Different Types of Research Methodologies

Different Types of Research Methodologies  
Before organizing a research project or formulating research questions, you must decide on a research methodology. There are numerous ways to categorize distinct types of research methodologies. Depending on your field and topic, you must choose a suitable methodology to define the nature of your research. Different Types of Research Methodologies:
There are both scientific and non-scientific research areas. Each type possesses unique qualities and functions. This blog explains in depth the various types of research methodologies.
Definition of research methodology
A research methodology is a plan for how to carry out certain research. It specifies the tools or procedures used to identify and analyze data on a research topic. It is also how a researcher designs a study to get reliable and trustworthy data while satisfying research objectives.
Research methods definition
Research methods are the tools used to do research. Research methods are the strategies, processes, and techniques used to acquire data or evidence for analysis to gain new knowledge or a better understanding.
Factors to consider when choosing the different types of research methodologies
Consider the following factors while selecting a research methodology:

The research objective

Consider the purpose of the research project. Researchers can better choose a methodology and research approach when they know what information they need at project completion to meet their goals.

Significance of statistics

Another consideration is whether you need concise, data-driven study results and statistical replies. Alternatively, consider whether the study questions necessitate understanding reasons, perspectives, opinions, and motivations.

Nature of the research

If the goals and objectives are exploratory, qualitative data-gathering techniques will probably be needed for the study. The research will need quantitative data-gathering methods if the aims and objectives are to measure or test something.

Sample size

How big does the sample need to be for the research questions to be answered and the goals to be met? Depending on your sample size, you may need to interview people in person for smaller samples or use online surveys for larger ones.

Time available

Consider strategies such as random or convenience sampling and instruments that enable data collection in a few days if time is limited. If additional time is available for data gathering, conducting in-person interviews and observations is possible.
Types of research methodologies
Any research employs various research methodologies, including data collecting, research structure design, data analysis, and so on. The term refers to the systematic procedure of conducting research.
The basic goal of conducting research using research methodology is to discover answers. There are various types of research methodologies used in research. Among them are the following:

Qualitative research methodology

Regardless of the facts, the qualitative research methodology is descriptive and subjective. Observation and description play a larger role in this practice. This sort of methodology seeks to examine the knowledge, attitudes, actions, and views of individuals regarding the issue of the study.
Methods such as grounded research, case study, action research, disclosure analysis, and ethnography are utilized. The qualitative research methodology is founded on the phenomenon’s quality. In qualitative approaches, data intensity, quantity, and frequency are irrelevant. It emphasizes unreliable evaluation or measurement of data.
In qualitative research, the sample size is irrelevant. It comprehends emotions, perspectives, and impressions. The efficient qualitative method is extremely targeted, adaptable, and yields rapid results. However, qualitative methodologies are susceptible to misunderstanding and misuse.

Quantitative research methodology

This research methodology evaluates the significance of the study idea. This is a numerically based systematic research process. Laboratory experiments, econometric and mathematical computations, surveys, simulations, and other methods are part of the quantitative research methodology.
In quantitative research methodology, the important factor is the measurement, quantity, or amount. The analysis and measurement of data and the interaction between variables are critical components of quantitative research techniques. It entails a quantitative study that quantifies attitude, behavior, and performance. This strategy simplifies data interpretation.
It necessitates approaches that you can apply on a greater scale. You can efficiently convert the data collected for use in quantitative research methods into graphs or charts. As a result, an interpreter will have a tough time influencing it. The data in question can be evaluated numerically using this method.
The findings of quantitative research can be evaluated and comprehended. As the name implies, the quantitative method collects and analyses data in numerical form. Adopting this type of research methodology necessitates large-scale and representative data sets. This approach is relatively costly.

Descriptive research methodology

Descriptive research methodology uses analysis to outline the characteristics of the population or issues under consideration. This descriptive methodology is more concerned with the “what” of the research topic than with the “why.”
Since the researcher has no control over the variables in this research design, they can only describe the facts as they happened or are happening. Observations, surveys, and case studies are the most common approaches used in descriptive research.
In descriptive research, you can use several variables to explain the facts. It can analyze unquantifiable themes and events, is naturally observable, and is faster than quantitative experiments.

Analytical research methodology

In analytical research methodology, the research is based on facts that have already been proven. Researchers often do more research to find more information that backs up and verifies what they already know. It also helps come up with new ideas about the research subject.
Analytical research uses small details to make hypotheses that are more likely to be true. The analytical study shows why a claim is true in this way. There are many ways to do this research, such as meta-analysis, scientific or literary trials, and finding out what the public thinks.
In this methodology, the researcher also evaluates the information critically. Depending on the study’s goal, the analytical methodology also often uses quantitative methods.

Applied research methodology

Applied research methodology employs action research that focuses on a single topic and generalizes its findings. The researcher considers the variables constant and makes predictions, making the methodology simple to locate in applied research.
Applied research aims to resolve a pressing problem affecting society or a business/industrial organization. Applied research is regarded as a non-systematic investigation. A business, government entity, or individual typically performs this study to address a specific issue.

Fundamental research methodology

The most important parts of fundamental research methodology are developing a theory and making generalizations. It tries to find facts that will be used in many different ways and add to what is already known in a certain field.
Several fields are linked together, and the goal is to figure out how to change old things or make something new. You can find a summary written in everyday language and use logical conclusions in your research. Examples of fundamental research are research on the generalization of human behaviour or pure mathematics.

Exploratory research methodology

The foundation of exploratory research methodology is theories and their explanations. Its sole purpose is to research the study questions rather than to propose concrete and conclusive solutions to existing challenges. Rather than providing clear evidence, exploratory research expands our understanding of the subject.
The structure is flawed, but the approaches provide a versatile and exploratory approach. The hypothesis is not tested, and the results are not useful to the outside world. The findings are usually on a similar topic, which aids in the improvement of the research.
Although large-sample research work can be quantitative, most exploratory research is qualitative. Due to its flexibility and open-ended nature, it is also known as interpretive research or a grounded theory method.

Conceptual research methodology

This research is about an idea or theory that is hard to explain. It is used by thinkers and philosophers who want to develop a new idea or look at what they already know differently.
Conceptual research is a method in which the research is done by looking at and making sense of the information that already exists on a given topic. It doesn’t include doing any experiments in the real world.
Famous philosophers have often used this thinking methodology to develop new ideas and insights about how the world works. It is also used to look at the ones already there from a different angle. Philosophers came up with the ideas so they could observe their surroundings and sort, study, and sum up the information they had.

Mixed-method approach methodology

The mixed method approach methodology combines quantitative and qualitative methods to provide alternative viewpoints, provide a complete picture, and present multiple findings. The quantitative methodology delivers definitive facts and data, whereas the qualitative methodology focuses on the human element.
This methodology yields intriguing outcomes since it provides precise and exploratory data.

Empirical research methodology

Empirical research is a style of research methodology that relies on verifiable data to generate findings. In other words, the evidence used in this kind of research is purely based on scientific data collection or observation methods.
Depending on the data sample, that is, numerical or non-numerical data, you can use qualitative or quantitative observation methods in empirical research. A scientific study is conducted as part of empirical research to determine the experimental probability of the research variables.

Theoretical research methodology

Theoretical research methodology, commonly referred to as pure or basic research, focuses on developing knowledge, regardless of its practical use. Here, data collecting is utilized to produce new general concepts to understand a particular topic better or solve a theoretical research question.
Results of this kind are frequently aimed toward the creation of theories. They are usually based on documentary analysis, the construction of mathematical formulas, and the reflection of high-level scholars.

Conclusive research methodology

The objective of conclusive research methodology is to answer the research question. A well-considered structure facilitates the formulation and solution of hypotheses and provides the results. Here, the results are generic.
It is essential to determine the research objectives and data requirements for this study, as conclusive research findings typically serve a particular purpose. Using a conclusive research methodology, the outcomes of exploratory studies can be confirmed and quantified.
Typically, a conclusive research methodology employs quantitative data collection and analysis techniques. Conclusive research frequently uses a deductive research strategy.
Benefits of using different types of research methodologies
Here are some advantages of using different types of research methodologies:

A topic’s critical analysis analyzes and verifies the investigation. This enables the researcher to do more accurate research on the experiment
Quantitative methods produce outcomes in the form of numerical data that you may use to further research. Without going into detail, results can be generated using numbers
Mixed methods research helps researchers escape the limits of a single methodology to define results
Genuine research supports researchers in defining the research area and expanding their understanding

In conclusion
The various types of research methodologies on this blog serve as a starting point for any student struggling with research methodologies. This blog provides a comprehensive plan that helps keep researchers on track, making the process simple, efficient, and manageable.
These types will assist you in selecting the methodology that best serves your objectives. Choosing the best research methodology and writing a research paper can be difficult. This article contains the answers to your questions regarding research methodology types.

nursing journal article critique example

nursing journal article critique example
nursing journal article critique example
1. Address the essential parts of the study addressed within the abstract. 2. What is the problem statement & significance to nursing practice? 3. What is the purpose of the study? 4. What type of research method was used? 5. Detail applications to practice & how you can incorporate this into your own practice. 6. What future studies would you recommend? I have my own research article. It is found in the Journal of Emergency Nursing,vol-46(1),51-58. Ttitle: Experiences of care in the Emergency Department among a sample of homeless male veterans: A qualitative study. nursing journal article critique example.

All sources need to be within the last 5 years. Sources should be journals or medical organization websites, no books.
Critique a Scholarly Peer-Reviewed Nursing Journal Article
Weber, J. J., Lee, R. C., & Martsolf, D. (2020). Experiences of care in the emergency department among a sample of homeless male veterans: a qualitative study. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 46(1), 51-58.
Parts of the Study Addressed in the Abstract
An abstract should be succinct and clear. Similarly, the abstract of the article is brief, concise and clear and summarizes the content of the article. An abstract should include the introduction, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. The abstract of this article has the introduction, method, results, and discussion part. The introduction part concisely introduces the study and stipulates that the purpose of the study is to present the experiences of homeless male veterans during their visits to the emergency department. The methods part indicates the study framework as grounded theory methodology while structured interviews were used to collect the data. The results section is however extremely brief and ambiguous nursing journal article critique example.  The discussion part briefly discusses the findings of the study.
The Problem Statement & Significance to Nursing Practice
The problem statement is about the homeless populations who have been a tendency of using the emergency department even for the low-acuity health issues that can be treated within other settings such as primary care settings (Weber, Lee & Martsolf, 2020). According to Chrystal et al (2015), homeless populations often face social, medical, and environmental challenges to their health. A significant number of the homeless population includes the veterans who are often visiting the community (Weber et al., 2020). This issue is important to nursing practice because homeless populations disproportionately experience medical illnesses, substance abuse, as well as mental disorders. Also, the challenges experienced by the homeless populations are further aggravated by the fact that the homeless underutilize health services with problems in accessing specialty and primary care, as well as the high number of unmet health needs. This leads to unnecessary increased utilization of visits to the emergency department (ED). Therefore, this study sought to explore the experience of homeless male veterans when they try to access care in the ED.
The Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study was to explore the experience of homeless male veterans when they try to access care in the ED (Weber et al., 2020). The purpose of the study specifies the nature of the population under study. The population being studied is homeless male veterans. Therefore, the study seeks to identify the experiences of the population under the study when they try to seek healthcare in the emergency department.
Type of Research Method
The study adopted a grounded theory methodology as the framework for the study. Grounded theory methodology includes systematic inductive techniques for carrying out qualitative researches to develop a theory (Rahman, 2017). Grounded theory methodology was suitable because it is suitable for exploring the experiences of the study participants to come up with a theory. In this study, the grounded theory methodology depended on the experiences of male homeless veterans about access to healthcare. An unstructured interview does not involve any predetermined questions even though it covers the study topic. Additionally, in unstructured interviews, open-ended questions are used and this allows in-depth exploration of the answers (Rahman, 2017). The unstructured interview was suitable for a qualitative study because the questions are very flexible and produce qualitative data using open questions. This allows collection of in-depth data and assists the researcher to get the reality of the study participant’s understanding of a situation. Additionally, unstructured interviews have higher validity because the interviewer can probe for more understanding, make inquiries, ask for clarification, and also allow study participants to steer to the interview’s direction. This indicates the suitability of using unstructured interviews to collect data (Rahman, 2017). The information from the interviews was audio-recorded and transcription was done for analysis. The grounded theory methods were further used to identify emerging codes. Data analysis for the emerging themes and codes was then performed.
The main strength of the qualitative phenomenological research design that was used in this study is that the method is flexible and therefore ensures flexibility and freedom during the interviews when investigating and exploring experiences and insights from the participants of the study. Moreover, a qualitative research design ensures that there is an in-depth collection of data on the insights, experiences, feelings, and opinions of the study subjects. Accordingly, the research design used in this article ensured that there was a deeper exploration of the experiences and insights from the male homeless veterans (Rahman, 2017).
However, there are a few limitations associated with the study methodology used in the selected article. The unstructured interviews used in phenomenological research design does not cover contextual sensitivities but only focuses on the experiences and meanings. Finally, the sample size in this study was 35; the size of the sample is relatively small and thus may limit the generalization of the findings to the general population or limit application of the findings to practice (Rahman, 2017). nursing journal article critique example
Applications to Practice & how to Incorporate Findings into Practice
The findings of this study showed that homeless populations highly seek care in the emergency department. Findings further indicate that the homeless populations often feel unrecognized and they are not shown compassion when they visit ED. The findings show that the homeless highly seek care in the ED, but that their medical needs may not be met in other healthcare settings such as primary care settings. Services provided in the EDs such as accessibility 24/7, care provision without an appointment, and treatment of acute injuries encourage higher utilization of emergency services (Moulin, et al., 2018) nursing journal article critique example. Acute injuries are common among the homeless and thus a big predictor of ED use by the homeless. However, homeless populations under-utilize health services, especially when it comes to accessing specialty and primary care. The population also has a high number of unmet health needs (Gable et al., 2018). Therefore, there is a need to implement interventions that increase awareness among the homeless populations regarding the need to seek treatment in other settings such as primary care, specialty, and ambulatory care settings. The nursing staff working in the ED need to be actively involved in educating the homeless populations regarding their health problems and alternatives to emergency department care. Besides, there is a need to address the needs of the homeless people who demonstrate repeated utilization of the emergency department. For example, the housing and nutrition needs of the homeless need to be addressed to reduce their vulnerability to illnesses and injuries (Field et al., 2019). In this regard, nurses need to act as the patient advocates and advocate for the implementation of the policies that support the provision of housing and nutrition needs of the homeless populations. nursing journal article critique example.
Recommendations for Future Studies
Homelessness significantly impacts the use of the emergency department. Homeless populations depict a high number of visits to the ED and hospitalizations, and particularly after discharge to shelters or streets.
However, there are few numbers of studies that examine the health needs and health outcomes of the homeless populations. Additionally, there are minimal clinical guidelines that cover the provision of care for homeless populations. Therefore, further research is required to comprehend the health needs of the homeless populations and to guide the care of the homeless within acute care settings nursing journal article critique example.
Moreover, the provision of care to the homeless populations in the emergency departments is complex. Moreover, it is important for the nursing staff working in the ED to be conversant with the social determinants of health as well as the special features of homelessness in their community. Therefore, further research is required to better understand the aspects and needs of the homeless population, to provide care better to this vulnerable population.
Chrystal JG, Glover DL, Young AS, Whelan F, Austin EL, Johnson NK, et al. (2015) Experience of Primary Care among Homeless Individuals with Mental Health Conditions. PLoS ONE, 10(2): e0117395. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0117395.
Field, H., Hudson, B., Hewett, N. et al. (2019). Secondary care usage and characteristics of hospital inpatients referred to a UK homeless health team: a retrospective service evaluation. BMC Health Serv Res, 19(857).
Gable, A. R., Der-Martirosian, C., & Dobalian, A. (2018). Access to Care for Homeless Veterans During Disasters. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 9, 2150132718815382. https://doi.org/10.1177/2150132718815382.
Moulin, A., Evans, E. J., Xing, G., & Melnikow, J. (2018). Substance use, homelessness, mental illness, and Medicaid coverage: a set-up for high emergency department utilization. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 19(6), 902.
Rahman S. (2017). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Language “Testing and Assessment” Research: A Literature Review. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(1).
Weber, J. J., Lee, R. C., & Martsolf, D. (2020). Experiences of care in the emergency department among a sample of homeless male veterans: a qualitative study. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 46(1), 51-58. nursing journal article critique example

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