Write about the challenges that you may face and how you will overcome them

Examples of short-term goals 

Passing Nursing school and board certification

Taking classes to gain more certifications such as the Advanced Certified Life Support(ACLS) or Critical Care Registered Nurse(CCRN)

Taking classes to increase to improve your current knowledge. For example, EKG classes as a cardiac nurse or mother-baby classes as a labor and delivery nurse.

Improving communication skills with patients and colleagues

 Examples of long-term goals 

A relatively common career goal is advancement. If you are looking for a more challenging nursing position or getting burned out, look into becoming an educator or a family nurse practitioner.

Another good move up the nursing ladder is to obtain an administrative position. This is an excellent option if you seek to move away from the bedside. The ideal people for the jobs are nurses because they already have vast knowledge in the nursing field. 

Step 4: Conclude your essay
This part will stay with your crowd the most because it’s the last part they read. Your conclusion should comprise your strengths and accomplishments.
A phenomenal method for being unique is to give your crowd a something worth mulling over and end your essay with the accompanying:

Connect your personal experience/story with your goal of becoming a nurse
Return to the introduction for your paper to come full circle
End your essay with an intriguing question
End your essay with an impactful statement

How to answer the question “Why do you want to be a nurse?” in your essay
Frequently, a potential nursing understudy has a particular explanation far over the affection for dealing with individuals. It is typically a heartbreaking story, yet one that gives a powerful urge and drives you as a student.
Likewise, you ought to consider what you will be “dealing” with as a nurse, like blood, organic liquids, death of infants, children, teenagers, youths, grown-ups, and the elderly. Engine vehicle mishap casualties are gripping to life, sick individuals who are so debilitated they will most likely be unable to talk or continue alone, misfortune and the circle of life gone haywire.
There are also happy endings in hospitals such as: babies’ birth and parents being discharged in good conditions, patients who have gone through long periods in the emergency clinic being discharged, and careful patients who are presently not in torment leaving return home.
Other situations that can define your goals

If you have worked or volunteered in a doctor’s office or hospital, you can draw from what you observed and add any positive experiences.

If you were a patient in a hospital for at least a few days, you could again draw from that experience about how you felt as you watched the doctors and nurses take care of you and even other patients. Of course, your experience would need to be a positive one.

You can use a situation where you volunteered in a pediatric unit to read to the children. You could make sense of how that affected you and how the nursing practitioners communicated with the child.

Final remarks
Setting your goals as a nurse is the first staircase to a successful nursing career. To show case your credibility and competency, you must complete an outstanding nursing career goals essay. The above guide will help you get the flowers you deserve by writing a top-quality nursing goals essay.
If you are stuck choosing the best essay topics on career goals in nursing, you can always consult our experts. When you place your first order with us, you are guaranteed access to a free sample essay on nursing career goals. Allow our experts to mold you into the nurse you always dreamt of becoming.

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