Nursing Papers Examples
Are you a nursing student who occasionally struggles with nursing papers, you’ve come to the perfect place? We will provide you with quality and affordable custom nursing papers. There’s no reason to remain awake all night anymore! Get some rest, and your nursing papers examples will be ready for you when you wake up in the morning.
Types of nursing assignments
There are tons of nursing papers examples that you will be required to write during your nursing years. Always read and understand your professor’s instructions, as they could be different. Here are examples of academic writing in nursing:
Journal Entries Help
You will be required to utilize journals as a means of introspection in face-to-face and virtual educational settings. The goal of journal entries is to encourage student participation by prompting them to reflect on the topic and respond with their questions, analogies, insights, critiques, guesses, and preliminary conclusions as they write.
We have experts to help you with your journal entry assignments. Simply sign up and place your order now!
Discussion Posts Help
Discussion posts are nursing papers examples typical for students to engage actively in an online course. Therefore, posting responses to readings is an excellent method to indicate that you have read and understood the material for the course. Discussion postings should be as cohesive and scholarly in style as an essay, despite typically being shorter and more focused.
We have experts that are happy to help you with your discussion help. Should you want to work with a certain writer on your discussion posts, feel free to make that request.
Literature Reviews Help
A literature review systematically analyses previously published materials in a field or subject area. The purpose of a literature review is to provide context for the study being presented, to show familiarity with the area’s state, or both. This evaluation might be a stand-alone class assignment or a chapter of a larger capstone project. Keep reading for advice on how to craft a complete literature review.
We have literature review experts that are happy to help you with the literature review. All our papers are unique and of the highest quality.
Executive Summaries Help
Some government and corporate documents have executive summaries. When instructed to do so, it is your responsibility as a student to write an executive summary. An executive summary is a condensed, thorough analysis of a longer piece of writing.
We have experts ready to help you with your executive summaries. Do you want to work with a certain writer on your executive summaries, feel free to make that request?
Annotated Bibliographies Help
Another type of nursing papers examples is annotated bibliography. A bibliography with annotations is called an annotated bibliography. Various notes, remarks, or criticisms are grouped to form an annotation. A bibliography is a list of sources that can be used to learn more about the topic.
An annotated bibliography is a list of references that provides additional information about each source, such as an overview, criticism, or practical application. We have annotated bibliographies experts who are happy to help you with your annotated bibliographies. feel free to sign up and place your order now!
Nursing Essay Topics
Before you deliver deeper into our nursing essay writing services, here are nursing essay topics you can use.

Management of pain in terminally ill cancer patients Age-related fall prevention exercises evaluating the standard of outpatient care
Cognitive hypnotherapy for the management of psychosomatically-based pain
Vaccination & Autism
Non-pharmacological therapy strategies for ADHD
Gender disparity in the profession: causes and strategies for addressing the problem
Women’s health and physical autonomy: gynecological care ethics
Plans of care for individuals with sensory system alterations
Aspects Psychological of Infant Care
Sexual health and difficulties in older adults
The United States’ mental health treatment and policies
The morality of fertility treatments
Speech Disorder Treatment
Nursing shortages and potential remedies Palliative and Geriatric Care
Resistance to antibiotics in Preschool Children
Seizures Causes in Infants
ADHD Causes and Therapy
Use of ethical limitations on people with severe mental health problems
Environmental influences on aging and loss in functional capacity Importance of the vaccination for the elderly
Gender dynamics in the command structure: ethical dilemmas
Obesity in Children & Healthy Eating
Impact of Eating Disorders and Social Media
Ethical concerns with gender and patient identity Implicit bias: race and culture in relations between nurses and patients
Leadership styles in emergency room administration
The negative impact of understaffing on nurses and patient care quality
Methods of decreasing PTSD Genetic determinants of schizophrenia
Care for the elderly obstacles and techniques for overcoming them
The nurse’s role in planning care for terminally sick patients
Bipolar personality disorder and epigenetic variables
COVID-19 co-infections in the elderly
Patient Security and Morality
Care for the homeless: ethical considerations
Education’s importance in nurse leadership
Inter-departmental collaboration to offer coverage during crisis situations
The significance of the chain of command for care efficiency
The emergence of technologically advanced tools for home patient monitoring
Pathways from registered nurse to physician
Plans of care and family education for Alzheimer’s patients Risk factors for anorexia nervosa in adolescents
Emotional assistance for survivors of sexual abuse
Topics in Nursing Leadership Contributing factors to burnout and the choice to leave the field, as well as methods to mitigate them
Challenges in communication when caring for patients with ASD
A self-reflection essay about leadership qualities in the nursing industry
HRM concerns, as illustrated by your clinic
Strategies to aid the emotionally coping of the terminally ill
Respecting patient’s boundaries and communicating effectively
The ethics of elderly care
How to spot symptoms and assist victims of domestic abuse
The moral basis for nursing uniforms and dress codes
Ethics of patient data collecting and administration
Ethical complications of euthanasia
Youth Medicine Practices
Ways to foster and improve teamwork in healthcare
Strategies for the treatment of persons with significant cognitive impairment
Pediatric Care Morality

Best nursing essay writing service
Do you want to boost your grades or do you have a nursing essay due soon and don’t even know what to look or where to look? Do not fret! You are in the hands of the experts in the nursing field. We have a team of experienced nursing essay writers who understands what it takes to write top-quality nursing papers examples.
You will save yourself a lot of time and stress by assigning your assignment to an expert. You don’t have to spend sleepless nights when you can get expert help. It is 2022. You need to work smarter and not harder.
Professional nursing essay writing service
Our team is the talk of the town. We have compiled a team of native English nursing essay writers ready to devour any nursing papers examples you need us to. Our nursing essay writers have been writing for more than a decade now, and you are guaranteed nothing but success.
We have a stringent hiring process that ensures that we only hire the best of the best writers. Our hiring process involves several stages, plus a training process that ensures that we will consistently deliver quality papers.
When you request nursing essay help, free nursing essays, or any nursing assignment help, you can have a chat with your writer to be sure. You can always ask our customer support team to select a writer if you don’t know who to choose. Our staff will assign you the most qualified writer available to help you in a few seconds.
Get your nursing papers to help
Your college life was meant to be fun? You deserve to watch that movie and go to that concert. At, we are an essay writing website where you can come to us and request help with your nursing papers. We have helped take the stress off tons of students and can do the same for your assignments.
No matter your deadline, we guarantee you to deliver top-quality papers. Our writers have been doing this for years; they know the sources and how to structure arguments that will earn you the desired grade. We will write you an outstanding paper and consistently deliver the deadline in as few as three hours. Don’t let another complicated nursing assignment kill your creativity. Get nursing practice essay help from experts today.
Buy Nursing papers from us today
Imagine trying to juggle school, social life work, and hospital sessions. You don’t deserve such a hard life. You will burn yourself out and end up performing poorly at almost everything. But it would be best if you weren’t alone in this. You can always choose the more accessible and safer option.
Choosing to buy nursing papers at is worth your while. We will save you a lot of trouble. You all need to decide which task you need help with and assign them to us. We will delegate your assignments to the best writers available to help you with nursing papers examples.

John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data
John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data
Objective Data Collection: 26.05 of 27 (96.48%)

 Partially correct


 Assessed Vitals
0.8 of 1 point

Temperature (1/5 point)


Blood Pressure (No point)


Heart Rate (1/5 point)

John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

Respiratory Rate (1/5 point)



O2 Saturation (1/5 point)


 Inspected Legs
1 of 1 point

Right: Edema (1/2 point)

 No edema

Left: Edema (1/2 point)

 No edema

 Auscultated Carotid Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right (1/2 point)

 No bruit

Left (1/2 point)

 No bruit

 Auscultated Breath Sounds
0.5 of 1 point

Breath Sounds (No point)

 Clear in all areas
 Diminished in some areas
 Absent in some areas

Adventitious Sounds (1/2 point)

 No adventitious sounds
 Fine crackles

 Auscultated Heart Sounds
1 of 1 point

Heart Sounds (1/3 point)

 S1 and S2 audible
 S1, S2, and S3 audible
 S1, S2, and S4 audible
 S1, S2, S3, and S4 audible

Extra Heart Sounds (1/3 point)

 No extra sounds
 Friction rub
 Valve clicks

Rate And Rhythm (1/3 point)

 Regular rate and rhythm
 Irregular rate

 Palpated Carotid Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Radial Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Brachial Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Femoral Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Popliteal Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Tibial Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

 Palpated Dorsalis Pedis Arteries
1 of 1 point

Right: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Right: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse

Left: Vibration (1/4 point)

 No Thrill

Left: Amplitude (1/4 point)

 0 Absent
 1+ Diminished or barely palpable
 2+ Expected
 3+ Increased
 4+ Bounding pulse
John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

 Performed EKG
1 of 1 point

Sinus Rhythm (1/2 point)


St Changes (1/2 point)

 No ST changes present
 ST changes present

 Assessed Labs
1 of 1 point

Drug Screen Results (1/2 point)

 Positive for substances
 Negative for substances

Thyroid Function Tests (1/2 point)

 Both levels within normal ranges
 Thyroxine-binding globulin elevated
 Thyroxine-binding globulin low
 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) elevated
 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) low

 Assessed General Appearance
0.75 of 1 point

Eye Contact (1/4 point)

 Direct eye contact
 Indirect or no eye contact

Posture (No point)

 Upright posture without tension or rigidity
 Bent or hunched posture, tension, or rigidity

Clothing (1/4 point)

 Clean clothing, appropriate to age, fit, season, and occasion
 Dirty, disheveled, or inappropriate to age, fit, season, or occasion
John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

Grooming (1/4 point)

 Demonstrates an appropriate level of grooming
 Signs indicating lack of grooming or self-care

 Assessed Attitude Toward Medical Staff
1 of 1 point

Attitude Toward Medical Staff (1/1 point)

 Generally open and cooperative
 Generally suspicious, guarded, or evasive

 Assessed Speech
1 of 1 point

Rate (1/3 point)

 Demonstrates appropriate or expected rate of speech
 Excessively slow or rapid rate of speech

Volume (1/3 point)

 Demonstrates appropriate or expected speech volume
 Excessively loud or soft speech volume

Articulation (1/3 point)

 No appreciable issues with articulation
 Issues with articulation, slurring, or stutters

 Assessed Mood and Affect
1 of 1 point

Mood (1/2 point)

 Stable mood with little or no fluctuation throughout the interview
 Frequent and appreciable mood changes throughout the interview

Affect (1/2 point)

 Full or balanced (normal)
 Expansive affect (excessively cheerful affect characterized by contagious laughter or smiling)
 Blunted or flat affect (little to no variation of expression regardless of conversation topic)

 Assessed Thought Process
1 of 1 point

Thought Process (1/1 point)

 No presence of thought process disturbances
 Presence of rapid thinking, disorganized or illogical flow of thought, “word salad,” neologisms, echolalia, or clanging associations
John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

 Assessed Thought Content
1 of 1 point

Thought Content (1/2 point)

 No presence of thought content disturbances
 Presence of delusions, obsessive or intrusive thoughts, or suicidal or homicidal ideation

Perceptual Disturbances (1/2 point)

 No presence of perceptual disturbances
 Presence of auditory or visual hallucinations

 Confirmed Orientation
1 of 1 point

To Person (1/4 point)

 Oriented to person
 Not oriented to person

To Place (1/4 point)

 Oriented to place
 Not oriented to place

To Time (1/4 point)

 Oriented to time
 Not oriented to time

To Situation (1/4 point)

 Oriented to situation
 Not oriented to situation

 Assessed Serial Sevens
1 of 1 point

Serial Sevens (1/1 point)

 Able to complete the series
 Unable to complete the series

 Assessed Abstract Thinking
1 of 1 point

Abstract Thinking (1/1 point)

 Demonstrates abstract thinking with similarities test
 Demonstrates concrete thinking with similarities test

 Assessed Memory
1 of 1 point

Memory (1/1 point)

 Remote and immediate memory intact
 Remote or immediate memory not intact

 Assessed Visuospatial Ability
1 of 1 point

Visuospatial Ability (1/1 point)

 Visuospatial ability intact for interlocking shapes test
 Visuospatial ability impaired with interlocking shapes test

 Assessed Insight
1 of 1 point

Insight (1/1 point)

 Demonstrates full awareness of illness and willingness to seek treatment
 Demonstrates limited or no awareness of illness and/or is unwilling to seek treatment

 Assessed Judgment
1 of 1 point

Judgment (1/1 point)

 Demonstrates good judgment
 Judgment poor or impaired judgment
John Larsen Anxiety shadow health Objective Data

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